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  1. #1
    Catherine Newberry's Avatar
    Catherine Newberry Guest

    Default Cold weather roof installation-some edges curling

    I recently had my roof replaced with architectural shingles (early November) and I have noticed some of the shingles are lifting/curling up at the edges. I live in Michigan so I know they have not completely sealed yet as we have not had warm sunny days since they were installed.

    Once the shingles have curled up like that, will they ever lay back down once the weather warms up? I am getting conflicting information.

    Photos to follow....

    Crawl Space Creeper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Cold weather roof installation-some edges curling

    call the manufacturer, that would be best line prior to talking with the roofer.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Windsor Ontario

    Default Re: Cold weather roof installation-some edges curling

    Were the old layers of shingles removed? It's common for the new layer to telegraph the shape of the old shingles below, if they were not removed.

    If they were removed, it's simply likely that the overlap of each row and recent high winds may have lifted the shingles. Typically in hot weather they will seal to the shingle below.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Lake Barrington, IL

    Default Re: Cold weather roof installation-some edges curling

    Quote Originally Posted by Catherine Newberry View Post
    Once the shingles have curled up like that, will they ever lay back down once the weather warms up? I am getting conflicting information.
    The question may become will the shingle adhesive become contaminated with airborne debris to the point nothing sticks to it. Manufacturers usually specify the minimum exterior temperature for installation. Your don't want the warranty voided due to improper installation.

    Eric Barker, ACI
    Lake Barrington, IL

  5. #5
    Catherine Newberry's Avatar
    Catherine Newberry Guest

    Default Re: Cold weather roof installation-some edges curling

    Thank you for the replies.

    Yes, the old shingles were removed. The roofer says CertainTeed told them they can apply the shingles in this weather. They are still roofing even now. It was about 45 when they did mine but we haven't had much sun here in Michigan and it got pretty cold after that.

    They are telling me we need two weeks of 75 degree weather to lay completely flat but they will once that happens. I guess I have to wait it out and see.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Spring City/Surrounding Philadelphia area

    Default Re: Cold weather roof installation-some edges curling

    Sounds consistent with what I've heard about and seen of roof installations done in colder weather. The shingles just don't lay flat until they heat up enough from sunlight and higher ambient air temperatures. But like the other guys said, check with the shingle manufacturer and ensure the roof was installed in a manner that is consistent with what the warranty calls for.

    "It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Cold weather roof installation-some edges curling

    Quote Originally Posted by Claude Lawrenson View Post
    Were the old layers of shingles removed? It's common for the new layer to telegraph the shape of the old shingles below, if they were not removed.

    If they were removed, it's simply likely that the overlap of each row and recent high winds may have lifted the shingles. Typically in hot weather they will seal to the shingle below.
    Good day Claude.
    Hope all is well.

    Asphalt shingle storage, handling and installations errors can contribute to any decreased longevity and appearance of a roof.

    Recommend: Informing the installer and calling the manufacture to send over a representative.
    The are class action suites on going with IKO,

    Here are other suits that I do not think effect you personally Catherine.
    BP Organic shingles is settled.
    Certain Teed have several types.


    Links...Michigan residents file class action lawsuit against IKO Shingles | Frequently Asked Questions |
    CertainTeed Roofing Shingles Class Action | Product Liability Class Action & Product Liability Claims Quebec City

    Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
    Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
    Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Cold weather roof installation-some edges curling

    Quote Originally Posted by Catherine Newberry View Post
    Once the shingles have curled up like that, will they ever lay back down once the weather warms up? I am getting conflicting information.

    Photos to follow....
    Catherine, I have a prior background in roofing application/installations. Many facets.
    Not only asphalt / fibreglass / organic shingles.
    I will make several points.

    You say you installed architectural shingles.
    a. This type of shingle is not one strip of woven fibreglass but 2 bonded together

    architectural shingle.GIF

    b. These shingle have weight! They lay down flat!
    Shipping, storage or improper installations can affect shingles.

    Could you explain the narrative "curling up like that."
    Asphalt shingle do not curl unless there is a deficiency/defect.

    Take a photo of the curled shingles with a good camera.
    Take any images in incremental close ups please.
    Start with no zoom and work your way into the curled shingles.

    I will look at them and express an opinion.

    Best regards.
    Robert Young

    Last edited by ROBERT YOUNG; 12-15-2014 at 11:35 AM. Reason: adding
    Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
    Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
    Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”


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