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  1. #1
    Jim Kiffel's Avatar
    Jim Kiffel Guest

    Default Customer satisfaction surveys

    Does anyone have a customer satisfaction survey they use? I am putting one together but would like to see others or aquire a good template to use. I haven't really had any feed back from my clients lately and felt a survey would be a good way to monitor my product. Thanks

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  2. #2
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Customer satisfaction surveys

    home inspection satisfaction survey - Google Search=

    JK: There are hundreds of them to choose from. I personally prefer not to waste my clients' (or my) time on such old-school paperwork. If they paid you and did not sue you, they were satisfied. If not, your survey was completed without sending it.

  3. #3
    Jim Kiffel's Avatar
    Jim Kiffel Guest

    Default Re: Customer satisfaction surveys

    OK great, I was reading some other blogs about this issue today and they seemed to express the same thoughts.

  4. #4
    A.D. Miller's Avatar
    A.D. Miller Guest

    Default Re: Customer satisfaction surveys

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kiffel View Post
    OK great, I was reading some other blogs about this issue today and they seemed to express the same thoughts.
    JK: You can send the surveys out, but with less effort you can produce and deliver a newsletter that will benefit your clients, and ultimately you.

  5. #5
    Scott Murdock's Avatar
    Scott Murdock Guest

    Default Re: Customer satisfaction surveys

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kiffel View Post
    Does anyone have a customer satisfaction survey they use? I am putting one together but would like to see others or aquire a good template to use. I haven't really had any feed back from my clients lately and felt a survey would be a good way to monitor my product. Thanks
    I would guess you are talking about a paper survey???

    Just an FYI I use SurveyMonkey: Free online survey software & questionnaire tool it is free if you keep you question 10 questions or less. You can change the questions anytime. Pretty cool tool. Hope it helps.

  6. #6
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Customer satisfaction surveys

    Don't send out a survey but send out a thank you letter or card with your card in side. and then you can send one out every 6 months or every year.



  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Customer satisfaction surveys

    ASHI has one for their members to use that is completed online.

    A drawing is held I think every quarter on those that have been sent in, and one homeowner will win a $250 Home Depot gift card. This has been going on for several years. Welcome Homebuyers and Sellers | ASHI, American Society of Home Inspectors

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  8. #8
    Roger Hankey's Avatar
    Roger Hankey Guest

    Default Re: Customer satisfaction surveys

    I wait for about 60 days after the inspection, and check the SOLD listing to see if they bought the house. If yes, I send a very short email to the client thanking them for hiring us and asking how things went -ask for feedback.

    Usually this email produces good comments that I use in the testimonials page on my website.

    I used to do a more formal survey, but I feel, as others have said, that this wastes the clients time. Better to let them tell you what they thought.

  9. #9
    Scott Murdock's Avatar
    Scott Murdock Guest

    Default Re: Customer satisfaction surveys

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Bibler View Post
    Don't send out a survey but send out a thank you letter or card with your card in side. and then you can send one out every 6 months or every year.


    I send out an e-mail for the survey link 5 days after the inspection. I get a lot of good information from it as well as testimonials. I send out hand written thank you cards to all involved the day after the inspection. This is just smart. It is easier and less expensive to cultivate you existing data base than than try and find fresh clients IMHO. I touch my clients at least 5 times a year with some kind of correspondence.


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