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Thread: How to test for chinese drywall
03-26-2009, 02:50 PM #1
How to test for chinese drywall
OK I understand that some way's to test for this Chinese drywall is to check inside electrical outlets, to look inside the attic to look for manufactures name on the top of the drywall, and to check the A/C unit. Is there any other ways as home inspectors that we can offer clients to test for this garbage?
Looking for help in south Florida!!!!
Similar Threads:Last edited by Mark Beckerman; 03-26-2009 at 07:10 PM.
03-26-2009, 04:11 PM #2
Re: How to teat for chinese drywall
That's dlywall, or sheetlock you are talking about light?
03-26-2009, 06:53 PM #3
Re: How to teat for chinese drywall
We (apparently) don't have it in my state, but I'd suggest if you can't see the back side of the drywall in a return air or similar area that you should go in the attic and pull/rake away some insulation and look for the mfr's markings on the back of the material.
If it says Knauf...
Oh yeah, I assume you meant to ask "How to TEST for Chinese drywall"
03-26-2009, 07:11 PM #4
Re: How to teat for chinese drywall
Yes I did mean TEST sorry for the typo
03-26-2009, 07:44 PM #5
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
As I understand it, the best way to tell is to look for the name on the back side along the edges.
Of course, after installation, that is rather difficult.
Here is an easy solution, and it beats the cost of testing hands down: measure up about 49" above the floor, that should be the horizontal joint between the sheets, cut out a peice about 6" above and 6" below that height, for about 4 feet, that should give enough edge to find the name.
Repairing drywall is cheap and easy, and if the piece comes out in one piece as it should, that same piece can be put back in and patched around. Of course, if it is Chinese drywall, put it back in temporarily, but why patch it? All of the drywall may end up getting ripped out anyway.
03-27-2009, 06:00 AM #6
Re: How to teat for chinese drywall
Here is something I found while googlin around.
Chinese Drywall Test Kit
You could suggest it to your client and let them use the test.
I didn't google too long so you may be able to find a cheaper test kit somewhere.
03-27-2009, 06:41 AM #7
Re: How to teat for chinese drywall
Hi Guys
take a look at Home Page Associated Environmental Consulting Group - Indoor Air Quality Experts and Mold Inspection Services
we are setting a field method for sulfide test and in our granite lab..
More to come
Associated Radon Services | Certified Radon Analytical Laboratory | Radon From Granite Testing | Radon Testing | Apartment Radon Testing Specialists | Building Material Radon Emanation and Soil Radium testing | Radium-226 | condo radon testing | e-pe
Associated Environmental Consulting Group - Indoor Air Quality Experts and Mold Inspection Services
Willial Levy
03-27-2009, 11:52 PM #8
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
I’ve read somewhere that testing only ‘some’ of the drywall or ripping only ‘some’ out to look for the name is not necessarily effective, since many builders will purchase drywall from several sources – meaning that any single house may contain more than one ‘type’ of drywall in it (you may end up testing or ripping out only ‘good’ drywall).
The article also stated that as few as three sheets could be enough to affect an entire home and that tearing out all of the drywall and replacing it may not be enough to solve the effects since the chemical corrosion has already taken place, which means it will continue corroding metal components – wiring, plumbing, structural components like joist hangars and nails (even galvanized), still, after the drywall has been removed. As a result, the article suggested that the only true solution is to bulldoze any houses proven to contain Chinese drywall (signs of corroded wiring, rotten egg smell, sick occupants, etc).
If I come across the article again I’ll post it here. . . .
03-28-2009, 06:31 AM #9
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Hi Here is the correct URL for Home Page
the full doc of consultants analysis is here:
Imported Drywall
here is a power point on the subject from the state:
Copper corrosion associated with imported drywall presentation
Associated Radon Services
Associated Radon Services | Certified Radon Analytical Laboratory | Radon From Granite Testing | Radon Testing | Apartment Radon Testing Specialists | Building Material Radon Emanation and Soil Radium testing | Radium-226 | condo radon testing | e-pe
Bill Levy
03-28-2009, 08:48 AM #10
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
The reason the government doesn't jump on the Chinese is simple... they buy our debt and without them our government can't sell bonds....let's hope they don't decide to call in the markers they already have.... were screwed if they do...b
03-28-2009, 08:57 AM #11
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
It's true but sad.
