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  1. #1

    Default Educational Mold Vids

    Howdy! For those who emailed me and asked me to get involved in a recent discussion - sorry, I was slammed with dead lines. I was hoping some one would bear the standard!!

    However, some of you have asked about the rest of my mould presentations, and our IT guys told us that the 3rd segment of our "Introduction to Indoor Moulds" video was irreparably damaged. So, I have simply done a voice-over on the Section 3 slides and put that up. The 4th Segment is already up and the last installment will go there tomorrow. You can view the vids at:

    Cheers all!

    Good health to yez!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: Educational Mold Vids


    Thanks for the update.

    Just as well you didn't get involved cause we know the truth which some fail to ignore because they are in the biz to make money based on unfounded info. Fear sells.

    However I was quick to post your website for the benefit of imparting the truth.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Educational Mold Vids

    Quote Originally Posted by Raymond Wand View Post

    Thanks for the update.

    Just as well you didn't get involved cause we know the truth which some fail to ignore because they are in the biz to make money based on unfounded info. Fear sells.

    However I was quick to post your website for the benefit of imparting the truth.
    I second Raymond's post.

    Those who really need to know the information just ignore the information anyway - your information and posts are always greatly appreciated by the rest of us.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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