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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Default Replace Flex gas line with solid pipe in Fireplace

    Hello, I recently had a survey conducted on my house in Illinois to sell it. The inspector came back with the flex gas line needs to be replaced with solid pipe stating 'this is not the acceptable standard installation'. I recently had a tenant move out who installed gas logs. It was originally a wood burning vented fireplace with a gas starter. What type of pipe can I replace the flex line with? Who can I call to have this issue corrected? I'm pretty sure there was solid pipe installed prior to the tenant installing the logs. Approximate cost?

    Thank you,


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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    so so, California

    Default Re: Replace Flex gas line with solid pipe in Fireplace

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Replace Flex gas line with solid pipe in Fireplace

    Call a plumber. Not a tough job and should bee quick. Guess about $200 but that is location dependent. Tell them what you need.

    Wood fireplace with gas starter converted to gas log insert using flexible line for connection. Need to change flex line to solid line. You might ask if it is required by your local code.

    You will want to check the chimney as you are changing to gas from wood fired. But that should have been in the HI's report.

    Last edited by Garry Sorrells; 10-22-2015 at 04:14 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Re: Replace Flex gas line with solid pipe in Fireplace

    Gas flex is just fine if installed correctly
    The inspector needs to get his job back at Taco Bell

    - - - Updated - - -

    Gas flex is just fine if installed correctly
    The inspector needs to get his job back at Taco Bell

    - - - Updated - - -

    Gas flex is just fine if installed correctly
    The inspector needs to get his job back at Taco Bell

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Replace Flex gas line with solid pipe in Fireplace

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    You will want to check the chimney as you are changing to gas from wood fired. But that should have been in the HI's report.
    Great point!

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Near Philly, Pa.

    Default Re: Replace Flex gas line with solid pipe in Fireplace

    Gas log lighter pipes must be piped with rigid steel pipe per CSA std. so the pipe cannot flop around. Remember, it is a burner pipe. The penetration must be properly chinked and caulked where it penetrates the sidewall of the appliance. It should have a throttling valve within reach of the fireplace for lighting and must have an approved shutoff within 6 ft. IFGC does have special allowance for remote shutoff on fireplaces if three conditions met: serves only that one appliance, ready access and properly labeled.

    Gas logs can use approved flex connectors per their listing unless local codes specifically prohibit them.

    Changing fuels triggers a Level II inspection per NFPA 211.

    Keep the fire in the fireplace.

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