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  1. #1
    Matt Wilson's Avatar
    Matt Wilson Guest

    Default Splicing Wires in Electrical Breaker Box

    I want to add an exterior motion sensor light to an exterior motion sensor light circuit at the electrical breaker box.

    My proposal is since:

    1) I have material to make it to the new light from the breaker box and not further.
    2) I can't double tap on the 15A GFCI circuit breaker that serves the circuit.
    3) A junction box somewhere else is not really an option.
    4) I am running out of breaker spaces in the breaker box.
    5) I have more than enough area/volume in the breaker panel.

    to run a 14-2 wire from the new light to the 15A breaker. The plan would be to splice the black wires together using an appropriate wire nut to a black pigtail and land the pigtail on the appropriate location on the GFCI. In turn, I would do the same thing with the white wires and land the white pigtail on the appropriate location on the GFCI. All derating of the NM-B cable and breaker is done. Would this meet code?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Splicing Wires in Electrical Breaker Box

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Wilson View Post
    The plan would be to splice the black wires together using an appropriate wire nut to a black pigtail and land the pigtail on the appropriate location on the GFCI.
    Okay so far.

    In turn, I would do the same thing with the white wires and land the white pigtail on the appropriate location on the GFCI.
    Okay here to.

    All derating of the NM-B cable and breaker is done. Would this meet code?
    Yes because the conductor coming off the splice point is terminating within the panel enclosure in proper terminals, which happen to be on the breaker.

    While I am not a fan of pig tailing the two whites together as you described and then connecting the one coming off to the breaker, there is nothing in the code which prohibits doing that, and, in fact, the properly rated and sized wire connector (wire nut) is rated for use with white conductors as well as with black conductors. Just a personal "cringe" factor is all.

    You are in effect making one circuit out of two "home runs", there is nothing which prohibits that.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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