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  1. #1
    Wendell Swedberg's Avatar
    Wendell Swedberg Guest

    Default Fireplace specialist

    I hear a lot about refering to a fireplace specialist.

    Who certifies a fireplace specialist? CSIA? Is there a standard to which they are cerftified by?


    Where can I find an official documentation that defines a fireplace specialist and what a level I, II, and III inspection is?



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  2. #2
    Kevin Stewart's Avatar
    Kevin Stewart Guest

    Default Re: Fireplace specialist


    There are 3 main, education sources for Fireplaces and Chimneys.

    CSIA Chimney Safety Institute Of America. Certified Chimney Sweep Credential lets homeowners know that the holder has extensive knowledge of codes and practices important to providing the best service. The certified sweep has earned the credential by passing a 100 question exam based on standard chimney service practices and applicable fire safety codes.
    This certification can be obtained by home study and a proctored exam in your local area, attending a review and exam at a sponsored event or conference or by attending the National Chimney Sweep Training School, in Plainfiel, Indiana.

    NFI National Fireplace Institute. This is the professional certification division of the HPBEF Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Education Foundation. Their objective is to increase public safety by establishing meaningful credentials for professionals involved in planning and installing residential hearth appliances and venting systems. They offer three certifications.
    NFI Gas Specialist
    NFI Woodburning Specialist
    NFI Pellet Specialist

    There is the inspection training course that teaches inspection of fireplaces. And that is the F.I.R.E. Inspectors Course, taught in Moorpark CA and Richmond VA. This is a 6 day intensive training and education course specifically designed to give the attendee the skills to inspect, course includes forensic evaluation, understanding fire technology, understanding the operation of the fireplace, masonry fireplace/chimney performance, Metal factory built fireplaces, prefabricated fireplace forms, wood stoves, gas burning appliances and decorative gas logs, code and manufacturers requirements and much moor.
    ASHI & CREIA Approved Courses with credits.
    An inspector who has completed this course should have the skills to inspect to level I, II, and III to the NFPA 211 chapter 14 Inspection of Existing Chimneys, standard.

    Hope this helps.

    Kevin T Stewart
    F.I.R.E. EDC

  3. #3
    Dale W. Feb's Avatar
    Dale W. Feb Guest

    Default Re: Fireplace specialist


    As Kevin indicated above, there is no “certified fireplace specialist”. This term is commonly used along with hearth specialist, qualified fireplace contractor and others. The truth is that the need should support the recommendation. Does it need to be swept, repaired, inspected, or removed and replaced? The three certification programs above should assist you in the right direction. However, I will tell you that the best individual (remember these are individual certifications) for the job would most likely the one with All Certifications. Do not fail to include within your interview, the years of field experience as a factor. The number of years in the field does not necessarily represent correct knowledge but it does represent experience. Our mistakes can sometimes have a greater value to our experience.

    Dale Feb
    F.I.R.E. Service


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