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  1. #1
    Dwayne Leismer's Avatar
    Dwayne Leismer Guest

    Default Are Weep Screeds Needed?

    There is a new build with real Stucco such that there are a couple of overhangs that form a 90 degree corner, stucco to stucco, with no drainage. The length is about 10 feet across. Otherwise all verticle walls have proper drainage.

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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Are Weep Screeds Needed?

    (underlining a few critical bits of information)
    Quote Originally Posted by Dwayne Leismer View Post
    There is a new build with real Stucco such that there are a couple of overhangs that form a 90 degree corner, stucco to stucco, with no drainage. The length is about 10 feet across. Otherwise all verticle walls have proper drainage.
    Sounds like they used corner bead for the corner, and if they used corner bead and installed it correctly, then that will allow for drainage. The "and installed it correctly" part means the paper backed-metal lath and the WRB drainage plane behind it both come down the vertical side and wrap around the bottom 'over' the bottom paper-backed metal lath and WRB.

    That will create a drainage plane and allowed water to weep out through the bottom of that corner.

    If they ran 'J' ground along the bottom of the corner, then, no, that would not create a drainage plane, however, it would also not allow "stucco to stucco" as you stated there was.

    If they did not use corner beads/grounds, then it was not done correctly as they should have used those accessories.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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