Money is evil!
The Chinese own both the U.S. and Canada governments - very frightening. . .
04-19-2009, 01:05 PM #12
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
The Chinese also control both ends of the Panama Canal.
( this reply was mostly to make Brians "post something" thingy go away)
04-19-2009, 02:11 PM #13
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
The part about builders buying rock from more than one supplier for one house in extremely unlikely. When they order from x and they do not have enough rock for that one home then they will just call someone else to get the delivery in one load.
As far as having to buldoze homes that is also extremely unlikely or necessary. There are folks living in homes right now that have the particular product where there is no egg smell and no corrosion of copper or metalic products.
As far as not buying products made in China. Seriously, there is more than likely something in everything you buy that is made in China. Not to mention after Obama is done china will own all the debt in this country and then it will all be made in China.
The banks are coming back in droves to pay money back that the Feds lterally forced on them. Now the problem is that even if they pay the money back it appears the Feds will still have partial control over them. Taking that money was tantamount to signing a conrete on *we now own you*
The most outrageous mass gov spending throughout all of history and the dems are still chomping at the bit to give more money out to every freaking program they have wanted to in decades but could never pull it off.
There is such a thing as keeping some major large corps heads above water but then you have the massive rest of it literaly getting thrown at states and some goveners trying as hard as they can to refuse it and throw it back before they get brought down with it.
Don't buy from China. Absolutely impossible at this time.
04-19-2009, 08:41 PM #14
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
I realize that it is truly impossible for anyone in North America to 'boycott' Chinese products by choosing not to buy Chinese - since nearly everything that is on the shelves is made in China. I also know that our governments will never (at least no time soon) stop importing Chinese goods. We're in a catch 22 situation - a vicious circle. Along the lines of your comments; they 'own' us, but it's sad. Not only that; but there are enough people around who will save a buck regardless of the consequences.
Chinese goods, far too often, contain toxic or poisonous materials and have killed and sickened North Americans. It's a fact. . . and it will continue to happen; all for the sake of the all mighty dollar. It all boils down to money - the need the greed and the corruption. It's as simple as that.
04-20-2009, 02:00 AM #15
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
They send their dangerous products out of their country.
But then again maybe they are slanted because of their products.
I heard even the womens "you know what" is slanted.
04-20-2009, 05:43 AM #16
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Hi All
Our lab and field tests so far are not reliable enough... many false negatves ..but we are looking to refine it but the material is extremly variable in content and density !
take a look at Home Page for updates.
William Levy
Associated Radon Services
Associated Radon Services | Certified Radon Analytical Laboratory | Radon From Granite Testing | Radon Testing | Apartment Radon Testing Specialists | Building Material Radon Emanation and Soil Radium testing | Radium-226 | condo radon testing | e-pe
04-20-2009, 06:12 AM #17
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
If the new administration here in the U.S. is going to do anything productive, it should ban all Chinese imports until strict verification processes (product assurances) are in place. Instead, we are over there catering to them for the sake of GDP numbers (money). What good is trade balance when what we bring into our economy (through prostituting this Christian country) when the money gained will need to be redistributed to health care professional, attorney's, (much of which will end up back in the Chinese and other economies) etc. We could greatly affect the imbalance by restricting the import of unverified products. It does not help the common citizen to any measurable degree. What we can measure is the disruption it causes in maintaining peace of mind, knowing our families are safe. I feel The United States is in the back pocket of the Chinese government at the expense of citizens of this great country. America would have to do without some things for a while. That is my PIECE of mind.
04-20-2009, 07:28 AM #18
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
When one doesn't post for a while a message appears telling him so. I have followed the site from the beginning and still, on occasion get info that starts me off to finding new and valuable service information for my Clients.
However, I have stopped posting (and reading) very often because the ratio of persons willing to be publicly ignorant exceeds my willingness to sift through the **** to get to the pony.
Ted- Democrats are not responsible for all the ills of mankind. Economics is a complicated subject. Quit spitting out second hand rhetoric and change personal habits to help affect positive changes.
Damon- I am married to an Asian woman. You are not worthy to look at her, much less make some racist statement about an entire group. Keep your ignorant ass opinions to yourself.
Mark- Our founders went to a great deal of effort specifically so that we would NOT have a CHRISTIAN or any other specific religious affiliation. A whole lot of guys have risked our asses protecting your right to worship, or not worship, as you please.
