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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Garage door fails under testing!

    Today topped just about everything that has ever happened while performing a home inspection.

    Started out fairly normal. Agent shows up and opens the vacant home. She tells me that she will be back in about an hour, she was going to pick up the buyer from their hotel.

    About an hour later I'm in the kitchen and I hear the most gosh awful sound coming from the garage. Seems like the agent was on the phone when she pulled up in the driveway and being preoccupied she rammed into the closed garage door. Yep, the door failed to hold up to the Volvo S90!

    She and the client came into the home laughing about it and her comment was that her insurance would take care of it!

    Enjoy the picture!

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    Crawl Space Creeper
    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Rockwall Texas

    Default Re: Garage door fails under testing!


    You should have ran out there and laid down in the garage floor as if you been hit.

    Ka-ching!!! Scott would have been on vacation till the end of the year.

    She wouldn't have been laughing then.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Mesa AZ

    Default Re: Garage door fails under testing!

    Ooops .
    Reminds me of my 10th or so inspection.
    While I was doing the inspection the buyer was checking out the golf cart that came with the home.
    After he was done checking out the gulf cart, the golf cart shed had a front and rear exit.

    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Garage door fails under testing!

    It's just a scratch... I'm sure it will buff out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: Garage door fails under testing!

    She's lucky there wasn't another Volvo behind that door.
    BTW, they want to make cellphone driving illegal here, thanks to stunts like that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    San Antonio Texas

    Default Re: Garage door fails under testing!

    Guess you should not have closed the door when you were done checking it. Around here that would have been blamed on me "The Inspector"! We get blamed for everthing that happens!!

  7. #7
    Jeff Allcroft's Avatar
    Jeff Allcroft Guest

    Default Re: Garage door fails under testing!

    I hope you had not yet inspected the garage!!

  8. #8
    Dennis Krouse's Avatar
    Dennis Krouse Guest

    Default Re: Garage door fails under testing!

    They will want more now that it is customized.

  9. #9
    PETER W BENNETT's Avatar

    Default Re: Garage door fails under testing!

    just a flesh wound

  10. #10
    PETER W BENNETT's Avatar

    Default Re: Garage door fails under testing!

    Hope the agent has commercial/business insurance, as driving a personal vehicle for "work" may not be covered. Ouch!
    So actually the door did not fail under testing, hmm.
    In ten years, I have had only two break under testing.
    Both times agents and buyers were present.
    My first remarks were: Thank God no child, pet, person or vehicle were under the door which failed under testing.
    They all agreed, and I did not get blamed for failure of the auto-reverse feature to fail under testing.
    Never had a problem. Plus, I would have disputed the sellers to their maintenance and records of the doors.


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