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  1. #1
    mathew stouffer's Avatar
    mathew stouffer Guest

    Default Crouse-Hinds Panel, Siemens breakers

    Getting mixed info on whether siemens breakers can be put into a crouse hinds panel. I think the below statement is correct but not sure.

    "Crouse-Hinds bought Murray, after Cooper Industries bought Crouse-Hinds the line was sold to Siemens, and they restored the Murray name, so a Murray breaker is the OEM choice. "

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Colorado Front Range

    Default Re: Crouse-Hinds Panel, Siemens breakers

    The breakers that can be installed in a panel are those listed or classified for use in them. Several companies, Cutler Hammer among them, have a series of breakers that are classified for use in many different panels and come with a list of breakers they can replace.

    A Murray breaker can't be used in anything but a Murray panel unless it it is listed or classified for use in them. And, just because a panel or breaker has a Murray name on it now doesn't mean it's the same product it used to be. The type needs to be checked.

    Some local authorities who frequently lack all the information they should have to make the decision won't allow classified breakers. The classified breakers are tested by UL to the same standards and in the same panels as the OEM breakers that are designed for it.


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