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  1. #1
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Chinese Drywall Redux

    OK, I have read everything I can find on this forum and on the Internet regarding Chinese drywall. I have formed the following initial conclusions. Please feel free to correct or add to whatever.

    1. CPSC says, in part:

    "We are aggressively investigating if scientific evidence exists linking chemical emissions from the drywall to the reported health complaints. At this time, however, any such relationship or long-term health effects are unknown."

    "Question: Should I hire an air quality tester or a firm to remove and replace the drywall?
    Answer: We cannot advise whether or not to take such steps. We are still investigating the problem.
    Please be cautious, however, of persons or businesses advertising testing and remediation services - there may be unqualified or dishonest individuals seeking to take advantage of consumers struggling to address this issue. You should consult your State and local authorities if you have any questions or concerns about contractors or testing companies promising solutions to these drywall matters."

    2. There are endless tort attorney websites devoted to hawking this as the next Hiroshima.

    3. The media is on their usual roll of making this out to be the scariest thing since the swine flu.

    4. Nobody else of any import has officially weighed in on the matter. The EPA has published an official non stance and promise to do further nosing around sort of paper - their usual meaningless blather.

    5. The American Lung Association is totally silent.

    6. The health departments of at least 45 states have no comment.

    7. Flahdah Department of Health has said it, "has not identified data suggesting an imminent or chronic health hazard at the time."

    Sorry guys, but this sounds like total bullschit to me.

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  2. #2
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    Sorry guys, but this sounds like total bullschit to me.

    Oh ye in the box with the lid closed ... ... ye need to come up out of your self imposed box, open the lid, and enjoy the world which is out there all around your box.

    There are problems related to Chinese drywall, not only health but livability and the living environment problems. Not the least of which is damage to the homes various systems which contain metallic components, not the least of which is copper, and then there is the silver issue, and then ... and finally the health issues which have not YET been fully investigated and given not final determination YET as to their validity or lack thereof, regardless that there is an effect on some individuals.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Oh ye in the box with the lid closed ... ... ye need to come up out of your self imposed box, open the lid, and enjoy the world which is out there all around your box.

    There are problems related to Chinese drywall, not only health but livability and the living environment problems. Not the least of which is damage to the homes various systems which contain metallic components, not the least of which is copper, and then there is the silver issue, and then ... and finally the health issues which have not YET been fully investigated and given not final determination YET as to their validity or lack thereof, regardless that there is an effect on some individuals.
    JP: Blather. Show me the facts. Just because one of your senators (an attorney no doubt) is beating this particular drum, does not mean it makes real music. The toxicologists hired (by law firms) are the only ones showing any such results to date.

    Note that in the YouTube video of your illustrious congressman he notes that he is also very highly allergic to mold (another media and tort attorney football). This may be a direct result of his late 80s 6-day space shuttle episode where he no doubt encountered little green (moldy) men.

    This is a crock until proven otherwise. Don't waster your time coming back to me without hard evidence from an unbiased source.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    This is a crock until proven otherwise. Don't waster your time coming back to me without hard evidence from an unbiased source.

    So I guess some clients of mine, old of age and long of existence, are not hard evidence for you? Okay, not THAT old of age, not like WC Jerry.

    They, and many of their neighbors in that age group and older, have homes with Chinese drywall in them, with all the usual things going on related to Chinese drywall, and their health and breathing are being affected by it. I can say no more as this will likely be going to court.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  5. #5
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    many of their neighbors in that age group and older, have homes with Chinese drywall in them, with all the usual things going on related to Chinese drywall, and their health and breathing are being affected by it.
    JP: And did they notice these effects prior to or after being made aware of the Chinese drywall issue?

    I can say no more as this will likely be going to court.
    JP: Just because something is introduced via litigation in a court of law does not indicate that it has any merit.

  6. #6
    Matt Vozzella's Avatar
    Matt Vozzella Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Not that this has much to do with the current conversation this article is related to the topic, Chinese drywall. Awaiting 30 days for the results.

    NBC2 News - Chinese drywall: Can fumigation fix the problem?

  7. #7
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Vozzella View Post
    Not that this has much to do with the current conversation this article is related to the topic, Chinese drywall. Awaiting 30 days for the results.

