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Thread: smoke detectors

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default smoke detectors

    I would like to know how you all test smoke detectors and why
    I personally feel that since I cannot test the calibration of the unit I am unqualified to do so and recommend installation of new units or testing by a security provider since most homes here are interconnected to the security system.
    I feel the liability is too great to
    Smoke alarm did not operate.

    Recommend installing new batteries.
    yeah right, But there are some who may word it that way.
    Checking for GFCi compliance is one thing but how many homes have that?
    Just a thought.
    Now lets stay with the detector isuue and not stray off to GFCI's as we have all been well informed on that one.
    Testing teqniques, opinions on same, and past problems. Yeah, thats it

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  2. #2
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: smoke detectors

    I do not test smoke detectors for a variety of reasons. I note in the report that they are or are not installed at the appropriate places.

    I also look to see if there are any burnt marks around the smoke detectors (which can indicate bad connection).

    That's it.

    If they want to test them, good for them.

  3. #3
    Tim Moreira's Avatar
    Tim Moreira Guest

    Default Re: smoke detectors


    Now lets stay with the detector issue and not stray off to GFCI's as we have all been well informed on that one
    That would be AFCIs, not GFCIs but anyway...

    I would give them NFPAs web site which states that detectors need to be replaced every 10 years:

    NFPA :: Research & Reports :: Fact sheets :: Fire protection equipment :: Smoke alarms

    I would also recommend replacement of batteries after moving in.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: smoke detectors

    Tim, Thanks for the spell check. More so for the good link.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Lake Barrington, IL

    Default Re: smoke detectors

    I don't test smoke detectors. One reason is I don't want a fire department visit during the inspection. Another is that the sensors deteriorate over time and at about ten years are likely not much good. In Illinois we are now required to also have CO detectors. I give each client a handout on smoke and CO detectors and basically put the ball in their court - I do check to see if at least the detectors are present. I'd rather spend my time looking for bigger issues.

    Eric Barker, ACI
    Lake Barrington, IL


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