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  1. #1
    Clay White's Avatar
    Clay White Guest

    Default Combustion Air Vent terminating at Roof Top

    Last edited by Clay White; 01-02-2008 at 02:26 PM.
    OREP Insurance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Near Philly, Pa.

    Cool Re: Combustion Air Vent terminating at Roof Top

    If you are talking about a woodburning fireplace, the inlet for a combustion air kit cannot be located higher than the point where it enters the Fp. One exception to this is where a mfr. allows for a vertical application in their listed instructions such as Heatilator. They allow the intake within 3 feet of the termination vertically as long as you form a trap at the base. Since this is a listed application, your AHJ should not fail this type of installation.

    The hazard is that if the inlet is located in a negative pressure zone such as the lee of a house, it can actually draw flames out the air intake. Dale has a video of this happening.


    Keep the fire in the fireplace.


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