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  1. #1
    Victor Miltiades's Avatar
    Victor Miltiades Guest

    Default Any clue what these orange spots may be in on the joists in the crawl space?

    Any advice would be great! Thanks

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    Crawl Space Creeper

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: Any clue what these orange spots may be in on the joists in the crawl space?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: Any clue what these orange spots may be in on the joists in the crawl space?


    Paint splatters.

    You need a better camera if you want better help.

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Snowbird (this means I'm retired and migrate between locations), FL/MI

    Default Re: Any clue what these orange spots may be in on the joists in the crawl space?

    Quote Originally Posted by Victor Miltiades View Post
    Any advice would be great! Thanks
    purely a guess or two after viewing blurry out-of-focus poor image:

    WAG 1: (Possibly not-quite properly fully shaken) over-spatter from draftblocking expanding foam (can dispensing straw or nozzle) or immulescent (sp) paint. These products for specific usages are color-tinted bright orange, red, etc. depending on their approved applications.

    WAG 2: Marking spray chalk, marking paint splatter, or marking spray paint splatter (such as a builder marking TELECO or CA-TV entrance during or just before rough-in contractors arrive or for framing inspection) (orange-communications, red-electric, blue-potable water, yellow-fuel gas, green- etc.).

    Unsure if the spun insulation pictured is similarly effected, photo looks like some similarly tinted orange might be present upon same behind and above near what I can only guess is the mudsil or sill plate/sole plate intersection or a "penetration" to the adjacent wall and/or floor assembly, near, behind, above, or beyond the "floor joist".

    Solicited "any advice": Agree with JK, either get better at using the image device you have, or acquire a better one. (Unclear what "advice" you're seeking and why you need/want "advice" regarding what?).


    Last edited by H.G. Watson, Sr.; 02-19-2014 at 10:29 AM.

  5. #5
    Shawn McFarland's Avatar
    Shawn McFarland Guest

    Default Re: Any clue what these orange spots may be in on the joists in the crawl space?

    Looks like sap to me. It's fairly common for wood members.


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