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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Philadelphia PA

    Default odd fireplace forms

    I'm sending up the Bob Signal! Bob Harper, that is. Or anyone else who can tell me about these strange fireplace forms/supports.
    Normally I see the boards or plywood that have been left in place from the fireplace construction, and my understanding is that they should be removed so that sparks migrating down through cracks won't fire them up.
    But these are between the fireplace and the joists, which I've never seen before. They are loose when poked with the old WDO screwdriver, too.
    What to do?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Philadelphia PA

    Default Re: odd fireplace forms

    In an obvious move to put this post back on the New Posts list, ...

    did I mention that the hearth is pretty much flush with the floor?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Near Philly, Pa.

    Cool Re: odd fireplace forms

    Well John, you have a very thin floating hearth. The forms are combustible and should be removed. Not just sparks but heat conduction hazard. The slab should be pinned into the foundation with rebar then a high psi glass fiber reinforced slab that tapers from 4-6" cantilevered from the foundation. Then they can set their finished hearth extension on that and remove the forms.

    Sometimes the framing moves so much they resort to stuffing shims in the space in an attempt to support it a little. Many of these floating hearths are so weak, I expext to see someone fall down into the basement ala' Agent Maxwell Smart in the phone booth scene.


    Keep the fire in the fireplace.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Philadelphia PA

    Default Re: odd fireplace forms

    Thanks, Bob. You da man.

  5. #5
    Jim Zborowski's Avatar
    Jim Zborowski Guest

    Default Re: odd fireplace forms

    Hey Bob.........I personally liked agent 99, lol


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