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  1. #1
    Jim Gecz's Avatar
    Jim Gecz Guest

    Thumbs up CSIA D&D Seminar

    For those interested, the PA Guild of Professional Chimney Sweeps is sponsoring the CSIA Diagnosis and Documentation seminar on July 30 to August 1, 2007.

    As of yesterday, I was the only one signed up for the course, but the CSIA rep stated most folks do not sign up until the last minute. (I guess I should not have been worried about the seminar closing out, but I will be coming from North NJ and have to plan for these educational excursions)

    A quick summary from the website, the seminar covers basic chimney construction, history of building codes, changes to the code and codes that impact, words to use and avoid when preparing a report, thermal failures, ceramic theory and how it applies to chimney diagnosis.

    Fees: Non-members is $660, NCSG members is $560. Darn cheap for a 3-day seminar, I think.

    More info can be found here: Education for the Industry

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  2. #2
    Dale W. Feb's Avatar
    Dale W. Feb Guest

    Post Re: CSIA D&D Seminar

    Hi Jim,
    Is this the D&D or the AIDs class?

  3. #3
    Jim Gecz's Avatar
    Jim Gecz Guest

    Thumbs up Re: CSIA D&D Seminar

    The D&D.

    AID was in May at HQ

    And for those not yet confused, BZRDSA HTGRDES

    Last edited by Jim Gecz; 06-21-2007 at 05:50 PM.


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