    NBC2 News - Chinese drywall: Can fumigation fix the problem?
    MV: Interesting how all of the cottage industries so rapidly spring up for the identification, testing and remediation of the various tort attorney/media-driven footballs.

  8. #8
    Matt Vozzella's Avatar
    Matt Vozzella Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    AD - cottage industries will always spring up to fill the vacuum once the vacuum is identified.

    We've been hearing about this issue for a long time, 6 months + before the big networks picked up on it. I'm not sure how it went in other areas but I do follow the local and network news every day, sometimes multiple times.

    I do spend a lot of time in front of the computer.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    JP: And did they notice these effects prior to or after being made aware of the Chinese drywall issue?
    Speaking for my clients, Prior to, ...Absolutely Yes. The vast majority of Florida homes constructed with polluted drywall (Chinese or other origins) have clearly identifiable symptoms. Lawyers are not needed for this phase, even if the "attorneys" insinuate themselves into the fray.

  10. #10
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Dom D'Agostino View Post
    Speaking for my clients, Prior to, ...Absolutely Yes. The vast majority of Florida homes constructed with polluted drywall (Chinese or other origins) have clearly identifiable symptoms. Lawyers are not needed for this phase, even if the "attorneys" insinuate themselves into the fray.
    DD: Interesting that you note "or other origins". I have read several links that indicate this is not just a Chinese problem. As to the lawyers insinuating themselves into a windfall (manufactured or not) - you can always count on that.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    DD: Interesting that you note "or other origins". I have read several links that indicate this is not just a Chinese problem. As to the lawyers insinuating themselves into a windfall (manufactured or not) - you can always count on that.
    Synthetic gypsum (FGD process) is the source of the problems. This is a byproduct from coal fired power plants and other industrial processes. The best way to describe the process is that a limestone mix is used in a filter or scrubber application the chemical reaction that takes place produces what we call synthetic gypsum. Not all synthetic gypsum is suitable for use in drywall, in fact a large percentage of it is showing not to be suitable. So it all amounts to where the drywall manufacturers are getting their gypsum.

    Natural gypsum is mined. Synthetic gypsum has been used for 20+ years according to the information that I have seen.

    Common sense would tell you that any byproduct of burning coal can't be all that good.

    China came to the spotlight first, but at least one case has been filed in FL against a US company whose drywall has also produced problematic conditions in a home. The sample from the Knauf drywall also showed that it contained Fly Ash, this is another byproduct that the coal plants produce and is considered to be toxic waste.

    It is all fairly new and everyone is still on the learning curve with it. Who knows what will show up down the road. One problem with this problematic drywall is that it can take years for it to create problems in a home. Once the humidity reaches a critical point this is what triggers the hydrogen sulfide and the other nasties.

    Last edited by Scott Patterson; 06-10-2009 at 01:24 PM.
    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  12. #12
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Once the humidity reaches a critical point this is what triggers the hydrogen sulfide and the other nasties.
    SP: So then, I guess we should recommend dehumidifiers, gas masks and then attorneys?

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    SP: So then, I guess we should recommend dehumidifiers, gas masks and then attorneys?
    You might be on to something!

    It is a mess, I'm relating it to the EIFS debacle of the 1990's. The major difference that I see is that this is a chemical problem with the product and not a design and installation problem.

    It will still be costly and in the end the homeowner will be the one who will get screwed. I predict class action lawsuits that are promulgated by the manufacturers so that they can survive. This is what happened with EIFS.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  14. #14
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    You might be on to something!

    It is a mess, I'm relating it to the EIFS debacle of the 1990's. The major difference that I see is that this is a chemical problem with the product and not a design and installation problem.

    It will still be costly and in the end the homeowner will be the one who will get screwed. I predict class action lawsuits that are promulgated by the manufacturers so that they can survive. This is what happened with EIFS.
    SP: The information on the Internet is sketchy and contradictory at best. I have read estimates of initial delivery of the Chinese product to this country as early as 2001 and installations found as late as 2007.

    I can only wonder if USG is involved? Deep pockets are made for deep probes.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    SP: The information on the Internet is sketchy and contradictory at best. I have read estimates of initial delivery of the Chinese product to this country as early as 2001 and installations found as late as 2007.

