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04-21-2009, 07:11 AM #1
Getting started in the HI profession
As a result of being involved in our state chapter I get a lot of emails asking questions about getting started in this business.
Following is an email I recieved this AM.
""""My name is Steve XXXXX. I am planning on pursuing a career in the home inspection industry. I plan on going to the Arizona School of Real Estate. I was hoping that you could tell me what to expect and what the job is really like. Do inspectors usually work for companies or do they have their own business? How many hours a week on average do you work? If you could just tell me everything i need to know/expect i would really appreciate it!""""
Most of the time I give them a long speil about the apx cost to get started, [$10-15.000] expect 6-9 months of no work, onfo about working conditions, then send them to this site to search for more info.
Most of the time the response will be, I didn't expect it to cost so much, I didn't realize what a HI is required to do etc.
This AM I woke up, my 1st thought after watching the weather report was, here we go again, this will be my 10th summer of crawling 140 degree attics, climbing on roofs that will burn your hands and knees, and more negitave thoughts.
Instead of doing a search on this site of the same question, to tell him everything he needs to know/ expect, I figured what the heck, why not ask it again of the newbys and old timers to give this guy an answer with todays market instead of just giving him one persons opinion..
What would you tell him?
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04-21-2009, 07:54 AM #2
Re: Getting started in the HI profession
I get way too many of these same calls.
Now, I tell them I losing my house, truck and all due to biz being so slow.
They usually hang up.
04-21-2009, 08:02 AM #3
Re: Getting started in the HI profession
Aside from the normal speil I'd tell them to not expect ANY work until the economy turns around.
This is the best or the worst time a person could get in the industry, depending their needs and expections. The worst if they need a job.... the best if they have lots of time/money to throw at something that likely won't pay off for 5 years or more.
Back in the 'old days' when I got into this (about 10 years ago) it would take a guy 2-3 years to work up to something approaching full-time. Current day? Who knows.... but it's awhile.
04-21-2009, 10:32 AM #4
Re: Getting started in the HI profession
A least in my area, this would be just an awful time to be giving started.
This will be my fourth year in the business, and I would never have survived the startup financially or emotionally if it were not for the fact that 1) my wife has a corporate job that provided a comfortable level of income and excellent health insurance, 2) that I expected it would take 2 to 3 years to get a well-established, and 3) there were other productive activities (working on our rental properties) that allowed me to make a financial contribution to my family and feel personally productive while I was trying to get HI business off the ground.
AFAIK of the 30 or so people who took my state licensing in class in the same session I did only three (myself included) successfully entered the business and stayed in it for at least a year. And my first two years in the business were years when real estate market here was still red hot.
I'm very glad I got into this business - I find it fascinating and satisfying - but I have to admit that every year so far, looking at the previous year's income and the upcoming years expenses, and the stress and liability, I've seriously questioned whether it's worth it going forward --- especially now that we could be facing at least several more years of very poor real estate market --- and I'm an extremely tenacious person.
Last edited by Michael Thomas; 04-21-2009 at 02:19 PM.
04-21-2009, 12:34 PM #5
Re: Getting started in the HI profession
I would say to get a job for a biiiiggggg franchize with 10 or more inspectors where you will get more work than you would on your own as well as teaching provided by other employees and other mumerous benefits.
If you are wondering what Mumerous means I would ask Zibby as his creative verbage is greater than mine.
That being said. Now is not the time to become a home inspector. Brokers will not take a chance on a new guy. Even if he works for "mr big stuff,pigs ears,bells, whistles and broker donuts home inspection services" They can't afford it.
Hey Billy, you hiring?