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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

    Post Web Links and SEO

    I have set up, on my web site, links to Home inspectors in the US and Canada.

    My hope is to get everyone to do the same and create links back to my site.

    I know that this was discussed here, I just can't find it right now.

    Anyhow.... take a look.. you may be on it.... if you are... how about some reciprocity?

    if you are not..... contact me at and I will gladly add you. just give me your name, URL, city and state.

    Actually.... it takes a while to compile the list, anyone interested, I will share it if you are going to use it on your site. it's compiled using MS frontpage 2000 and it's about 64 KB

    We could get a lot of links with this if we work it.

    links = search engine ranking

    Almost forgot... if you are on the page and don't want to be included, let me know, I will remove you.

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    OREP Insurance
    Critical Home Inspection Services

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

    Default Re: Web Links and SEO

    Just out of curiosity...
    How is your business traffic generated?

    Internet %
    Print media%
    airwaves %
    referals %
    return customers %

    Brian.... might make for an informative poll.

    Critical Home Inspection Services

  3. #3
    David Banks's Avatar
    David Banks Guest

    Default Re: Web Links and SEO

    Internet 30 %
    Print media 0 %
    airwaves 0 %
    referals 60 %
    return customers 10 %

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Anacortes, Washington

    Default Re: Web Links and SEO

    For my Pacific Crest Inspections

    Internet 25%
    Print media 0 %
    airwaves 0 %
    referals 65 %
    return customers 10 %

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

    Default Re: Web Links and SEO

    Brian........ Help us out here.........

    How about a poll......

    Could help towards decisions on marketing dollars.

    Critical Home Inspection Services

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring City/Surrounding Philadelphia area

    Default Re: Web Links and SEO

    Victor, what advertising mediums work and don't work will vary by area. Internet advertising works great for me but not so great for others. For example, I performed an inspection for the brother of an inspector who works out of southcentral PA whereas I am in southeastern PA (the inspector called me to set it up). He said the bulk of his inspection work filters through the realtors and not many people find their inspectors via the net in his neck of the woods. He said buyers in his area are not very progressive in their thinking when it comes to finding an inspector outside of the realtor recommended list.

    Don't rely solely on what you hear on this board to determine how to spend your dollars. You'll need to experiment. Some things will work and some will be a waste of money. Stick with what works and drop the stuff that doesn't. There's no other way figure it out.


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