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Thread: 110V Service ?
04-21-2016, 10:35 AM #1
110V Service ?
Can somebody tell me what's going on with this panel and why it's wired this way. This is a sub panel for a condo. The service breaker is on the other side of the room.
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04-21-2016, 11:04 AM #2
Re: 110V Service ?
The panel is fed by 120 only. The small red jumper is powering the second leg of the panel.
I do not see a grounding conductor for the panel.
All answers based on unamended National Electrical codes.
04-21-2016, 11:10 AM #3
Re: 120V Service ?
NOTE: 120 volt ... not 110 volt ...
Someone had no idea what they were doing and followed through with doing it that way ...
... condo. The service breaker is on the other side of the room.
The main disconnect for the condo is not a 'service disconnect' as the service disconnect disconnects power to the entire building, not just the one condo, which means that the grounded neutral conductor is isolated from ground in the condo panel.
The grounded neutral conductor is also isolated from ground in the condo disconnect panel (unless the condo disconnect panel is part of the service equipment for up to a 5 unit condo, leaving one disconnect for the house panel).
I don't see a ground going to that panel.
Last edited by Jerry Peck; 04-21-2016 at 11:13 AM. Reason: I was typing while Jim posted, I duplicated his last comment.
04-21-2016, 11:13 AM #4
Re: 110V Service ?
A little more information, the jumper breaker on the left side is a 20 amp; the jumper breaker on the right side is a 15 amp. The breakers above the right side jumper are all 20 amp and servicing the kitchen.
The panel shown is connected to the unit's main service panel through metal conduit.
There is no main disconnect for the building. 9 separate meter, one for each of the 8 units and one for the house lights. Each meter has it's own 100 amp disconnect. Each disconnect is wired to corresponding remote panels on the opposite side of the room.
Last edited by Ken Rowe; 04-21-2016 at 11:19 AM.
04-21-2016, 11:24 AM #5
Re: 120V Service ?
04-21-2016, 01:49 PM #6
Re: 120V Service ?
I thought there was no need to explain that running that red conductor across in front of the live bus was a no-no.
There are other things which are not shown in the photo, such as no grounding busing at the metal conduit (which is not shown, but you later clarified was there) into the enclosure - is one needed (probably).
There there is that red conductor crossing over the live bus bar - #12 AWG? And it is supplying power to the other buss with those four breakers feeding off it? You didn't question the ampacity of that red conductor and its breaker as being able to feed those 4 circuits it feeds? Just curious.
I then went on to explain some things you should have found in the other panel - the panel NOT SHOWN ... just as a heads up. Guess that is a no-no for future posts by you?
04-21-2016, 03:09 PM #7
04-21-2016, 03:55 PM #8
Re: 120V Service ?
To coin a great intellectual Forst Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does."
Ken, it took me but a short time to recognize I could learn so much if I visited and got involved.
Even when I put my foot in my mouth, which happens from time to time, Gees Louise more than I care to admit, I reflect, accept humility, and get back in the thread because there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.
All swell guys and gals with so much to offer.
Bet you are a NACHI MB survivor.
All the best.
Last edited by ROBERT YOUNG; 04-21-2016 at 04:05 PM.
Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”
04-21-2016, 05:38 PM #9
Re: 120V Service ?
Peak Inspection Services | Over 34 Years of Contractor Experience!
Residential Inspections | Commercial Inspections
Office: 908-750-6789 |
04-21-2016, 06:03 PM #10
Re: 120V Service ?
Even that man behind the curtain needs to know what is being asked - a reasonable question is too much to ask for?
Ken asked "and why it's wired this way"
The great and powerful Mark had a good answer: "Why people choose to do stupid thinks with wiring is hard to answer."
Then Robert summed it all up: " To coin a great intellectual Forst Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does." "
04-21-2016, 06:11 PM #11
Re: 110V Service ?
Jerry, I've always appreciated the vast wealth of information you possess, I just like to bust you from time to time
Peak Inspection Services | Over 34 Years of Contractor Experience!
