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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Default All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    First time seeing this in 30 years. Looking for feedback to condition and how it's being reported. Report not yet issued until tomorrow.

    This bathroom has been altered from its original installation. This bathroom was likely a half bathroom now converted to a full bathroom with shower. A toilet is now installed in the room that is now a complete shower stall. The shower pan is not properly sloped for adequate drainage . The shower pan cannot be considered as watertight with a toilet drain in the shower. Use of caulking around the toilet base should not be considered as a permanent watertight seal. This renovation is non typical and likely not performed with approval from local building authority having jurisdiction
    RECOMMENDATION: Removal of the shower and conversion back to half bath is advised . We recommend correction by a qualified general contractor.
    An in floor electric radiant heating system is installed in the tiled floor with a shower installed. GFCI protection for the electric floor heat was not installed. This condition is a safety hazard.
    RECOMMENDATION: We recommend disconnecting the in floor heat . Use of shower and use of electric in floor heat is strongly discouraged.

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    Last edited by Steve Rush; 05-24-2019 at 07:37 PM. Reason: wrong photo
    OREP Insurance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    (I've added the numbered list to it for easier referencing to the separate parts)
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Rush View Post
    1) A toilet is now installed in the room that is now a complete shower stall.
    2) The shower pan is not properly sloped for adequate drainage.
    3) The shower pan cannot be considered as watertight with a toilet drain in the shower.
    4) Use of caulking around the toilet base should not be considered as a permanent watertight seal.
    5) This renovation is non typical and likely not performed with approval from local building authority having jurisdiction
    1) That may be able to be done properly, but it was not (first, the required minimum floor space and clearances is not there).

    2) Do you even know that there is a shower pan liner there?

    3) The shower pan could potentially be made watertight with a toilet in the shower, but it is highly unlikely with everything else that is visibly not right.

    4) Correct.

    5)Correct, but you didn't mention the electrical issues with the receptacle (presuming that there is the required receptacle by the sink) in the shower space, and likely the light issues, and the likely fan issues, and etc, etc.

    RECOMMENDATION: Removal of the shower and conversion back to half bath is advised . We recommend correction by a qualified general contractor.
    You don't know that it was a half bath, not for sure, do you?

    And a general contractor is not needed, plumbing, mechanical, and electrical contractors, yes.

    An in floor electric radiant heating system is installed in the tiled floor with a shower installed. GFCI protection for the electric floor heat was not installed. This condition is a safety hazard.
    I'm not even sure that an electrically heated floor system would be allowed in a shower floor, GFCI protected or not - I'd have to look that up, but with so many other issues staring us in the face ... let the electrical contractor address it (but, yes, make mention that it is there and that it may not be allowed, have electrical contractor verify that it is listed for use in shower floors).

    RECOMMENDATION: We recommend disconnecting the in floor heat . Use of shower and use of electric in floor heat is strongly discouraged.
    Forget that second "recommendation", you already have a "recommendation", a second "recommendation" likely will just confuse the matter.

    Just come right out and state that it is unsafe to use unless and until the local jurisdiction has permitted and approved it and that all safety items have been verified as being listed for that use, installed in accordance with their listing and labeling (which includes manufacturer's installation instructions) and is document by the licensed contractors and approved by the jurisdiction.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    Thanks for the separation and numbering to allow ease in reading. Thanks also for the comments. Have not sent out yet but will modify to use your commentary which I like.
    1. I know it was a half bath because I have inspected several other units there over the years. This was a townhouse.
    2 There was a GFCI at the sink. GFCI protected. Did not write up as being in a wet location.
    3. There is no way to water proof that shower pan due to the toilet drain flange
    4. I recommended general contractor because a GC can be retained for all of the trades involved.
    5. In so far as electric heating in a shower, I will error on the side of caution, I am right until someone proves me wrong. What idiot puts electric heat in a shower floor.? It's use is as a floor warmer not a shower warmer.
    6. Should have wrote up the wire molding for the electric heat as no longer approved too.
    7. The shower and the electric floor heat are actually under two separate subheadings, that is why two separate recommendations. I combined them here for the purpose of identifying the conditions for the post. I suppose I can refer to shower comments on the electric heat commentary

    Thanks again for input

    Last edited by Steve Rush; 05-25-2019 at 08:03 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    New Mexico

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    Interesting thoughts about the electric in floor. I never thought to look to see if it is allowed under the shower area. I would think the risk is no higher in the shower than it is one foot away from the shower when you step out and onto the heated bathroom floor, but I could be wrong. GFCI protection would be a must have regardless.

