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Thread: Good News

  1. #1
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

  2. #2
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Good News

    Personally I am not seeing it. That is beside the point that should be made.

    All that give away for credits for homes and cars will take forever to pay back. You have to remember that that money is paid off with fed income tax for the most part. The person buying that home more than likely pays about zero in fed income tax along with the realtor, mortgage folks, title folks, appraiser, home inspector and most other folks involved in the sale of that home.

    Cash for clunkers............Tell me who in that transaction besides maybe the car manufacturer is paying that clunker money back. They go thru the list of folks in the news that make out from the sale. All well and good but my question again is...Even with all the folks involved in that transaction, who is paying that cash for clunker money back.

    Also remember that the little fed tax most people pay also has to keep the gov running and also pay off all the rest of the hundreds of billions and billions of what has been paid out and all the money that is still going to be paid out.

    It is like paying credit cards down. You make the minimum payment and you may never pay them off.

    Let me see. Tighten up bank and consumer borrowing and lending and increase government borrowing and get consumers to spend and borrow............................................ ....Where the heck is the common sense in all that.

    Enact a health care plan that is about a clone to the Massachusetts health care plan where everyone has to buy health insurance and push health care cost thru the roof. That same plan about destroyed Mass and some of the same folks that enacted that plan and saw the results are pushing the same plan thru the government. There is no plan at all about lowered health care costs. There is only a plan to make everyone buy a plan and then of course we must give that plan to illegals (that we are already paying for already). It still does not solve the dillema for the folks that can not afford to buy health insurance. A man my age for a half way decent plan would be about the mid 4's a month. I could probably tell you of the times I ever went to the doctors office, literally, in my adult life. The problem is that when someone goes to the doctors office because they have a little sniffle they don't get their sorry buts thrown out of the office and get told to deal with it. That is one of the biggest problems with health care costs. It is the mentality that "Hey, I have medical coverage so I am going to use it" If the billions and billions of dollars a year spent thru health coverage for a stupid arse sniffle at the doctors office and emergency rooms was stopped then there might be affordable health care.

    I gotta stop now. My coffee is kicking in.

    I know you love all this stuff the Dem's are pushing thru but for the life of me I do not understand why.

  3. #3
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Good News

    Personally I am not seeing it.
    TM: And why does that not surprise me?

    I gotta stop now. My coffee is kicking in.
    TM: Thank goodness.

    I know you love all this stuff the Dem's are pushing thru but for the life of me I do not understand why.
    TM: Because for decades this country has belonged to foreign entities. With that as the case, we should at least get something for the money they give us in order to be consumers of their goods. Something more than the cheap Chinese junk and the Middle Eastern oil.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Chicago IL

    Default Re: Good News

    I have seen an increase in activity in our area. For me at least it hasn't translated into much more work. In a way the investors are hurting my biz. I see the investors coming out of hiding now and picking up properties to rehab, hold short and then flip. They usually don't get inspections.
    Client called yesterday, set up an insp and then canceled within an hour. This is the 2nd house I was supposed to inspect for them. Both deals killed because someone came in late and bid higher.
    I have friends who have health insurance, and unfortunately have to agree with Ted about attitudes. Some of them run to the doctor for any stupid little thing because they can for a $25 whatever co-pay.
    On the other side, it is a national disgrace that the greatest country on earth does not provide health insurance for all it's people. Critics say it cost too much to provide, what utter nonsense. We are already paying too much for partial care. How about taking out some of the massive profits? Worried about Govt. rationing of your health services, please wake up, Ins companies are already doing that.
    If my dad dies tomorrow or lives another 10 years, it is irrelevant, I can never pay off all his medical bills. He isn't even in that bad of shape like many his age. I sit down every month deciding which bills to pay and which to blow off another month. It isn't possible to pay them all. I don't even stress about it.
    I have known people who have been bankrupted by medical bills. They've lost everything. Is that the America we want to be proud of? Something happens and a family ends up with 50,100,200K of medical bills and the critics expect them to 'live up to their responsibilities', 'pay their bills'. It's nonsense.
    We need a national health care plan that covers everyone. Unfortunately, too many are making too much profit on the current system. Maybe that's why they spread so much false information.
    Luckily I'm healthy and allergic to doctors.
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  5. #5
    James Vincent's Avatar
    James Vincent Guest

    Default Re: Good News

    Is Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and Freddie and Fannie at it again. Pushing the Community Re-envestment Act again. Giving people sub-prime loans that should be told to live within their means. Are they all just victims that need a gov(tax-payer) bailout? Isn't that what got us into this reccession to begin with? Along with high fuel prices We could easy pay our national debt off if we could drill and sell our vast oil supplies here to the rest of the world-Like Saudi Arabia. Of course that will not happen because the Democratic Party is controled by enviromental wackos.
    The reason we have the greatest healthcare in the world is the freemarket system and the rewards of making money(profit) from a service or product that people want. We all can agree that things can be improved, but name one thing that the government has run in a good and efficient manner Go visit your VA hospital

  6. #6
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Good News

    We could easy pay our national debt off if we could drill and sell our vast oil supplies here to the rest of the world-Like Saudi Arabia. Of course that will not happen because the Democratic Party is controled by enviromental wackos.
    JV: It is actually the GD moron Republican men and women voters in the street who, in spite of the fact that their party is not for small business - but for big business, continue to support a an industrial structure that is dependent on oil from anywhere, not just foregins sources.

    The reason we have the greatest healthcare in the world is the freemarket system
    JV: This statement is just plain BS. Do your homework. Stop listening to Rush and friends.

  7. #7
    James Vincent's Avatar
    James Vincent Guest

    Default Re: Good News

    Are we talking about that evil big business that employs people. Who pay the second highest corporate tax in the world and we wonder why they leave this country I can't wait till small business get hammered with more taxes to pay for all this debt I did my homework and did find some places that did not have a freemarket based healthcare system...Like Cuba,Russia, and North Korea to name a few. But that's not the America I know. I have also lived in Europe and don't care for that system either. By the way who out there still uses fossil fuels in their vehicle? Last time I checked about 99.99 percent do. Sincerely, Your Comrad of the
    Union of Socialist States Redistributed

  8. #8
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Good News

    Are we talking about that evil big business that employs people.
    JV: First of all the term "evil" has not meaning for me. Maybe you read it in Sunday school, whatever. Don't bandy it about with me.

    Next, do your homework. 65% of the world's GDP is produced by small businesses.

    some places that did not have a freemarket based healthcare system...Like Cuba,Russia, and North Korea to name a few.
    JV: It is easy to support the conservative point of view by using a select group of like-minded regimes.

    I have also lived in Europe and don't care for that system either.
    JV: How long were you there before they asked you to leave?

  9. #9
    James Vincent's Avatar
    James Vincent Guest

    Default Re: Good News

    One wonders if Adolf Hitler looked in the mirror everyday and did not believe evil existed either. Which leads me to believe that there is no more that can be said other than counseling might help. Good Day......................

  10. #10
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Good News

    Quote Originally Posted by James Vincent View Post
    One wonders if Adolf Hitler looked in the mirror everyday and did not believe evil existed either. Which leads me to believe that there is no more that can be said other than counseling might help. Good Day......................

    Aaron tried counseling

    The counselor shot himself

  11. #11
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Good News

    Quote Originally Posted by Ted Menelly View Post
    Aaron tried counseling

    The counselor shot himself
    TM: And, with my pistol!


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