Residential Inspections | Commercial Inspections
Office: 908-750-6789 |
04-21-2016, 06:58 PM #12
Re: 110V Service ?
little people.JPG
What you mean there no such a thing as a sub-panel!
Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”
04-21-2016, 10:09 PM #13
Re: 110V Service ?
When I submitted the picture to an electrician friend of mine and my original question,
Can somebody tell me what's going on with this panel and why it's wired this way.
The feeder panel lost power on the right side due to (most likely) a faulty wire or main disconnect. Somebody, possibly even an electrician on an emergency service call, added the jumper giving power to the breakers above the jumpers on the right side. The fix will be tracing and correcting the problem to the power feed.
This is exactly what I expected the problem was...and I called it out in the inspection report before I even posted it here. I was only looking for confirmation. However, I should know better than to expect a direct answer from this site.
04-21-2016, 10:22 PM #14
Re: 120V Service ?
Robert, please look at my post count. It took me a while to recognize it's more efficient to ask someone who actually does the trade than to ask on here and get lectured instead of having my questions answered.
I don't really care that the red wire is running across the power buss, I don't care that that 15 amp capacity jumper is feeding two 20 amp kitchen circuits, the disposal, dishwasher refrigerator, etc. I know it's wrong it's been called out on the inspection report and it's been referred to an electrician. I simply wanted to know why someone would have done this.
04-21-2016, 10:27 PM #15
Re: 120V Service ?
04-22-2016, 03:39 AM #16
Re: 120V Service ?
I concur with everything you have said except for, I asked a direct question and received no direct answer, even from him.
Someone had no idea what they were doing and followed through with doing it that way ...
Someone had no idea what they were doing and followed through with doing it that way ...
Rapp'en Rodney.
Marc, the idea behind asking a question is to.
1: Explain your misunderstanding.
2: State what you know.
3: State what you don't know.
4: Sound confident.
5:Have a come-back.
I see you have #3,5 down pat but it would be recommended to use #2 to attach credibility.
In the case where as you may be a NACHI MB survivor; I think a clinic is being opened soon to help meet the growing demand but I don't know when.
So far it's only a rumour.
I am perplexed, though, I see the ASHI seal on your website, hmmm?
Marc, if I am mistaken about you being a NACHI MB survivor, please excuse me and give the NACHI MB a visit. I am quite certain you'll fit right in with several members there.
Tell them I said hello with a big loud raspberry and give the other members my best regards!
PS: Help spread the word about the clinic to the survivors.
Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”
04-22-2016, 07:51 AM #17
Re: 110V Service ?
Hey Ken, before you go away, it is 120 volts in the USA.
You other guys, any chance the conduit is providing grounding to the panel? Yep, I think it is.
John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455
04-22-2016, 08:23 AM #18
Re: 110V Service ?
That was not in the photo and was not mentioned in the original posted information/question ... that information was added after Jim and I made that comment - it is nice to have all the information up front.
My question to Ken, regarding him asking and accepting his electricians answer is this:How long after that "emergency service call" did you make your inspection, and if not immediately after it ... how long is that "emergency repair" supposed to be allowed to remain?
And this question: You did not question why, or include a mention of, that abandoned conductor was disconnected in the other panel (the panel for which no photo was provided). That information would have been very good to have shared with us.
The photo shows that conductor removed at the LOAD end ... if that conductor IS NOT ALSO abandoned at the LINE end ... than that conductor IS STILL 'live' and energized inside the wall/conduit/wherever. You did not say your electrician pointed out that very real hazard.
Final question: Was the other end of that conductor also abandoned at the other end in that other panel?
Okay, one more question (depending on your answer to the above "Final question"): Why did you not tell us that?
We are 'getting blamed' for not answering your question ... yet your question lacked a lot of pertinent information ... information which keeps coming up after the fact - that last part is common as one does not always know what information is needed when asking a question ... but not giving all the information and then blaming others for not being able to answer your question?
Yes, I realize we are just .
04-22-2016, 03:38 PM #19
Re: 110V Service ?
