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  1. #1
    daniel nantell's Avatar
    daniel nantell Guest

    Default re; Inspection Manufactured homs

    Never Inspected a Manuafactured home is there anything different in the Inspection, I know the tie down have to meet fha or hud guidelines , If they do the financing , thanks

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: re; Inspection Manufactured homs

    Quote Originally Posted by daniel nantell View Post
    Never Inspected a Manuafactured home is there anything different in the Inspection, I know the tie down have to meet fha or hud guidelines , If they do the financing , thanks
    You do not want to see the wheels still attached. Keep in mind that it will be built to DOT standards and not IRC or whoever. Look for leaks along the marriage wall. Make sure the roof has been sealed and covered properly at the marriage wall.

    The bottom of the house will most likely be covered with a thick plastic so this blocks most of the viewing of the underside. The HVAC unit will not look like one you see in a stick built home.

    You will find mechanical vents (black plastic) and not AAV's under the sinks, this is OK in a manufactured home.

    Outside of that you will do pretty much the same.

    Also you need to let your client know that you can not do the FHA foundation inspection. You can contact Welcome to Hayman Residential Engineering Services Inc. and they will help walk you through this process on what needs to be done. This will cost your client another $400 or so.

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: re; Inspection Manufactured homs

    Do you know for sure if it is a manufactured home? There are industrialized building that look like manufactured homes but they are constructed to regular building, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC. (& enrgy codesif applicable).


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