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  1. #1
    Robert Yeager's Avatar
    Robert Yeager Guest

    Default Lead/Finish Carpenter for hire Marlton NJ

    I have been working with the same guy for the past 6 years and as usual the plan is not coming together and think I need to make a move. I am fully equipped so either I can go back into business or thinking to partner up with someone that is still established and then build together....

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Lead/Finish Carpenter for hire Marlton NJ


    what is the question so we can help


  3. #3
    Robert Yeager's Avatar
    Robert Yeager Guest

    Default Re: Lead/Finish Carpenter for hire Marlton NJ

    No real question, but just seeing if there may be someone seeking a fully equipped finish man to possibly partner up with in south jersey. I have completed the home inspection course, yet to take the test and have no real start up money to do it correctly....from lesson's learned.


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