This blog is a noble effort. However, life's too short to get this pissed this often. Political ignorance is an American birthright. Racism, xenophobia, and ethnocentrism have no role at an Inspector's site. I'll get my information elsewhere. I'll be dis enrolling as soon as I post this.
The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
- Paul Fix
04-20-2009, 08:02 AM #19
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
Not sure where YOU LIVE, but, here in THIS COUNTRY - the USA - there is a thing called *separation of church and state* and *freedom of religion*, therefore this *IS NOT* a "Christian country", this is a country where one is free to believe in what they wish to believe in.
If you want to promote and discuss your christain speak, do so on another forum. Try the ones which promote bigotry, they say they are christian too ...
Last edited by Jerry Peck; 04-20-2009 at 09:35 AM. Reason: speelin'
04-20-2009, 09:12 AM #20
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
This is America, where we are free to post ignorant ass opinions.
Maybe you should not only follow your own advice and move from reading here, but also move to another country.
04-20-2009, 10:32 AM #21
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Do you just hate the world or what. I did not mention anything that was not true. If in fact you have read other posts of mine you would have knowthat I put the blame evenly not just to Dems and Repubs but I put the blame world wide.
To bad you are not listening now because I would tell you that you appear to have some serious hang ups with just about everything. Folks give an opinion and it does nmot match yours so you take your balls and roll home.
Thats a shame really. You don't post but just check in from time to time. Well what the hell were you doing that for if you were already so disgusted. Seems to me you were on the look out for anything that you did not like so you could chime in, voice your opinion (like everyone else does) and then insult about as many as you could before you went and hid behind the trees so no one would see you. Butr of course you are not reading this because you ran and hid and we will never see a responce or opinion because you are afraid someone might differ from you.
Just me spitting out second hand rhetoric and not trying to change personal habits to not help affect positive changes.
04-20-2009, 10:41 AM #22
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
Trying to figure out if you are flaming on those purporting that this country is christan or if you are flaming on those reminding all that this great country IS NOT christan but is a mix of all beliefs, which includes the belief to not believe.
I do know that you certainly fulfilled the first statement in your post to a tee.
Now, if only you would share which way it was directed to ...
04-20-2009, 10:51 AM #23
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Just to make certain we are factual here, there is absolutely nothing in the United States Constitution, or any state constitution, referring a separation of church and state. Take a look. It is not there. You will find, however, references to God.
Randall Aldering GHI BAOM MSM
Housesmithe Inspection
04-20-2009, 11:08 AM #24
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
That is a good point, true or false. But in saying that the mass majority of folks that came to this country in the hundreds of years they have, have been the majority of christian based. In saying that, there are millions here that are not christian.
Also in saying any of that , it is damn good that there is literally a separation of church and state no matter it be the constitution or any laws behind us.
Fighting for all of time and deaths for all of time and wars for all of time were due to religious beliefs. There is no way that we could not have a separation of church and state.
I was born into the Catholic religion. You noticed I said religion. Just another form of Christianity. Try sitting a Baptist and a Catholic across from each other and talk about what should or should not be or believed in. Mary (someones mother) is not looked upon as much in particular religious beliefs.....Hmmmm, someone picked her to be the son of someone. We won't go there but that is what I am talking about.
Base our society on good vrsus evil and right versus wrong and lets leave it at that.
Racist, religious remarks get no one no were. For those that have no religious belief and for those that do....Tuff crap. If someone happens to pop a belief out there and you don't like, like I said, tuff crap. Suck it up and move on. Why get hot about someone not agreeing in your belief. Where is the good to man kind or christian upbringing in undestanding and, well, forgiveness.
I happen to love differences of opinion. It is healthy to get into exchanges now and then. Who knows, maybe someone will say something that you might say"ahaaaaaaaaa" never thought of it like that. And who knows, one might learn something.
Speaking of such
Hey....Thom Walker...come on back man. I like you even if you are from south Texas
04-20-2009, 11:12 AM #25
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
Just to make certain we are factual here, ... have you heard of the First Amendment to the Constitution (which is therefore part of the Constitution) and the first ten amendments, which are referred to as the Bill of Rights?
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
To repeat, and why this IS NOT, CANNOT, and WILL NOT be allowed to be a "christan" country: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". To do so would violate the Constitution of the United States.
