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    Default AFCIs for apartment complex

    Last edited by Wendell Swedberg; 03-01-2008 at 08:21 PM.
    Inspection Referral

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: AFCIs for apartment complex

    Legally required? That would depend on in the 1999 NEC or newer editions were adopted for that area.

    Required for protection from arcing? Yes.

    Many people (AHJ) think 'Why do we need to install AFCIs when the wiring is all new? AFCIs are to protect older wiring installations, that's the reason they were developed.

    Yes, that is the reason they were developed, however, they also protect new installation which has nicks and other damage to the insulation from the installation of the wiring system.

    Besides, I've only seen "new" wiring installations on structures being built, after that, they are no longer "new", they are "newer", and, at some point, they will be "old" and THAT is when the AFCI will be most effective - but at that point in time, there would be no practical way to require the installation of AFCIs.

    Like an old house today - those are the ones which really "need" AFCIs, but no one (no AHJ) can "require" AFCIs to be installed - it is left up to us HIs to point out that 'Hey, THIS is precisely the old house for which those things were designed and really do need to be installed in.', then it is up to the buyer (in this case) to recognize that the AFCIs are there for their protection (and that of their family), and, besides, when the buyer goes to sell ... AFCIs have already been installed - they won't have to worry about their buyer's HI telling them that 'You need to install AFCIs'.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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