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  1. #1
    Chip O'Brian's Avatar
    Chip O'Brian Guest

    Default Detached Garage W/Apartment

    "Seller Inspection" Original home built 2000. Home owner built detached garage with apartment under same roof W/1 bedroom. Appears no final inspection.
    Is a CO required? In addition Does HI's inspect with out CO? Seem to remember if CO not established do not inspect.

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  2. #2
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    Default Re: Detached Garage W/Apartment

    Chip, determining if there is a CO is usuallt a lawyers job in my neck of the woods. If they want to pay me by thge hour to do research at city hall. OK but I generally charge close to the lawyers fee for that.
    IN your report indicate that you recommend obtaining CO and paperwork on proper inspections performed by municipal inspectors. That will get the brokers dancing around

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Healdsburg, CA

    Default Re: Detached Garage W/Apartment

    Whoa Chip! A real estate inspector asking for CO's is not only beyond any SOP I've ever seen, but an area that has no bearing on what we are about. You might as well start confirming set-backs and zoning restrictions and I'll bet your phone will grow very silent?

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Detached Garage W/Apartment

    Jerry, Are you saying that if you inspect a structure that you feel has no CO due to so many defects a town inspector couldn't have passed it you would not recommend checking on the exsistence of a CO?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Detached Garage W/Apartment

    No Wayne, never said that at all. Of course whenever I saw any replacements, additions, remodeling, or modifications to a building I was inspecting wherein a BP may be required the following was an automatic insert within my written report:

    Dwelling Modifications: The building appeared to have been modifies at the following locations/areas; _____________________. Modifications of this nature normally require building permits from the local authority having jurisdiction. It is highly recommended that the local building department be consulted to confirm that all required permits where procured, inspections made, and a copy of the permit(s) and final sign-off of the work performed by the local building department be obtained and retained with all other permanent records of purchase.

    Jerry McCarthy
    Building Code/ Construction Consultant

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Detached Garage W/Apartment

    Quote Originally Posted by wayne soper View Post
    Jerry, Are you saying that if you inspect a structure that you feel has no CO ...
    THIS 'Jerry' is saying that ... unless *YOU* (the HI, not 'you' specifically) "always" check to see if a structure has had its inspections and it's final inspections, and has a CO ... yeah, we all do at some point in time - and probably a lot more often than you would like to think you do.

    ... due to so many defects a town inspector couldn't have passed it ...
    Who said that?

    .... you would not recommend checking on the exsistence of a CO?
    Do *YOU* always recommend to your client that they should look at permits and for CO? All HIs *should*, as a matter of course in discussing things with your client - 'make sure you check for permits, inspections, etc.'.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Detached Garage W/Apartment

    Yes Jerry M, That's what I thought. I also do all the time but was wondering if I was stepping out into the gene pool too far.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Detached Garage W/Apartment

    OH yeah, JP thatwas me and yes I do. every day!

  9. #9
    Chip O'Brian's Avatar
    Chip O'Brian Guest

    Default Re: Detached Garage W/Apartment

    I always if a CO has been recieved on a new build punch inspection.
    I have since learned that a detached garage w/living quarters attached is required a CO. If no quarters a CC or certificate of completion.

    Completed a inspection last week the Detached guest house no information it exsits on Tax website for that county, certainly recommended to buyer to check with L.J.D. if permits pulled.

    JP Seem to remember ITA taught prior to new build inspection ask about CO.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Fletcher, NC

    Default Re: Detached Garage W/Apartment

    Quote Originally Posted by Chip O'Brian View Post
    JP Seem to remember ITA taught prior to new build inspection ask about CO.
    Never went to ITA, those were other 'old guys' teaching what us 'old guys' did.

    Jerry Peck
    Construction/Litigation/Code Consultant - Retired


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