    I can only wonder if USG is involved? Deep pockets are made for deep probes.
    I have not seen anyting on USG. They use only natural gypsum from what I have read and not synthetic. GP was named in one lawsuit in FL back in April and it is reported that they have used synthetic gypsum in their production in some plants in the US and Canada.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  16. #16
    Matt Vozzella's Avatar
    Matt Vozzella Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Let me ask you a couple of questions AD:
    1. Would you be happy if your new house was emitting gases that prematurely corroded any copper, silver, etc., ruining any new air handling equipment, plumbing fittings and possible wiring as well?

    2. Would you sleep comfortably in your new house that is corroding some metals around you?

    3. Would you let your son or daughter sleep in your new house doing the things mentioned above.

    I know my answers and the kicker would be #3.
    I'm not trying to pick a fight but you seem to have a bad taste about people in these situations getting some sort of restitution and for companies trying to halt/neutralize the process (snake oil salesmen excepted).

  17. #17
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    1. Would you be happy if your new house was emitting gases that prematurely corroded any copper, silver, etc., ruining any new air handling equipment, plumbing fittings and possible wiring as well?
    MV: No, but I would be even less happy knowing that contractors had finagled me out of hundred or thousands of dollars looking for something that did not exist.

    2. Would you sleep comfortably in your new house that is corroding some metals around you?
    MV: I already do. All metals react to air and corrode.

    3. Would you let your son or daughter sleep in your new house doing the things mentioned above.
    MV: No, because unlike the unlucky out there, I have no progeny - by choice.

    I'm not trying to pick a fight but you seem to have a bad taste about people in these situations getting some sort of restitution and for companies trying to halt/neutralize the process (snake oil salesmen excepted).[/
    MV: I am all for remedies for real problems. I just want to be sure that real problems actually exist.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    JP: And did they notice these effects prior to or after being made aware of the Chinese drywall issue?
    Much, much prior to, it started almost about 9 months ago, they just heard about Chinese drywall recently when it was found in other homes near theirs, so they had theirs inspected for Chinese drywall - yep, it was.

    JP: Just because something is introduced via litigation in a court of law does not indicate that it has any merit.
    You are correct, it does not, but in the end we shall see.

    Thus my point to you is that you were AUTOMATICALLY writing it off, and I am saying not to do so - the jury is still out ... or in this case, not yet gone out.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    MV: No, because unlike the unlucky out there, I have no progeny - by choice.

    Ahhh ... the cleansing of the gene pool ... we all thank you.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post

    No, because unlike the unlucky out there, I have no progeny -
    Guess You are Over The Target.

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  21. #21
    Matt Vozzella's Avatar
    Matt Vozzella Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    MV: No, but I would be even less happy knowing that contractors had finagled me out of hundred or thousands of dollars looking for something that did not exist.
    MV: I already do. All metals react to air and corrode.
    MV: No, because unlike the unlucky out there, I have no progeny - by choice.
    MV: I am all for remedies for real problems. I just want to be sure that real problems actually exist.
    I agree that running and yelling that the sky is falling can be premature but:
    1. Metals react to air but new A/C coils shouldn't be corroded within a year or two when another house lacking the Chinese drywall doesn't have the same issue.
    2. You're missing out but you will never know until you have a child. Mine is more important to me and brings me more happiness than anything out there.
    3. The problem is real, remedies need to occurr, it's just what the remedies are is the real question.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Vozzella View Post
    2. You're missing out but you will never know until you have a child. Mine is more important to me and brings me more happiness than anything out there.

    Obviously ... your child is not a teenager yet.

    If only there was a way to become a grandparent without first having to become a parent ... if only ... to wish upon a star ...

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  23. #23

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Obviously ... your child is not a teenager yet.

    My Priest is adept at bringing the rationale of God into everyday context. For example, in discussing the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, he notes that God asked Abraham for the sacrifice when Isaac was 12 – pointing out that if he had waited until he was a teenager, it wouldn’t have been a sacrifice.


  24. #24
    Matt Vozzella's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    Obviously ... your child is not a teenager yet.

    If only there was a way to become a grandparent without first having to become a parent ... if only ... to wish upon a star ...
    I still think it will be worth it.

    I need more guns over the next 13 years.....

