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  1. #1
    Wade Johnson's Avatar
    Wade Johnson Guest

    Default Double Pole Breaker

    Can a dishwasher and garbage disposal be tied into one double pole breaker?

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  2. #2
    Ray Norton's Avatar
    Ray Norton Guest

    Default Re: Double Pole Breaker

    Yes. I am assuming that these 2 appliances are cord and plug connected under the sink. The hot tab of the duplex receptacle is removed. Both appliances are supplied by a separate breaker and share the neutral. Actually the code requires a handle tie in this installation, thats why they use the 2 pole breaker.

  3. #3
    Wade Johnson's Avatar
    Wade Johnson Guest

    Default Re: Double Pole Breaker

    Thank you, I feel silly for being lazy. It was listed quite plainly in my code book.


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