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  1. #1
    Tom Mcdonald's Avatar
    Tom Mcdonald Guest

  2. #2
    Bob Spermo's Avatar
    Bob Spermo Guest

    Default Re: BPI Energy audits


    I am a BPI and RESNET Certified Rater/Auditor in south Texas. I also teach a BPI and RESNET HERS Rater course that gets the training required for both certifications. If Home Star passes BPI will be more profitiable than it is today. My RESNET HERS Rating is more profitable because it allows me to do Energy Star Certs for new construction.

    Energy audits in south Texas are not very lucrative (electricity is too cheap). You can do audits for organizations that are getting Federal/state money for weatherizations but they do not pay very much (at least in south Texas).

    If you want to discuss it more give me a call 210 385-1209.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: BPI Energy audits

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Mcdonald View Post
    Is anyone performing bpi energy audits? With all this federal money coming for homeowners is this the time to get into this.
    About the only folks that are making and will make any money will be those who are doing the training, selling the testing equipment and performing the repairs. The inspectors are way down on the food chain! In my area the local utility company will do an audit for free!

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN


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