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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Anacortes, Washington

    Default ResNet - Profitable????

    I keep getting bombarded with solicitations to become ResNet Certified. Once I calculate the startup equipment costs and gauge the demand, I just can't see it being profitable.

    Is anyone making money with their ResNet Certification and equipment?


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  2. #2
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    Mar 2007

    Default Re: ResNet - Profitable????

    In my area (Oregon) there is just not the demand.... and I would think if there were an area for demand it would be here. Without going off on a long political rant, Oregon is towards the cutting edge on anything green or energy efficient.

    I've never had a call for it (other than people trying to sell me something).

    Something I read on here previously pretty much sums it up.... the only people making money are the ones selling equipment and teaching classes.

  3. #3
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: ResNet - Profitable????

    Matt hit the nail on the head! The only ones making money are the ones doing the training and selling the equipment.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  4. #4
    Bob Spermo's Avatar
    Bob Spermo Guest

    Default Re: ResNet - Profitable????


    Not entirely true! If you can get a contract with a new constrcution builder (who is still building) who is either building Energy Star homes or has reached an agreement with RESNET to use a HERS Rating Index you can make money. To do a HERS Index I charge $.25 sq ft ($500 minimum for a house). On the average the work takes about 5 hours.

    In the south in particular there is very little money in energy audits of existing homes. The only money to be made here is to work for an utility company or non-profit doing audits because they have government money. This money is drying up!

    RESNET has done an excellent marketing job with government bureacrats! This new DOE Home Energy Score for an existing home can only be conducted by a RESNET or BPI certified person. I have fought this government support of certification monopolies but to no avail!

  5. #5
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    Anacortes, Washington

    Default Re: ResNet - Profitable????


    I can't speak to other parts of the country but the builders here in Washington are in survival mode and not really interested in adding any costs to their builds. Forget about Green or LEEDs building programs, just not happening.


    Rick Bunzel

  6. #6
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: ResNet - Profitable????

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Spermo View Post

    Not entirely true! If you can get a contract with a new construction builder (who is still building) who is either building Energy Star homes or has reached an agreement with RESNET to use a HERS Rating Index you can make money. To do a HERS Index I charge $.25 sq ft ($500 minimum for a house). On the average the work takes about 5 hours.

    In the south in particular there is very little money in energy audits of existing homes. The only money to be made here is to work for an utility company or non-profit doing audits because they have government money. This money is drying up!

    RESNET has done an excellent marketing job with government bureacrats! This new DOE Home Energy Score for an existing home can only be conducted by a RESNET or BPI certified person. I have fought this government support of certification monopolies but to no avail!

    I have talked with you about this in the past Bob.

    I hope all is going well with you

    I just wanted to make a couple of already known notes.

    First off there is no such thing as Gov money. The Gov has no money, the money once belonged to everyone else.

    Secon note on the Gov partisipation. It has gone bust. All the money the Gov tried to inject into the industry went know where other than temporary work at best for a handful of folks. Kind of like the Solindra (what ever the name is) deal.. To take from one to pay another has never worked for the long run.

    This is another deal where the "Gov" needs to back out of it and turn it of to just laws on the books or someway where once enacted no one in the Gov is counting on their paycheck for the program to exist.

    New energy laws as such in codes for buildings. Weather tightening of all new buildings going up with levels of R factor and or radiant barriers, the actual inspection of tightly sealed duct connections at the time of building instead of after the building is up and finished etc etc etc. Certain standards that are already applied like the minimum seer rating for the HVAC etc

    I had a city building inspector (Neptune Beach Florida) that actualy carried a ladder in the truck and got on it to see if the duct connections to the vents were tight. He also actually check to make sure ceiling penetrations were as tight as could be expected. He also inspected before and after the insulation to check all these areas.

    In Texas they need to stop giving things like 25,000 a years college grants to the children of illegal aliens and of course being grants never have to pay it back like you and I because you just have to have a heart! and start smart programs like real inspections by city inspectors and not just walk thrus.

    You are right about the money drying up. It has never been there. The Gov spends more than it takes from everyone every single year and has for to long to remember and then even though there is no money they still want to enact or continue losing programs.

    Resnet programs. Sure, like you say, if you get a contract with a builder still building. But, then once you have it there is no opening for a new resnet guy. Gov (I mean your and my ) funds for these programs. They should have been gone long ago. The money has been gone for a long long time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: ResNet - Profitable????

    I recall that the federal money/bill was not approved or passed by congress that was to support the DOE program. Anyone know if this is true or am I thinking of something else?

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  8. #8
    Bob Spermo's Avatar
    Bob Spermo Guest

    Default Re: ResNet - Profitable????


    Just so we are on the same wave length. Although I teach RESNET and BPI I am not a big fan of either! The only way people make money with these certifications is by getting money from "government" programs when they conduct "energy audits".

    However, I have found that many home inspectors lack real knowledge of energy issues. I have become a better inspector through the energy education I have received and given. For example, the SEER of A/C units is relatively useless as it is tested in the lab at a certain OAT. Use the EER which can be actually tested on site.

    Next time I get to Fort Worth we'll get a beer and discuss the many flaws of our current government!

    Scott, I think DOE has money for the Home Energy Scoring program which is a weak effort to give an energy score to existing homes. It is this program that requires a RESNET or BPI Certification. I continue to fight this government created monopoly but I do not get very far!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    St. George, UT

    Default Re: ResNet - Profitable????

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Fellman View Post

    Something I read on here previously pretty much sums it up.... the only people making money are the ones selling equipment and teaching classes.

    The "distribution of wealth" tax incentives and rebates are drying up also. (News flash! The USA is flat Broke) Those taxpayer funded incentives is the main incentive for people to take advantage of the exorbitant cost, to real benefit ratio, of the ResNet programs. Once the money is gone there will be plenty of blower doors to be found pretty cheap on eBay---IMO

  10. #10
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: ResNet - Profitable????

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Spermo View Post

    Just so we are on the same wave length. Although I teach RESNET and BPI I am not a big fan of either! The only way people make money with these certifications is by getting money from "government" programs when they conduct "energy audits".

    However, I have found that many home inspectors lack real knowledge of energy issues. I have become a better inspector through the energy education I have received and given. For example, the SEER of A/C units is relatively useless as it is tested in the lab at a certain OAT. Use the EER which can be actually tested on site.

    Next time I get to Fort Worth we'll get a beer and discuss the many flaws of our current government!

    Scott, I think DOE has money for the Home Energy Scoring program which is a weak effort to give an energy score to existing homes. It is this program that requires a RESNET or BPI Certification. I continue to fight this government created monopoly but I do not get very far!

    The SEER was just an example and yes it is under very stringent guidelines when tested and usually never can be perfectly duplicated at a construction site.

    I should have used the EER as you did. The building standards have changed substantially over time as quick as financially applicable. Each trade cannot spend enough time on every single item to get it tight enough to meet the greater standards necessary but they have changed substantially from even 10 years ago. I used to spend a foolish amount of effort on tightening anything I built and or remodeled. Wraps, sealants, ceiling penetrations, checking all duct connections and HVAC tightness, door and window weather tightness etc. I guarantee that anything I built in the past , other than the HVAC of course, would exceed 99 percent of all homes built today but that was just me.

    BJs Brew House has a decent blonde beer and I love their thin crust pizza


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