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  1. #1
    Clay E White's Avatar
    Clay E White Guest

    Default What is the proper way....

    Last edited by Clay E White; 01-04-2008 at 08:47 AM.
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  2. #2
    Clay E White's Avatar
    Clay E White Guest

    Default Re: What is the proper way....

    any takers?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: What is the proper way....

    Quote Originally Posted by Clay E White View Post
    There are gaps between the interface between the stone and hardie plank guardwall to this balcony. What is the best way of repairing, preventing water intrusion?
    Depending on how it was constructed, and from what, the best solution might be to let it drain out. I looks 'added after the stone', so if ... *IF* ... there are no fasteners through the stone, and if ... *IF* ... there is not non-pressure treated wood there to rot ... maybe just let it drain out.

    To many *if*s and not enough information photos from all angles, etc., to make an informed statement about it.

    Otherwise, it would entail removing the stone, installing a through the wall flashing, and more flashing, then re-installing the stone.

    Do you recommend sealing at the bottom of the casement trim (3rd photo)?
    What's that metallic looking stuff showing? Probably just leave it open to drain.

    Flashing required where the balcony band board interfaces this stone column? (4th photo)
    I see it going back into the lap siding on the house???

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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