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  1. #1
    Fred Warner's Avatar
    Fred Warner Guest

    Default Wiring a 3 phase laundrymat

    Hi fellow members. I haven't posted in a while because it's summer and I'm busier than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

    I'm 58 years old and I'm heading up a project wiring a laundrymat in conduit. Boy is this fun. I haven't ran conduit in a long time. It's been a blast remembering how the bends go. It's hard keeping up with the young bucks and I sure am tired at night...but it's fun. (Gotta go easy, though...4 stents and 5 bypasses)

    So anyway, I'll be a more active participant when things slow down, but right now I'm working long hours.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Wiring a 3 phase Laundromat

    Quote Originally Posted by Fred Warner View Post
    I'm 58 years old and ...
    You young whipper snapper you ...

    (Gotta go easy, though...4 stents and 5 bypasses)
    Wow! Sounds like my Dad with those stents (but no bypasses yet) ... you Old Man you.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    John Steinke's Avatar
    John Steinke Guest

    Default Re: Wiring a 3 phase laundrymat

    Sounds like you're in the wrong forum

    Laundromats can easily show the difference between a 'real' electrician, and simply 'running wire.'

    Load calculations and planning your layout is simply critical.

    I can't think of a better place to have multiple panels.

    Simple techniques - such as wrapping pipe that might get wet with pipe wrap tape - can make a huge difference down the road.

    This is also a good example of where you might want to have the boiler pumps, etc., connected with a cord and plug. Simply put, when a pump dies you want the operator to be able to quickly change out the pump, without messing with the wiring.

    The final surprises might come from the ventilation. The dryers, in particular, require a lot of fresh air; this means there might be fans in unexpected locations.


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