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Thread: Inspecting in Photoshop
07-11-2010, 10:22 AM #1
Inspecting in Photoshop
In the context of a discussion of one-site vs. office report preparation, I was mentioning a while back that I always do a "second inspection" of panels in Photoshop Elements as an example of a reason I preferred in-office preparation.
I got some pretty skeptical responses, but today's report is an example of the reason I do it this way - this panel was tucked into a corner at head height behind a washing machine in a ill lit basement, and I took these from off to the side where I could not get my head in order to "inspect" behind a spaghetti bowl of neutrals.
It's very unlikely I would have found these otherwise.
Similar Threads:Last edited by Michael Thomas; 07-11-2010 at 11:40 AM.
07-11-2010, 12:57 PM #2
Re: Inspecting in Photoshop
BTW, you can use PhotoShop onsite as well as off.
I use PaintShop Pro myself, but I'll load up my pics and check them over on my laptop.
I've gone back into attics numerous times after looking at the pics. I saw a big stain, went back in, it was just paint. Saw a little stain, went back in, it was a leaky vent. So you never know.
If that green in pic2 is corrosion on copper, that is probably from having the washer under the panel, ain't it?
Along with calling out the code violation for access, would you mention poor access for the inspection as well?
John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455
07-11-2010, 02:22 PM #3
Re: Inspecting in Photoshop
Not really sure how Photoshopping photos makes a difference between on site and at home inspections. When I am uploading photos from my camera and see something out of focus, or isn't clear, then I go back and take another photo. I usually look at my photos right after I take them to ensure I got what I was looking for.
There are many times that I can't get my head behind an a/c unit to read the label, but I can hold my camera back there and get a photo of it. I thought we all did that?
So tell me, what do you do when you are at home, and its 10pm and your 25 miles from the house, and you see something in a photo that you really feel you need to go back and take another look? At least when I am putting together my report, and see something that I need to look at again, I can do it.
Aaron, just because we don't all do it like you does not mean we are doing it wrong.
07-11-2010, 08:44 PM #4
Re: Inspecting in Photoshop
In reporting the one you may have missed ... just kidding, I am sure you reported that as well - "this panel was tucked into a corner at head height behind a washing machine" ... i.e., "no proper working space, have electrical contractor correct any and all violations and improper wiring in the panel" ....
Same here with PaintShop Pro and looking at the photos as I used to insert every photo I took and put a blurb below the photo stating what was in the photo.