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  1. #1
    Nolan Kienitz's Avatar
    Nolan Kienitz Guest

    Default Marshall Reddick vendors ?

    Anyone had any experience with the Marshall Reddick RE Network? Appears to be one of those "teach you how to spend your money and make me rich" seminar deals.

    Reason I'm asking is that a participant in the 'club' contracted with me to provide a 'new home final' inspection. Not a big deal, but was asked to work through the local Property Management team and they started to query me about being an 'approved vendor' in the Marshall Reddick network?

    I'm digging for more information via WWW, but thought I'd pop the question here as well.

    BTW - I've already made sure of payment before inspection via gold bullion, etc., etc.

    Just curious.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Marshall Reddick vendors ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nolan Kienitz View Post
    Anyone had any experience with the Marshall Reddick RE Network? Appears to be one of those "teach you how to spend your money and make me rich" seminar deals.

    Reason I'm asking is that a participant in the 'club' contracted with me to provide a 'new home final' inspection. Not a big deal, but was asked to work through the local Property Management team and they started to query me about being an 'approved vendor' in the Marshall Reddick network?

    I'm digging for more information via WWW, but thought I'd pop the question here as well.

    BTW - I've already made sure of payment before inspection via gold bullion, etc., etc.

    Just curious.
    Yes, over the past seven or so years I have done a couple hundred homes for investors in the Marshal Reddick Network. I'm still working with them. They buy new construction and some good pre-existing homes. The majority that I have done have been new homes. They tend to buy homes in good areas that they can rent for a little more than apartments in the area. The owner keeps them for about 5 years and then sells them, hopefully for a profit.

    I gave them a single price (Yes, it was discounted over a normal home inspection. Basically it was my lowest price for a small home) that covered the initial inspection and a reinspection. On most of the homes I made a very good profit and on a few it was a wash. You take the good with the bad. All are out of state investors and payment was either by credit card or check. I have yet to have a problem getting paid. These folks have been checked fairly well before the are allowed to participate in the MR Network.

    One thing I noticed was that the inspections from the MR folks came when it was slow, mostly in the fall and winter months.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN


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