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  1. #1
    Brett Temperly's Avatar
    Brett Temperly Guest

    Default Radon Mitigation Insurance

    I am starting a radon mitigation company and I am looking for liability insurance. My local insurane co. will not insure for radon. I live in IL, and need insurance so I can start. Any help would be great. Thanks, Brett

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  2. #2
    Jon Randolph's Avatar
    Jon Randolph Guest

    Default Re: Radon Mitigation Insurance

    Are you currently a home inspector? My E&O insurance covers inspections, WDI and radon as well as covering me with GL.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Ft. Myers, FL

    Default Re: Radon Mitigation Insurance

    Jon, is that for mitigation. I would think you would need something more since it is not just testing.

    Paul Kondzich
    Ft. Myers, FL.

  4. #4
    Jon Randolph's Avatar
    Jon Randolph Guest

    Default Re: Radon Mitigation Insurance

    Sorry, I guess that I did not thoroughly read the post. No that is for testing NOT mitigation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Radon Mitigation Insurance

    Quote Originally Posted by Brett Temperly View Post
    I am starting a radon mitigation company and I am looking for liability insurance. My local insurane co. will not insure for radon. I live in IL, and need insurance so I can start. Any help would be great. Thanks, Brett
    If you are looking for GL insurance, I would think that you would need the same coverage that would be used by anyone doing work around a home. General contractor, plumbing contractor, remodeler, etc. What you will be doing I bet falls under light construction.

    You will be coring concrete, light electrical, assembling PVC pipe, working in attics, crawls, basements, on roofs, etc.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  6. #6
    Paul Ybarra's Avatar
    Paul Ybarra Guest

    Default Re: Radon Mitigation Insurance

    Radon mitigation insurance is difficult to obtain since many underwriters don't want to touch it. To obtain the best rates (I could find) you need to join AARST (, be licensed by the state you will work in or have NRSB or NEHA-NRPP mitigation certification. Since you live in IL you have to have your IEMA license before they will insure you for work in IL.

    From member bennies at
    "Qualifies state-licensed and NRPP-certified AARST members with increased
    and specialized Insurance that includes General Liability, Professional Liability and Pollution Liability"

    I also obtain my hired and non owned auto from them at a good rate from these Insurance brokers.

    Paul Ybarra

  7. #7
    Steve Riggs, AAI's Avatar
    Steve Riggs, AAI Guest

    Default Re: Radon Mitigation Insurance

    Most Home Inspector insurance policies exclude liability due to environmental work like radon or even professional liability. The largest association for radon is AARST and they have an endorsed program at Radon Insurance


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