Thus, while there may be references to a god ... notice that I said "may be" because I have not looked all the way through it in a while, however, you said "You will find, however, references to God", so, please point those references IN THE CONSTITUTION out.
In the meantime, though, the USA IS NOT, CANNOT BE, WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to be a "christan" state - it is against the Constitution to make it one, as I pointed out above.
04-20-2009, 01:20 PM #26
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Hay all this talk about the Constitution is good for all of you, it means you care about our country. After all the reason our country is in such bad shape is because the Washington polititions we elected have strayed from its values. You need to get on board with Glenn Beck and his ideas, make something happen in 2012 by electing representatives who share Constitutional values. Perhaps the Chinese drywall and our debt to them will just disappear.
Thomas McKay
Certified ASHI Inspector
04-20-2009, 02:15 PM #27
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
I have read the US Constitution! There is no reference to God in it! There is a reference (like Jerry quoted) to freedom of religion (which also means freedom to have no religion!). I do, however, think this forum would be better served by sticking to relevent home inspection issues. Maybe there could be an area for political commentary where one could visit to vent their views.
04-20-2009, 02:28 PM #28
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Not a bad idea; as a first time responder I was just trying to get some feel for the China Drywall issue didn't expect to get in the middle of religous issues. Did speak today to Pro Labs their cost for a Chinese drywall test is $500.00 thaught that was high compared to other lab work. Does any one have a better deal?
Thomas McKay
Certified SAHI Inspector
04-20-2009, 03:00 PM #29
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
Nah, no one from that side is ... wait, we are trying to stay out of politics, aren't we ...
Gald dang it, Bob, you done spoiled my set up fer Randy "You will find, however, references to God." in the Constitution ... ... I twer gittin' ready ta ask him if'n he had found that reference yet.
I do, however, think this forum would be better served by sticking to relevent home inspection issues.
Maybe there could be an area for political commentary where one could visit to vent their views.
Just like with religion, best place for that is on the other forums made for those purposes ...
04-20-2009, 03:10 PM #30
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Ah, drywall? Drywall anybody? sheesh,
04-20-2009, 03:20 PM #31
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
We've taken the drift and turned it back around, with something like this board with all of its participates, that is like turning the QE II around to back in stern first ... but it has turned and is settling into it berth dockside ... patience ... patience ... almost there ... okay tie 'er up guys!
There, now fully drifted back to Chinese drywall.
04-20-2009, 03:50 PM #32
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Cut a piece of drywall out and patch it or better yet move some insulation in the attic, for what, nothin, or have someone come in and look for maybe a couple hundred.
Nah....Not worth the 500
To many price monkeys out there. I'm tellin yeah this is the new mold fad.
Oh.....waite....Did someone mention religion???????
04-20-2009, 03:59 PM #33
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
"I" lads seems best to get into the program fast and never during the cocktail hour - seems the meaning of your responces are from the bottle. Sorry no one had any responce to additional testing! not that I expected it. Must be just a product of the slow economy. Poor basters.
04-20-2009, 04:02 PM #34
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
As soon as you say that name around here, you'll get all kinds of looks as their reputation is ... well ... not of the highest caliber. They go after the gold, wherever the gold is. Radon, then mold, now Chinese drywall ...
In my opinion, why test it? Look for the name and labeling, if it does not state one of the name brands or does state Knauf or China or is blank (not having a name is not good), then it likely is 'not good' drywall and there are but two real choices: 1) ignore it and hope it goes away; 2) remove and replace it.
NEITHER of which has any real reason to test it in there.
04-20-2009, 04:21 PM #35
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Thanks Jerry,
Agree! But how do we get into the "gold mine" of testing for chinese drywall if we don't stick it to the consumer? Are you really suggesting that we be ethical? That isen't what I have gleemed from some of the other responces. If you see it doesen't mean it's there? Just like MOLD -
Thomas McKay
Certified ASHI Inspector
04-20-2009, 04:24 PM #36
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
PS: this is cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04-20-2009, 04:39 PM #37
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
04-20-2009, 04:48 PM #38
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Figgered That!!!!!!!!!!
See Ya.