It occurred to me last night that if the panel had been fed with a 240 volt breaker and one leg was disconnected at the breaker, then I would suspect that one leg may have shorted and was disconnected.
04-22-2016, 03:43 PM #20
Re: 110V Service ?
But that would beg the question, and the looksee to find out ... is the other end of those conductors (the supply or 'line' end) was disconnected too ... but he has made no mention of that so far.
Had he checked that, and provided that information, I suspect the entire discussion would have gone differently.
04-22-2016, 10:15 PM #21
Re: 110V Service ?
My original question to the forum was asking for a speculation as to why the panel was wired the way it was shown in the photo. The purpose of the question was to verify my original thoughts. I didn't ask you or anyone else to describe what was wrong with the panel.
It doesn't matter that the jumper wire is running across the busbars, it doesn't matter what's being powered by the jumped busbar, it doesn't matter if there is a ground cable to the panel or not and it doesn't matter if the supply conductor is attached or not. I'm not going to write down every separate deficiency of the panel in the inspection report. I didn't give the forum all the information because it was not, and is not needed to answer the question I posed. And, I certainly don't need your help to tell me the obvious deficiencies easily viewed in the picture.
04-23-2016, 04:51 AM #22
Re: 110V Service ?
Last edited by ROBERT YOUNG; 04-23-2016 at 05:05 AM.
Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”
04-23-2016, 06:07 AM #23
Re: 110V Service ?
Your original question to the forum was this:
We addressed the "what's going on with this panel" part.
We did not speculate on the "and why it's wired this way" other to comment on the unsafe hazard that it is and that someone would need to be crazy to do that.
Your electrician speculated that it may have been from an emergency repair because of a bad feeder conductor, but ... he apparently did not recognize that the load end of the conductor being wire nutted off does not address any safety aspect as the line end of that conductor would need to be abandoned for that (address any safety aspect) to happen.
You have still not stated whether or not that capped off wire was the only capped off wire, nor whether or not you looked in the other panel to see if that conductor was abandoned and capped off at the line (supply) end.
The purpose of the question was to verify my original thoughts.
I didn't ask you or anyone else to describe what was wrong with the panel.
You apparently did not like our answers, and apparently your question was really only about the second part of your questions, the "and why it's wired this way" part.
04-23-2016, 11:19 AM #24
Re: 110V Service ?
Hopefully, he will explain more and recognise his shortcomings.
Ken, it is beneficial to be humble and recognise what weaknesses and strengths you have.
Consider Jerry the Borg, so Resistance is futile.
Want me to get the dead horse GIF illustration from one of the previous posts?
Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”
04-23-2016, 02:06 PM #25
Re: 110V Service ?
When you are typing a message in the text box - do you see those emoticons on the right? At the bottom of them is says "(More)", click on the "(More)" and another window with more of them, including the beating a dead horse, open to give you ... well ... "more" of them ... like this one:
04-23-2016, 05:45 PM #26
Re: 110V Service ?
Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”
04-23-2016, 10:28 PM #27
Re: 110V Service ?
Unfortunately Jerry likes to make things up. Argue things were said when they weren't. The electrician I spoke with didn't say this was safe to do...I never said this was safe to do.
he apparently did not recognize that the load end of the conductor being wire nutted off does not address any safety aspect as the line end of that conductor would need to be abandoned for that (address any safety aspect) to happen.
Ah ... but you did, and we answered that part of your question.
Can somebody tell me what's going on with this panel and why it's wired this way.
You apparently did not like our answers,
You have still not stated whether or not that capped off wire was the only capped off wire, nor whether or not you looked in the other panel to see if that conductor was abandoned and capped off at the line (supply) end.
If you had posed your original thoughts in your question, we would have know what you were thinking and would know the reason for your question.
Feel free to keep replying, but to continue arguing with you is pointless.
04-24-2016, 05:52 AM #28
Re: 110V Service ?
04-24-2016, 01:46 PM #29
Re: 110V Service ?
Ken, I think it is clear that you could have worded your question better. If you were asking whether this is a 120 volts service, it may have confused some of us. What else could it be? I would not expect a home inspector to ask that question.
