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  1. #1
    Chris Parker's Avatar
    Chris Parker Guest

    Default Certified Terminte Inspector in Indiana

    I've just about got everything together to start my business, and I was told by a friend who just bought a house that the I really need to be certified for termite inspections to get much work.

    I've done some searching on the web and can't find anything that tells me how to go about this. Anyone have info on becoming certified for termite inspections in Indiana?

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  2. #2
    Richard Rushing's Avatar
    Richard Rushing Guest

    Default Re: Certified Terminte Inspector in Indiana


    If you are new to the home inspection profession, you should certainly make sure all your ducks are in a row with respect to knowing that (home inspection) end of the business before trying to get into another inspection profession which requires a whole different type of qualifications, skill-set and experience that should be obtained through a mentoring program.

    My suggestion to you would be to farm-out the requirements, if the buyers request you to do so.

    Good luck with your start-up...


  3. #3
    Kevin Luce's Avatar
    Kevin Luce Guest

    Default Re: Certified Terminte Inspector in Indiana

    To get licensed to do WDI inspections you will need to go to Purdue University. It is a great class and you will learn a lot. They charge very little but teach a lot. This is one area where they don't screw you over with the requirements/fees.

    Becoming a WDI Inspector

    Obtaining a WDI Business License

    Last edited by Kevin Luce; 05-28-2008 at 05:56 PM.

  4. #4
    Jon Randolph's Avatar
    Jon Randolph Guest

    Default Re: Certified Terminte Inspector in Indiana

    As bruce stated above, go to purdue. You also need insurance that covers WDI inspections.

    It is good to be able to provide all of the services, but that is not always feasible, especially when starting out. The important thing, in my opinion, is that you are able to provide all of the services needed and that the client does not have to cal 3-4 companies to get all that they need.

    I subbed WDI insepctions my first year and a half, until I decided that I was going to get enough business to stay busy and justify the extra expense with licensing and insurance. It's not a bad idea to get the certification now, but it is not necessary so long as you are able to still provide the desired services through other vendors.

    You are not that far from me. If you decide to wait and need to sub this out, contact me and I may be able to help. I do perform the WDI inspections under a different company entity than my HI business.

    I can also give you the names of the companies that I use for radon testing.

  5. #5
    Chris Parker's Avatar
    Chris Parker Guest

    Default Re: Certified Terminte Inspector in Indiana

    Thanks Jon, went ahead and took the class and test at Purdue coupla weeks ago. Will be sending the business and personal license app. in this week. Now if I can just get my arm recovered from surgery I'll be good.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Certified Terminte Inspector in Indiana

    Good Lord Man, what kind of test would they give a man that would require surgery afterwards? or how big are the termites up there? Maybe you just let them be.

    Glad I got my termite certifications years ago.



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