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  1. #1
    Stanley Chow's Avatar
    Stanley Chow Guest

    Default 240v receptacle next to gas valve

    240v receptacle for clothes dryer is very to gas valve. Both are recessed in a furred wall. Is it OK to have the electric and gas so close to each other? And the recessed installation is no good due to lack of access...correct?


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  2. #2
    Gerry Bennett's Avatar
    Gerry Bennett Guest

    Default Re: 240v receptacle next to gas valve

    They wind up close sometimes like another post of the stove outlet and the gas line. A larger access panel might be a good idea. But it looks like the dryer cord is fished in the wall. That would be a violation.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: 240v receptacle next to gas valve

    The photo is a bit dark but it looks like that is a box back in there with no cover, and if that is the case then the box needs to be brought forward to at least within 1/4" of the surface of the drywall and the drywall needs to be tight around the box - which would mean there would not be any access to the gas valve, so that means ... that it all needs to be corrected in some suitable manner as a 'quick and easy fix' will only create additional problems.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Colorado Front Range

    Default Re: 240v receptacle next to gas valve

    Looks to me like a surface mount receptacle has been enclosed in a wall. The receptacle either needs to be moved so it on the surface of the wall or replaced with a box and box mounted receptacle.

    The dryer cord definitely can't be in the wall.

    Occam's eraser: The philosophical principle that even the simplest solution is bound to have something wrong with it.


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