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  1. #1
    David Banks's Avatar
    David Banks Guest

    Default Business Expansion.

    I am thinking of starting a side business of going to peoples homes and giving them advice on Home Maintenance, priority repair items, safety issue etc. It would be for people who do not need a Home Inspection as they are not selling or buying a house. They just do not know where to start when it comes to home issues. I think a lot of people are afraid to call a contractor for fear of being ripped off.
    I would be an independent voice. (Sounds like HI )
    I would have a separate web site for new business but as part of my credentials I would include Licensed HI. The advantage to me is charge hourly rate with no report. Can do more than one a day etc.
    Anyone see any draw backs or liability issue I should be concerned with.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: Business Expansion.

    You might check with your E & O and liability carrier to make sure your covered.

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  3. #3
    Brian E Kelly's Avatar
    Brian E Kelly Guest

    Default Re: Business Expansion.

    I just did an inspection yesterday for a woman who is buying a home for her daughter and she asked me for the exact thing you just mentioned. I am going to do this for her, but I am doing a complete home inspection and charging accordingly. I don't see any difference in this and a home inspection as my report states that general maintenance is needed in many areas'.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Plano, Texas

    Default Re: Business Expansion.

    Good point Brian, a complete inspection would cover your liability and would be the best long term value for your customer.
    I would think a written report would be needed if your customers are going to use your inspection for reference to complete repairs.

    The only down side I can think of would be that you should be careful not to prescribe specific repairs. Just like in a regular inspection, steer them to the appropriate professionals.

    Good Luck, Jim

    Jim Luttrall
    Plano, Texas

  5. #5
    Russel Ray's Avatar
    Russel Ray Guest

    Default Re: Business Expansion.

    Prior to July 1, 2007, I called it my MAINTENANCE inspection (I now call it my MAINTENANCE assessment). I've been doing them since August 2005. I also do fourteen other types of assessments since different people have different needs for different circumstances. The come at different prices. Not everyone needs an SOP inspection.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Business Expansion.

    It's a good angle for generating some extra bucks...

    I've spent hours trying to come up with a way to get the knowledge and services to the people that want/need them. Dealing with contractors is just such a nightmare that in a lot of cases it's not even the money. Educating the people as to the maintenance issues coming up will give them time to plan and find the right people.

    I've thought of it in terms of being a roofing consultant or something along those lines. You meet with the people and advise them on thier options for a new roof. Help them find a reputable contractor (at least checking his license status and claim history), and most importantly you inspect the work when they're done. There are a lot of people out there that have no idea if they're getting what they pay for or not. That is until the house sells and we come along and deliver the bad news. Or the roof starts leaking 5 years after it's put on. Of course by then the roofer is long gone.

    I find myself really thinking of all these things when it's slow and the phone starts ringing before I ever actually do anything about it... there are some good ideas out there.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Business Expansion.

    As far as your E&O is concerned, don't expect your insurance carrier to cover you in the event of a claim if there's no pre-inspection agreement signed.

    True, you might not be doing an actual "inspection" and that's the exact reason coverage might be denied. The policy normally will cover you for a visual home inspection.

    Sounds like a good way to make some extra bucks on the side, just make sure you figure out a way limit your liability.

  8. #8
    David Banks's Avatar
    David Banks Guest

    Default Re: Business Expansion.

    Thanks Ben. What if I get a separate Liability policy for this new and separate adventure? Good Idea? Could I add an umbrella to my E+O? I am thinking on the lines of Russell Rays example.
    Russell do you have Liability for your maintenance Assessment?

  9. #9
    Russel Ray's Avatar
    Russel Ray Guest

    Default Re: Business Expansion.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Banks View Post
    Russell do you have Liability for your maintenance Assessment?
    Yes. I get an agreement signed and have E&O/GL for my LIST, BASIC, STANDARD, PREMIUM, TECH, MAINTENANCE, RENTER, and SPOT assessments ("inspections").

    My WALK, DRIVEBY, FLYBY, VOICE, CARRY, and A&A assessments are very specialized and marketed only to a very narrow target audience (but one that buys and buys and buys). They fall totally outside of any SOP or legal standards and, as such, there is no E&O on them. But there doesn't need to be, either, due to the very nature of the audience they are targeted to and what that audience is doing.


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