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  1. #1
    Wendell Swedberg's Avatar
    Wendell Swedberg Guest

    Default Volume of JB vs # of conductors

    Well, folks....I've passed 3 of the 4 ICC exams to get my Residential combination inspector certification....just have electrical left....I'm ready to just cry.....Anyways, here below is an ICC practice exam question. I could not figure out how they got their answer any help is appreciated, as usual!

    Given: A junction box that has the following combination of conuctors entering the box:

    - 4 #10AWG current carrying conductors.
    - 4 #12AWG current carrying conductors.
    - 2 #10AWG and 2 #12 equipment grounding conductors conductors.
    - 2 internal clamps.

    What is the minimum volume of the box, in square inches, required?

    A) 24.0
    B) 28.5
    C) 32.5
    D) 33.0

    The answer is (A). I looked at e3805.12.2.3, e3805.12.2.4, and e385.12.2.5 as well as table e3805.12.2.1. I just don't come close to any of the answers so what am I doing wrong! A step by step analysis would be appreciated.

    Thanks for your help!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Orlando, FL

    Default Re: Volume of JB vs # of conductors

    - 4 #10AWG current carrying conductors.
    - 4 #12AWG current carrying conductors.
    - 2 #10AWG and 2 #12 equipment grounding conductors conductors.
    - 2 internal clamps.

    Here is my answer, and how I calculated:

    Each #10 = 2.5 per conductor ---------(10)
    Each #12 = 2.25 per conductor --------(9)
    All grounding =1 at largest value -------(2.5)
    All clamps = 1 -------------------------(2.5)

    Total = --------------------------------(24)



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