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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Holmes Inspection TV Show

    Check out the Holmes Inspections Website:

    Holmes Inspection - HGTV Canada

    Why you need a professional home inspection
    Tips & Articles - Holmes Inspection - HGTV Canada

    Maybe this explains why the inspector missed every major defect that I later found in that home - dangerous electrical junction boxes, defective natural gas venting, mould and exposed plumbing that was completely wrong. If you want to hide a major defect from a home inspector, no need for lipstick and mascara - a towel will do.

    Another section states: “the exterior evaluation is based on visual observation”. It goes on to say that the roof and chimney were “observed from the ground only” and is “limited to visible components observed from this vantage point”. I don’t know what kind of a roof inspection you can do without even getting up on a ladder.

    It says: “We cannot determine water tight integrity of the roof solely by a visual inspection…If such an inspection or certification of the roof is desired, we recommend consulting with a qualified roofer.”

    If you want to know if the house you are thinking about buying is safe and sound, spend some time looking for your own certified home inspector, or hire licensed contractors. Not only can they tell you that the house “looks right”, but they can verify with a higher level of certainty that it “is right”. Whether it’s electrical, plumbing, HVAC, roofing, foundations, or even mould evaluation, a licensed contractor is qualified to make sure it meets proper building code and safety guidelines.

    A licensed contractor can offer two valuable bits of information: Does the system meet minimum building code standards? If the answer is “no”, what will it cost to bring the home up to safe standards? This is real information you can use for renegotiating the final price—the right price--of the home.

    Hiring a licensed contractor or an experienced home inspector maximizes your chances of getting a fair and unbiased evaluation - not just a surface inspection.
    Contradictory advice, and is a licenced contractor going to do an inspection and start moving personal belongings, or inspect to their own standards? Building code? How is that relevant to existing housing built to previous codes? Safety guidelines? **** 3/4 of the licenced or non licenced contractors out there are what Holmes on Holmes are fixing! Its still only a visual inspection and I doubt any licenced contractor is going to start dismantling anything because like home inspectors we are inspecting homes for purchasers not the owners.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Holmes Inspection TV Show

    That is just proof that we all charge too little. We should all be making what he does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Darrell Udelhoven's Avatar
    Darrell Udelhoven Guest

    Default Re: Holmes Inspection TV Show

    Anymore, - we seldom get Holmes programs here in the USA.

    I wish Holmes or someone else would do inspection programs on HVAC & clearly demonstrate the actual BTUH the equipment is delivering!

    They should also have HVAC telephone-talk call-in programs with video illustrations on how to fix various problems. For Radio, use real-time (to the radio program) videos or slide shows on the Internet for illustrations.

    That is what I call high-use-value Radio & TV programming content, verses valueless rerun trash programming.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Caledon, Ontario

    Default Re: Holmes Inspection TV Show


    Mike is charging more for inspections because he is only paying inspectors half of what the advertised rate is.

    Mike also claimed he is out to change industry standards, but the reality is is that Mike is using inspectors from various associations who follow a prescribed SOP.


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