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Thread: Service Mast

  1. #1
    mathew stouffer's Avatar
    mathew stouffer Guest

    Default Service Mast

    Is a mast needed in this installation? The house was built in 1940 so I was not sure.

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  2. #2
    Richard Stanley's Avatar
    Richard Stanley Guest

    Default Re: Service Mast

    Probably not. Drip loop should be 10' above ground. Wiring in conduit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Re: Service Mast

    Whether or not to have it in conduit is debatable depending on which part of the country you're in. In New England it's common to see SE properly secured to the side of the house without conduit. There should be a weather head at the end of the cable and should be more secure.

    Around here, running the SE though the building or under the siding and soffit (as in picture 2) before the meter is a big no-no. It's a conductor which is not protected by a breaker and the power companies get concerned about energy theft.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Kalamazoo, MI

    Default Re: Service Mast

    That's a very poor install in my mind and I probably would recommend a new service be installed (or at least have a licensed electrican further evaluate it). For one, the service entrance appears to come into the front of the home along the front porch? Where's the meter? On the porch? If I saw this on an inspection, I would be looking very carefully at the rest of the electrical system.

    Kalamazoo, MI


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