04-20-2009, 05:14 PM #39
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Jerry, you have more cerdentials than most states. Why do you partisipate in some of this crap? Seems we are only "pawns in life" for the labs. I can only think that including normal close inspection of drywall conditions as part of a home inspection would meet our obligation to our client. If it requires furhter testing thats the question. How do we handel that? Perhaps its a question for ASHI or FABI. What do you think?
Thomas McKay
ASHI Certified Inspector
04-20-2009, 05:34 PM #40
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
Very true, and many inspector fall for it and their 'get rich quick' claims, as though home inspectors are in it to 'get rich quick' - maybe a few, but very, very few.
I can only think that including normal close inspection of drywall conditions as part of a home inspection would meet our obligation to our client.
If it requires furhter testing thats the question. How do we handel that?
For clients who are concerned about what type of drywall they have, the home inspector would be in a position to "inspect" (not "test") for Chinese drywall. However, the home inspector should have a drywall contractor out there with them to make the cuts, make the repairs, etc., the home inspector would also be inspecting the drywall in the attic as that is the last place where it is visible (of course you need to remove the insulation and then put it back). Inside, for the walls, the drywall contractor would make the cuts and do the work, the home inspector is only there for documentation on what is found.
Perhaps its a question for ASHI or FABI. What do you think?
Yes, there will likely be some, if not already, HIs who suddenly become Certified Chinese Drywall Inspector and advertise it as though it were part of their Mold is Gold scheme, probably even sell it as a 'allows us to open the walls so we can mold test in there' - sheesh - even the thought of it makes my skin crawl.
But, there are those people in every profession.
04-20-2009, 05:35 PM #41
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
As far as Jerry participating in some of this crap....What...Jerry is somehow above the rest of us? You must be one of those sports worshippers hold the players on high.
Jerry ASHI or FABI is not going to help you on the testing end. Don't let Jerrys credentials fool you. He is just a hermit living on the beach that was given a computer to play with.
There is no test for the drywall that will do nothing more than tell you what the make up is. The real test is either to get permission from the home owner (who you would be inspecting this for anyway) why? Because a seller is not going to let a buyer do an invasive inspection. If you are doing it for a buyer do as I and others have said and move some insulation around in the attic or check over a garage where it is not insulated at all. The test, such as in a lab is a farce.
04-20-2009, 06:57 PM #42
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Thanks Ted for putting Jerry into perspective. Sounds like you know him personally; hermit, beach thing. Dosen't sound all that bad from what I read from his personality outline. Ormond Beach is a very nice place. Seems you really agree with him as to his take on the subject. So do I, nada mas!
04-20-2009, 07:47 PM #43
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
04-20-2009, 07:59 PM #44
05-01-2009, 12:11 PM #45
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Preamble: " . . . secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves . . . " Where does this "Blessing" of Liberty come from, and why is it capitalized? What Authority grants it? Where does the idea come from? How did the writers decide on these words, and the grammar that they used? Don't get me wrong - I am not preaching. Just practicing a little critical thinking. Obviously a sensitive subject, and so necessitates good study.
Randall Aldering GHI BAOM MSM
Housesmithe Inspection
05-01-2009, 12:24 PM #46
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
More than one of the original framers of the constitution were "non-believers", at least one as an atheist, and not all those who were "believers" believed in the same god, so they recognized that and avoided that issue ... well, they did not "avoid" that issue, the "addressed" that issue by proclaiming the right to believe as one wants.
To clarify this, the First Amendment addressed this specific issue. Not the Second or Third or later Amendment, but the FIRST Amendment clarified their intent.
Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Just some more "critical thinking".
05-01-2009, 12:39 PM #47
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Oh right guys I think we have gotten of the subject of how to test for chinese dry wall don't you think!!!
05-01-2009, 12:45 PM #48
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
After you have been here a while you will understand and accept thread drift, it is a good thing a times.
05-04-2009, 04:01 PM #49
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Can someone say, moderation? Sheesh. Ok, let's talk drywall. Any updates around the USA on available testing facilities? What methodologies are they using, and are they getting results that are useful?
I'm checking a local lab I use for mold and asbestos sampling. While they do not offer testing for drywall, they are checking if any of their sources do.
I'll keep an eye on this thread. And, can we stick to the topic please?
Jerry - A little wandering off topic is refreshing, and often times will result in something useful or at least comical. So I agree with you there
05-04-2009, 04:17 PM #50
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Pro Lab will test for Chinese drywall for $500. but it is just as efective to identify it by its lables "made in china". Much cheeper also. What I do is include it in my inspection reports if found and charge a reasonable price if the client wants a verifing letter. Testing is just like mold if you see it you have it you need to get rid of it.
