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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default Brick pillars cracked and separating from porch

    I have a house that the brick pillar is separating 3/4" from siding on the porch. Siding is plumb and lower portion of the colum is plumb. The upper portion of the column has major movement and separation from house. My question is how to report this and does anyone know what may have caused this.
    I have pics but don't see a place to post them.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: Brick pillars cracked and separating from porch

    Quote Originally Posted by Randal Fry View Post
    I have a house that the brick pillar is separating 3/4" from siding on the porch. Siding is plumb and lower portion of the colum is plumb. The upper portion of the column has major movement and separation from house. My question is how to report this and does anyone know what may have caused this.
    I have pics but don't see a place to post them.

    Masonry pillar at front porch is out of plumb and pulling away from the house. Further investigation by a structural engineer or other qualified professional is required to ascertain cause and repair before close of title. Implications - Failure of column, danger to residents/guests, damage to structure and finishes.

    As to cause - failure of materials, footing, loading, insufficient size, amateur work..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Brick pillars cracked and separating from porch

    Usually that type of pillar, masonry piers or column is to support the structural roof load above.
    3/4" of a inch is not that much deviation IMO.

    As for why the masonry / mortar components are degrading?
    Head, bed and butt joint erosion is caused by water infiltration, live loading / vibration, and time itself.
    A bad mortar batch usually speeds things up from the start.

    What is above the piers or columns. Rafters, a roof, or a porch?

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    Try it. Take your time.

    Show us what the columns are supporting please.
    If you can get an image of the masonry, I will try to provide some assistance, as will the other members.

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