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  1. #1
    Dave Mortensen's Avatar
    Dave Mortensen Guest

    Default Oxidation on equipment ground

    Scenario: Condo, built 1981, likely a marijauna growing area, walls covered in mold, excessive humidity for long periods of time. Then the place was flipped by a couple of contractors. The panel board shows signs of excessive moisture within (ie: mold-like substance on sheetrock behind the panel, rust, etc.). Also, the equipment ground is oxidized, or at least burnished and not the nice copper color you normally see. I have advised for my client to seek the advice of an electrician, however, I would like to know if this issue is, well, an issue. Or, if the oxidation on the copper wiring is superficial and the equipment ground is ok. Any thoughts? Thanks!

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  2. #2
    Tom Thompson's Avatar
    Tom Thompson Guest

    Default Re: Oxidation on equipment ground

    As long as the ground lugs are tight it should be OK, The grounds as shown could be tested across a hot legs to insure. I've seen many cases like this even worse, but they were also outdoor panels. The mold issue would be my biggest concern.

  3. #3
    Lou Romano's Avatar
    Lou Romano Guest

    Default Re: Oxidation on equipment ground

    This really doesn't look that bad! Unless there is more than meets the eye in this picture, from an electrical standpoint, I wouldn't be concerned about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: Oxidation on equipment ground

    The oxidation also is conductive, unlike aluminum oxidation which is not conductive.

  5. #5
    Dave Mortensen's Avatar
    Dave Mortensen Guest

    Default Re: Oxidation on equipment ground

    There were other minor problems with the panel, so the electrician needs to look at it anyway so it'll be interesting to see what they think.

    "Raymond Wand- The oxidation also is conductive, unlike aluminum oxidation which is not conductive."
    Raymond, are you saying it needs to be removed in your opinion?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: Oxidation on equipment ground


    No it does not need to be removed as alluded to by Tom and Lou


  7. #7
    Dave Mortensen's Avatar
    Dave Mortensen Guest

    Default Re: Oxidation on equipment ground

    OK, thanks for the responses. One more question, would additional oxidation cause problems down the road? Lou said it doesn't look that bad, what if it did, what would be the repair? Replacement of the equipment grounds? I'm assuming the paper within the NMSC is, or was, wet at some point due to the high humidity in the condo. Would this eventually dry without problems? (OK, a few more questions...)

  8. #8
    Tom Thompson's Avatar
    Tom Thompson Guest

    Default Re: Oxidation on equipment ground

    Water with time will breakdown almost any metallic material, each case needs separate evaluation, the buss bar attachments like steel screws could rot away loosing conductivity with the enclosure, keeping it dry stops the process.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default Re: Oxidation on equipment ground

    based on current conditions I would not worry about it. as long as things stay dry there. if conditions change and it gets moist in there then yes further evaluation would be required at that time. we can't predict what is going to happen in the furture. I would tell the client if they are aware of excessive mositure present there it might and could be a serious problem in the future. at present all is ok as long as all electrical connections are currently good visually and no problems are uncovered by testing.

  10. #10
    Dave Mortensen's Avatar
    Dave Mortensen Guest

    Default Re: Oxidation on equipment ground

    OK, thanks for the responses.


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