    Quick check of the internet says Suntouch and Nuheat are both UL listed for under the shower floor, but not in the walls. Not sure why you would need it in the walls but someone must have done it.

    Jim Robinson
    New Mexico, USA

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave


    Even if the receptacle was listed for use in wet locations (has the weather-resistant 'WR' on it as well as the 'TR' for tamper-resistant), a receptacle is not allowed in the shower space.

    I also think you missed some of the other comments meanings too.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Santa Rosa, CA

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    I believe that configuration is pretty common in China. I saw it a couple of times when I was there a few years ago and I began thinking that it did make a lot of sense on some level (tiny apartments).

    I understand the drawbacks, but if you move the sink (or at least the receptacle outlet) to outside the bathroom, use a wall-hung toilet and addressed the shower floor space issue, this could be workable for a small living space.

    I realize this is somewhat off-topic.

    Isn't it amazing what you will see even after 3 decades of inspection?

    Department of Redundancy Department
    Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole

  7. #7
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunnar Alquist View Post
    I believe that configuration is pretty common in China. I saw it a couple of times when I was there a few years ago and I began thinking that it did make a lot of sense on some level (tiny apartments).

    I understand the drawbacks, but if you move the sink (or at least the receptacle outlet) to outside the bathroom, use a wall-hung toilet and addressed the shower floor space issue, this could be workable for a small living space.

    I realize this is somewhat off-topic.

    Isn't it amazing what you will see even after 3 decades of inspection?
    It is common in some other parts of the world, yes.

    It is also common in small RVs that have a bathroom but do not have enough space to put in a separate shower area.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  8. #8

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Peck View Post
    It is common in some other parts of the world, yes.

    It is also common in small RVs that have a bathroom but do not have enough space to put in a separate shower area.
    And sailboats....

    Egbert Jager
    Diamond Home Inspection

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Reisterstown, MD

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    Personally never seen anything like this although I did read about something similar on a different forum. Glad I read all the posts though it gives me quite a bit to think about. I may run into something similar one day. Absolutely no end to what we see!

    Bob Kenney
    Call or TEXT : 410-504-3751

  10. #10
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    Circle, MT

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    "People are usually shocked when they find out I'm not a very good electrician!"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    I live in Singapore, and these are very common here. I have one in my house. Differences are that no one would have a heater (anywhere) and usually they are much smaller, like an airplane bathroom. As Gunnar said, for small apartments, it makes a lot of sense. Leakage usually isn't a problem since the floors, walls, ceiling (everything) is tiled and water-proofed concrete, so the water has nowhere to go except down the drain. (wood is not allowed as a building material here; fire department doesn't like it)

    David Edenburn (Former inspector in Baton Rouge)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    conyers, ga

    Default Re: All in one bathroom, poop, shower and shave

    Quote Originally Posted by David Edenburn View Post
    I live in Singapore, and these are very common here. I have one in my house. Differences are that no one would have a heater (anywhere) and usually they are much smaller, like an airplane bathroom. As Gunnar said, for small apartments, it makes a lot of sense. Leakage usually isn't a problem since the floors, walls, ceiling (everything) is tiled and water-proofed concrete, so the water has nowhere to go except down the drain. (wood is not allowed as a building material here; fire department doesn't like it)

    David Edenburn (Former inspector in Baton Rouge)
    If I ever have the chance to build another house, is going to be downsized and simple but no wood framing,
    Growing up my grandfathers house, bigger in floor space than mine is now was cinder/concrete block back then, plastered walls and never seemed that hot inside without AC in Georgia summers.
    I would be tempted to build a house like that maybe with better materials today and other modernization's.
    Saw an article some time ago in Europe they had a lot of that type construction and a modern twist, some sort of solid concrete block that was made with some sort of material added that had same insulation value as a normal stick framed house when used with the special mortar also.
    Maybe a steel framed, block walled construction concept ?
    but then doubt will ever get the chance now but would really like to build using other than wood.


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