  25. #25
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    1. Metals react to air but new A/C coils shouldn't be corroded within a year or two when another house lacking the Chinese drywall doesn't have the same issue.
    MV: And your point is?

    2. You're missing out but you will never know until you have a child. Mine is more important to me and brings me more happiness than anything out there.
    MV: That is all well and good. I might add that I am just as happy without one. You then, will never know the particular satisfaction that arises from living your life without resorting to vicarious experiences had via your offspring.

    3. The problem is real, remedies need to occurr, it's just what the remedies are is the real question.
    MV: Maybe. Time will tell, just how real.

  26. #26
    henri chero's Avatar
    henri chero Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux


    The machines have been tested and they work to minimize and neutralize the H2S and the 9 other chemicals emmanating from the chinese drywall.
    for more info go to
    or call Spiderman Mulholland US BUILDING CONSULTANTS INC.FLORIDA
    at 352 505 6771

    Last edited by henri chero; 06-11-2009 at 07:16 AM. Reason: bad spelling

  27. #27
    Matt Vozzella's Avatar
    Matt Vozzella Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    MV: And your point is?
    My point is accelerated corrosion of building systems shouldn't be an acceptable situation to the homeowner unless the homeowner bought or directed the purchase to be made.

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    MV: That is all well and good. I might add that I am just as happy without one. You then, will never know the particular satisfaction that arises from living your life without resorting to vicarious experiences had via your offspring.
    You're only half right. My girl is 21 months old, I will be 35 in a few months. I had more than my prime time without a child and even repeatedly told my wife that I didn't need a kid to be happy. I didn't but it isn't the same kind of hapiness, one that you would only experience with one of your own.

    By the way - I'm off tomorrow for the weekend to St. Pete. Still have time away from young one underfoot.

    Quote Originally Posted by A.D. Miller View Post
    MV: Maybe. Time will tell, just how real.
    Smoking didn't cause cancer in the 50's. Yes, time will tell.

  28. #28
    Matt Vozzella's Avatar
    Matt Vozzella Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by henri chero View Post

    The machines have been tested and they work to minimize and neutralize the H2S and the 9 other chemicals emmanating from the chinese drywall.
    for more info go to
    or call Spiderman Mulholland US BUILDING CONSULTANTS INC.FLORIDA
    at 352 505 6771
    I've seen you espousing this in other threads. Has their been independent confirmation of them working? If so, why hasn't it made the news down here and being implemented while others are going about the testing as posted in the news article above?

  29. #29
    henri chero's Avatar
    henri chero Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    The machines have been tested by third party.
    They are going on sale now.
    Please contact Spiderman Mulholland at USBC INC.
    352 505 6771
    Thank you

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux


    I know we've said this before, by it looks like it is time to say it again:

    Contact Brian at the bottom of this page by the "Contact Us" link and SPONSOR SOME ADS.

    This site is not intended for you, or others, to post every other post an ad for selling something.

    I dare say that you have chased more people away by your annoying posts than you would ever get in wanting to buy something from you.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  31. #31
    Matt Vozzella's Avatar
    Matt Vozzella Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    I don't see any links to any regarding testing facilities, care to help out?

  32. #32
    henri chero's Avatar
    henri chero Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux


    Helping people stay in their homes safely is the goal.
    Giving info on how,is the work.
    The solution is here to help inspectors(that have no solution)
    This site is built to bring light in an otherwise dark situation.
    Do you have any solutions Jerry?

  33. #33
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by henri chero View Post

    Helping people stay in their homes safely is the goal.
    Giving info on how,is the work.
    The solution is here to help inspectors(that have no solution)
    This site is built to bring light in an otherwise dark situation.
    Do you have any solutions Jerry?


    I have solutions, yes, but the problem here is that you are EXPECTING to be able to ADVERTISE for FREE.

    If you were an upstanding business person you would IMMEDIATELY RECOGNIZE your rip off stance could be partially corrected by OFFERING TO PAY FOR YOUR ADVERTISING.

    However, you have SIDESTEPPED that issue, or you thought you did, I just re-presented it to you front and center PAY FOR YOUR ADVERTISING ... it really is quite that simple.