Tom McKay
ASHI Certified Member Inspector
Melbourne, FL
05-04-2009, 04:20 PM #51
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
I don't mind getting off topic- but how did testing for drywall turn into politics and religion?
05-04-2009, 04:33 PM #52
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
Because it just does.
Then we try to stop the political and religious stuff, but it happens.
It is a fact of life on a board which allows for open communication without a moderator - WHICH IS A GOOD THING - the administrator (Brian) will allow a lot, and if it really, really, REALLY, REALLY gets out of hand he steps in, which rarely is needed. It is a good thing for this board, and one of the reasons it is so popular - not wild and crazy like another board, yet not 'tea time please and thank you forced sickening throw-up niceties' like other boards.
Just the right mix of wackos and most excellent wackos to make it all work.
05-18-2009, 05:54 AM #53
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
As the saying goes - you are a dollar late and a dollar short. You need a device to test Georgia - Pacific drywall!!
05-20-2009, 10:07 AM #54
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Thanks for all the good ideas. I was doing a search on this subject and stumbled on this site. Good Stuff.
As far as the Government protecting us, we have to decide do we want the Government in our lives or not. Personally I do.
05-20-2009, 08:12 PM #55
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
"He who is without guilt should cast the first stone!"
Recall when Petroleum manufacturers opened their own gasoline dispensing stations and sold the same product for about one cent less????
Stupid Americans flocked to these stations without guilt to save a few cents per fill-up.
These stupid, unsophisticated, illiterati put "family owned" stations out of business!!!
The results --- No repairs just gas and cigarettes sold by an adolescent or illegal alien.
05-21-2009, 06:35 AM #56
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
05-21-2009, 07:02 AM #57
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Maybe NPR knows.
Yesterday's news included a report on drywall that "when tested" revealed the presence of sulfur, and blah, blah, blah...
05-21-2009, 09:02 PM #58
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
If it is a chemical reaction, then all we need to know is what chemicals is doing it. Would be a simple matter to test for the foreign chemical on the site with a small sample.
There has to be a test kit for this, does anyone know or maybe we have an idea for a new product!
05-22-2009, 05:36 AM #59
Re: How to test for Chinese drywall
Previous posts referenced testing "chinese drywall". There was also a previous post that reported a toxic drywall suit against only GP. I am not aware of any actual lawsuits involving chinese drywall - although someone said that the recent nightline program indicated that one (or more) had been filed.
05-22-2009, 05:53 AM #60
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Hi All
take a look at Home Page for updated info..
Associated Radon Services
05-24-2009, 04:26 PM #61
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
All Chinese drywall is packed with a fortune cookie. Also, follow Jerry P's advice, but eat the piece of drywall you removed. If you're hungry in less than one hour, it's Chinese drywall.
Jerry McCarthy
Building Code/ Construction Consultant
05-25-2009, 12:46 AM #62
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Watch out , Jerry. Last time I made comments like that I got gripped at and we lost a board member.
Maybe it's the cookie causing the rotten egg smell.
I had allways thought you could tell by the chinese being installed slanted.
05-26-2009, 03:38 PM #63
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
Bruce Thompson, Lic. #9199
Home Inspections in the Tyler and East Texas area
05-26-2009, 04:21 PM #64
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
I guess after the supreme court Obama will solve the Chinese Drywall issue and then tax the cookies too. We are all in a world of Chinese! The govenrment has created the problem perhaps it will be up to the Chinese to solve it wouldn't that be interesting. Concluding do you think it would be good if the govenrment had control of testing for Chinese drywall? Or is that just an other tax? But they said they would not raise taxes did thy?
Tom McKay
MAHI. Inc.
Melbourne, FL
Quess what our unemployment will look like when the Shuttle program ends and we revert back to the 1950's with space craft which need parichutes for landing. Dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wounder do they have Chinese parts?
07-28-2009, 02:07 PM #65
Re: How to test for chinese drywall
There is a great, inexpensive Do-It-Yourself testing kit available to test for Chinese Drywall that does not require cutting out chunks from your wall. Check out Chinese Drywall Tester Kit
Chinese Drywall Tester Kit