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  1. #1
    imported_John Smith's Avatar
    imported_John Smith Guest

    Default Google Maps and home inspection

    I was using google earth and Microsoft maps for most of my research prior to going to a clients property. Today, I was looking at something on google maps, and came across the "street view" feature. Needless to say I was impressed at how well this works. Truly amazing! I recall hearing something about people complaining about their privacy a few months ago, but didnt really think much of it. I thought they were referring to the satellite imagery on google earth.

    With fuel prices rising, this can really help you get to your location without getting lost, and allows you to do a "drive by" from the comfort of your home.

    It seems like they still have a lot of work to do, but they have some great images of the Houston area.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Anacortes, Washington

    Default Re: Google Maps and home inspection

    Microsoft also has "birds eye view" which works very well and impresses the clients Web browser and Live Maps are incompatible


    Rick Bunzel

  3. #3
    imported_John Smith's Avatar
    imported_John Smith Guest

    Default Re: Google Maps and home inspection

    Rick, birds eye view is yesterday compared to street level google. Give it a try and youll see what I mean.


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