    Fortunately for you, Brian is not as quick on the trigger as I would be: log in as Administrator, select Deactivate Account, select Delete All Posts, click on Submit. Oh, of course, though, I would first offer you a chance to redeem yourself by PAYING FOR YOUR ADVERTISING, but as soon as you declined or did not respond, "click" on 'Submit' and your and your FREE ADVERTISING would be gone.

    It really is a choice YOU HAVE - PAY FOR WHAT YOU ARE SELLING, or don't bother trying to sell it here.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  34. #34
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    The solution is here to help inspectors(that have no solution)
    HC: We don't need a solution to what is not yet proven to be a problem.

    This site is built to bring light in an otherwise dark situation.
    HC: I am certain that the Hann would appreciate the kind words, but not the sale of oil of viper.

  35. #35
    henri chero's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    I guess you guys will patiently wait for the EPA and FDA test the indoor air to see if it is dangerous.Meanwhile evrybody is bleeding and going to the hospital.
    Litigation lawyers aren't interested in the solution,they want money.
    Jerry,you are also not interested in the solution,you just want me to pay for helping you do your job thoroughly.
    I will not post here any more.....the emmanations are not condusive to our solution.

  36. #36
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    I guess you guys will patiently wait for the EPA and FDA test the indoor air to see if it is dangerous.Meanwhile evrybody is bleeding and going to the hospital.
    HC: No, we just like to disseminate truth as opposed to fiction.

    Litigation lawyers aren't interested in the solution,they want money.
    HC: Much like remediation firms, I suppose?

    I will not post here any more
    HC: Sounds like a plan to me.

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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by henri chero View Post
    you just want me to pay for helping you do your job thoroughly.

    Like any business is EXPECTED TO DO ... we EXPECT *YOU* to *PAY* for *ADVERTISING*, which is, after all, what you are doing.

    I will not post here any more.....the emmanations are not condusive to our solution.
    And take your ADVERTISEMENTS with you? Probably not, you sound like the type to leave them here hoping for a return on no investment.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by henri chero View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by henri chero View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by henri chero View Post
    And Brian's ADVERTISING $$$$ are where?

    No one can trust someone selling something and not being willing to pay for advertising it.

    Your response simply shows how you hold all inspectors in contempt and think you are holding the holy grail, only you will find that it is ordinary lead and will lead to the demise of those who drink from it.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  42. #42
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    And Brian's ADVERTISING $$$$ are where?

    No one can trust someone selling something and not being willing to pay for advertising it.

    Your response simply shows how you hold all inspectors in contempt and think you are holding the holy grail, only you will find that it is ordinary lead and will lead to the demise of those who drink from it.
    JP: Here's what our testing team recommends:

  43. #43
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by henri chero View Post
    Glad to see that Scott "Spiderman" has found a new gig.

    Still going after the shock effect I see. Hazmat suit and all!

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  44. #44
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    Glad to see that Scott "Spiderman" has found a new gig.

    Still going after the shock effect I see. Hazmat suit and all!
    I got a kick out of that myself. These folks live in the homes and the testers come in with suits and masks as if they are all going to die from their brief exposure to the slight amount of gassing the drywall may or may not do when they are there for their brief time.

    They are exposed to more deadly toxic cancer causing substances when driving down main street than they will be while in any home with "toxic" drywall.

    There is no fix or neutralizing the chemicals inside the drywall. If they could seal both sides and ends of the drywall then there may be a slight chance. Nothing they pump into the home is not going to stop anything other than temerarily.

    The matter with the drywall is only going to be resolved by tearing it out and replacing it.....Period. Stop scaring the crap out of folks doing your testing with suits and masks and give them a price on the removal of the drywall.

    This has already gone on way to far. The amount of money being spent on testing with absolutely no hope in the slightest resolve is rediculous. Get a loan, replace the drywall, let the lawyers fight out laterto Test to make sure there is "Chinese Drywall" drill some 3 inch plugs around the home to see if it is all "Chinese Drywall. If it is rip it out and be done with it. No law suit is going to come into affect with payment for a seriously long time. Live with it until then or resolve the situation and be done with it. Some may not be able to afford it or get the loan but all the tests in the world are not going to move that process along any quicker.

  45. #45
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    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Chinese Drywall Redux

    Just remember the Y2K issue, swine flu, toxic black mold . . .

    This crap will never end as long as there are shysters and sheep.


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