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  1. #1
    Michael Vasquez's Avatar
    Michael Vasquez Guest

    Default commercial inspection pricing

    Does anyone know what the fees for a commercial inspection are going for? Thanks

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Chicago IL

    Default Re: commercial inspection pricing

    If you do a search through older threads you will find many discussions about Comm pricing. Some based on square footage, some on type, size, etc.
    Beyond that you have not provided sufficient info. Comm inspection being what, multi-unit, stores, strip mall, industrial, etc?
    Are you doing an ASTM 2018 PCR, defect, capital improvement budget, purchase, etc?
    "The Code is not a ceiling to reach but a floor to work up from"

  3. #3
    Vincent Haller Smith's Avatar
    Vincent Haller Smith Guest

    Default Re: commercial inspection pricing

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Vasquez View Post
    Does anyone know what the fees for a commercial inspection are going for? Thanks
    Generally and in my opinion, commercial inspection fees really amount to whatever the client is willing to pay. My company specializes in religious structures which are often complex because these structures couple practical engineering with religious connotations. For instance, older churches make use of the "flying butress" - external structural skeleton and so on.

    Our inspections are geared toward insurance replacement costs and liability exposures although the principles apply to any type of inspection service. Our clients require that we take into consideration, artisian labor and availability of unique material, stained glass values, their artists and so on . Yes, we do malls and the like, climb up into the truss areas calculate areas and thoroughly review all utilities, sprinkler hydraulics and so on.

    We will not take the time to even travel to a large commercial location for less than a $2,000.00 retainer. We then pre-agree with the client as to the depth of the inspection at an hourly fee from that point with a maximum cut off. Smaller commercial inspections are conducted accordingly but pay relatively nothing. Here, volume is the key to profit.

    The point is, develop a workable fee and stick to it depending on your talents. If you find the inspection going to competitors, your fee is either too high or you failed to market your service sufficiently OR you are not qualified as to the anticipations of the client.

    When it comes to commercial inspections, my opinion is to specialize. We live in an age of specialization. Would one go to a heart surgeon for a brain tumer even though both practicioners are medical doctors?

    Just my opinion,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Default Re: commercial inspection pricing

    Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Haller Smith View Post
    Generally and in my opinion, commercial inspection fees really amount to whatever the client is willing to pay.
    Totally agree.... I've done well over a hundred commercial properties, most of which are apartment complexes and they are all different in their own way.

    The variation in houses is only exaggerated in commercial properties. Some you feel like you're stealing from the people with how easy they are. An equal number you feel like you're working for minimum wage. Billing by the hour would be the best way to go but most won't go for that so you just have to make a bid and hope for the best.

    Overall, I welcome the work and look forward to the economy turning around so there are more investors buying.

    btw... most of what I've done and refer to is multi-family housing. Duplexes right up to 100 unit apartment complexes. I worked in property management before getting into inspections so I suppose I had a bit more familiararity than most but it's really nothing too complex. I've also done a fair amount of small commercial buildings (small restaurants, small businesses, etc.)

  5. #5
    Robert Merkt's Avatar
    Robert Merkt Guest

    Default Re: commercial inspection pricing

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Vasquez View Post
    Does anyone know what the fees for a commercial inspection are going for? Thanks

    This is still an outstanding question? What should you earn to do a standard MBA multifamily inspection? I am doing them in bulk for $70 a pop. This does not include getting on roofs etc. This is merely 15 pics, a write up in Excel, note deferred maintenance and collect a rent roll.


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