04-25-2016, 04:09 AM #30
Re: 110V Service ?
Hard to believe so much discussion over so little.
Ken, I wondered where this thread was was headed for since you started with the 110v in the posting thread question. Then I was totally confused when I saw that you were not just making a joke out of your question and you were actually serious about an answer. Possibly that is what the entire ho-rang about not having your simple question answered.
I looked at your pict and said to my self there was a problem with one leg knocking out 3 or 4 of the 7 breakers and they wanted to watch The Andy Griffith Show . So, being a smart doodle they disconnected the "black" leg, for safety. Then seeing the the wires on breakers were to short to move them to he hot leg they did the next best and quickest thing and back feed the other breakers. Got a beer and watched their show.
Ken, I like many assumed that you would know the answer to your question and it was just a rhetorical question. I apologize for all in the forum that failed to not see you were serious and wanted a narrative of the possible reasoning behind the the panel looking as it does. Not about right or wrong per code just a quick fix for a problem. Who ever did the quick fix was a not stupid since he knew that it would work and solve the immediate problem a MacGyver move ( ) If some were to attest to it being a permanent solution, then I would agree they are stupid.
The short answer by way of "Larry The Cable Guy " , " GitRdone..." my beer is getting warm.
04-25-2016, 04:42 AM #31
Re: 110V Service ?
Question & observations.
1: With a modification, not code compliant, how do we know the black leg is safely disconnected unless it was followed to the source?
2: You hypothesize one leg knocking out 3 or 4 of the 7 breakers.
Is it 3 or 4?
3: Is moving the hot leg with a small gauge conductor over the power bus thinking twice reasonably?
4: As for someone knowing how to solve a problem with a quick fix, I disagree.
They did not know how to work reasonably or safely.
As to the OP knowing electrical service and what follows, I concur.
I remember when I drank beer.
It left me with too many emotions and not thinking clearly and but I hated it warm. It still was fun, or so I thought at the time.
Just having fun Garry.
I thought you covered all the emotions, so no use me putting one up. Ops, I had to Two:-)
Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”
04-25-2016, 07:47 AM #32
Re: 110V Service ?
1) Black leg being safely disconnected was not part of the OP question.
2) Sorry, it is either 4 or 3 out of the 7 breakers, my mistake. Had it backwards.
3) It is insulated. Would be different with a bare wire.
4) Working reasonably or safely not part of the OP question.
The OP was "... what's going on and why? ..." I took it as to why it looks the way it does and what was it supposed to accomplish. Not what are the code violations and primary or secondary concerns relating to the panel along with concerns with the wiring prior to the panel.
Maybe they did a load annalist and determined that a 15 amp breaker was all that was needed. Who knows, not part of the OP.
If the original picture had the black leg caped the breakers were staggered so they were all on one leg what would have you said as to why it looked that way???????
Maybe I should move to France so I can claim that I am just tenderizing the meet when I .
04-25-2016, 12:05 PM #33
Re: 110V Service ?
While some may agree while others not, "Can somebody tell me what's going on with this panel and why it's wired this way?" steers in the OP's question to that hypothesis, but I could be mistaken.
I further my hypothesis, as murky as it can be due to lack of assessment methodology with verification of some sort, I combine,"This is a sub panel for a condo. The service breaker is on the other side of the room." I hope he could observe all conductors at the disconnect and follow the feeds in the conduit to the remote panel.
You do not have to spend the money or time, meat is tenderised in North America the same way.
Hopefully, it tenderises his attitude.
Ha ha ha. I never knew it was flogging a dead horse until someone mentioned it.
Your a good sport Garry.
Robert Young's Montreal Home Inspection Services Inc.
Call (514) 489-1887 or (514) 441-3732
Our Motto; Putting information where you need it most, "In your hands.”
04-25-2016, 12:54 PM #34
Re: 110V Service ?
All this rhetoric is due to the OP's originally poorly worded question, that is both vague and ambiguous.
Certainly a lesson in there for all of us....