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  1. #1
    Daniel Leung's Avatar
    Daniel Leung Guest

    Default What is this on front yard

    It looks like a telephone/electric cable. What is this standing on the front yard of a new house?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: What is this on front yard

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Leung View Post
    It looks like a telephone/electric cable. What is this standing on the front yard of a new house?
    So they can run the cable/phone to that and run from there to the houses.

    I've seen them in the front of many new homes, they were in the back in most older homes as the utility easement was along the back. Many newer areas have the utility easements along the front, which means those need to be at the front in the utility easement.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Memphis TN.

    Default Re: What is this on front yard

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Leung View Post
    What is this standing on the front yard of a new house?
    Cable TV Distribution Canister. ( looks like for up to 8 connections.)
    * they are usually Locked and only accessible with a Special Key carried by Cable Service Personal.
    How did you gain access?

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: What is this on front yard

    Looks like spy cameras to me. They've got your licence number, Daniel!

  5. #5

    Default Re: What is this on front yard

    I think it's a felony to take those apart!
    I'd bet that the cover was off upon arrival, and Daniel was nice enough to install it after taking the third picture. He just forgot to put the pictures in the correct order is all........

  6. #6
    Daniel Leung's Avatar
    Daniel Leung Guest

    Default Re: What is this on front yard

    Quote Originally Posted by Brandon Whitmore View Post
    I'd bet that the cover was off upon arrival, and Daniel was nice enough to install it after taking the third picture. He just forgot to put the pictures in the correct order is all........
    Oh.....! The order was reversed as 3,2,1. It was unlocked, "Someone" lift it up, and "I" put it back.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: What is this on front yard

    I know an inspector serving 18-24months for removing one of those covers. Seems the neighbor across the street turned him in few days latter after the inspection. She had taken his picture and his vehicle with a digital camera and then notified the cable authorities as it is a federal crime to enter those cable boxes.

    Good luck Daniel, check whose at the door before opening it and watch for solid black cars that may be following you.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    New Mexico

    Default Re: What is this on front yard

    RH, are you serious? That seems like an awfully stiff penalty for someone that just opened it. People commit much more serious crimes and don't get near that much prison time. I believe it can happen, but think of the cost to the american taxpayer to jail someone for 18 months for that crime. Unless there was more to the story.

    Jim Robinson
    New Mexico, USA

  9. #9
    chris mcintyre's Avatar
    chris mcintyre Guest

    Default Re: What is this on front yard

    I have a friend that works for the local cable company, he said there were a couple of neighborhoods where he would disconnect someones cable for not paying their bill and less than an hour later the lock was gone, the cable was hooked up and the homeowner (or resident) had no idea what you were talking about .

    Now that everything is digital and the cable can be turned on and off at the main office they are having to replace a lot fewer locks .


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