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01-04-2011, 11:07 AM #1
Defects at service panel & distribution panel?
First pic - Distribution panel - do you see any issues?
Remainder of pics - Service panel - Double tapped breakers? Too many circuits? Multiple ground/neutral at lug designed for single conductor? Any other issues?
Would appreciate any comments.
Also, what source (book or otherwise) do you recommend for me to study on the topic of electrical panels?
Similar Threads:"the relentless pursuit of perfection"
01-04-2011, 11:44 AM #2
Re: Defects at service panel & distribution panel?
The pic of the panel you called a distribution panel looks ok except for the white conductors not re-identified as a hot.
The service panel is overfilled. I counted 20 spaces down one side. The panel limit would be a maximum of 40 or 42 spaces. The tandems are not allowed on that panel.
What brand of panel is that?
01-04-2011, 11:55 AM #3
Re: Defects at service panel & distribution panel?
Square D HOM40M200C - service panel
Square D BX21A - distribution panel
seller's disclosure indicates no changes to the home since it was built in 1993. do these panels look newer than that to you?
"the relentless pursuit of perfection"
01-04-2011, 05:39 PM #4
Re: Defects at service panel & distribution panel?
Knowing that those are Square D I can now answer about the double taps. Both the Homeline and QO 15, 20 and 30 amp breakers are listed for use with 2 conductors.
Not sure on the vintage. The newer versions have a yellow marking near the handles.
01-04-2011, 05:48 PM #5
Re: Defects at service panel & distribution panel?
Douglas Hansen (of Code Check) wrote a really good book "Electrical Inspection of Existing Buildings". It is currently out of print, but he is reportedly revising it. My understanding was that he intended for it to be out by September of 2010, but apparently did not meet the deadline. I have not heard what the status is, but hope it is soon. You might be able to find it used, or maybe some home inspector in your area will lend you their copy.
Department of Redundancy Department
Supreme Emperor of Hyperbole
01-04-2011, 07:53 PM #6
Re: Defects at service panel & distribution panel?
Those Square D breakers are designed to accept two branch circuit wires under one screw. However, the two wires should be separated, one on either side of the screw, to be installed correctly.
So in the third pic, the black wires look to be correctly "double-tapped", but one of the whites is installed incorrectly on the breaker.
And those whites should be marked with black or red paint or tape.
John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455