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04-12-2010, 08:50 AM #1
April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Step 1. Print out FIVE COPIES of the most descriptive flag in American history, the symbol Benjamin Franklin felt was the most appropriate for the revolution when he wrote, "She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. ... she never wounds 'till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her."
<img alt="Don't Tread On Me" border="0" height="266" width="400">Note: It does not matter whether you print color or black and white copies. The message, not the color is what is important!
Click on Flag to Get Printable Version
Step 2. Fold one of the 8 1/2 x 11 inch flags and insert it into an envelope addressed the President of the United States. The President's address is:
President Barack ObamaFold another and insert it into an envelope addressed to your Federal Representative. Fold another two flags and address them to each of your Senators in Washington, DC.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Place all four envelopes in the mail so they are postmarked MONDAY, APRIL 19th. Why April 19th? Because April 19th is the anniversary of the "Shot Heard Round the World." On that day in 1775, our forefathers stood their ground against British tyranny in the Battle of Old North Bridge at Concord, Massachusetts.
Save the FIFTH FLAG for the reward I will give you after April 19th. That fifth flag will be worth thousands of dollars to you to show my thanks for your participation in sending a clear message to our government that the Silent Majority in this country will not tolerate the direction America is heading.
Step 3. Forward this email to your family and friends, everyone on your e-mail lists, and place it on all the chat rooms you frequent. Make this April 19th postmark "Don't Tread on Me" mail campaign go viral throughout the Internet and OVERWHELM our elected officials in Washington, DC so they know, without a doubt, that the Silent Majority, who understand the Constitution -- whether Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or undeclared are NOT TO BE TREAD UPON!
Forwarded from:Dr. Ignatius Piazza, owner Frontsight
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04-12-2010, 06:01 PM #2
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Maybe you can help me, since I can't get any answers from anyone else and you seem to be active and informed.
What freedoms have we lost since Obama became president? I'm sure there are several, seeing how large and loud and angry the protests are, I just don't know what they are.
I apologize if this request is too basic; I've tried using the Google but I must not be putting in the right search words.
04-12-2010, 06:57 PM #3
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
But it will tolerate the direction American was heading which got America to this point?
Seems to me someone's head is either: a) screwed on backward; b) screwed on too tightly; c) screwed on to where it has stripped out; d) not screwed on at all; e) just plain screwed up ... take your pick.
04-12-2010, 08:22 PM #4
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Give it up man about what was. It could have been fixed by a recession. You cannot fix what is taking place now with a recession. One of the reasons we became in so bad a shape at the end of GB Presidency is that neither the Dems or the Republicans let a hard recession hit at the end of Clinton's run for 8 years. If that was allowed to happen then we would not have gotten the double whammy at the end of GBs run.
You really need to get in touch with what is happening right now and in the future. That was not an insult. Just a fact. We are headed down a road that has no fixing. The only way to fix it in the future is to become a full socialist country and then it will still need fixing because it can only go down hill from there.
Is that what you want Jerry. An unable to be fixed society. There is a point one can go before the direction he is headed is far worse than what he is in right now.
That is not all bloated hype or republican jargon. Just simple fact. Stop thinking like a republican or a democrat and step outside the boundaries of both. Then when at that point get out your calculator and start adding things up. Look at the rest of the world around you.
A capitalistic country fixes itself every several years with a recession. No chance. No gain. Is that what you want. This health care thing should have been crept into and not a head on dive of the cliff from 100 feet. Step by step should have been taken over a period of years. Sound thought out means of how to pay for each step should have been thought about before all this took place.
As far as CWs question. It is not so much what he has already taken away but what is about to be taken away. Do you realize that auditors from the IRS by the thousands are going to have greater control and be the govs police auditing doctors and hospitals to see who was treated for what. How much it cost, who did or did not have health insurance etc etc etc etc. And then after all this is done yearly, fines levied on those that may not have health insurance. If it is found that they cannot afford health insurance then you will be paying for theirs increasing your cost for everything. There is absolutely no way that the cost will not continue to rise yearly for everything. You pay for the emergency room visit now for those that do not have health care. What you are not paying for yet is the massive cost of continuing to pay month after month after year after year for their policy. Hundreds of dollars a month. They will be going to the doctors office for the slightest sniffle. A little bitty splinter. A scratchy throat. Every time they go for such foolishness you will pay for it. Think about when you go to the doctors office now. Look around. See what the mass majority of folks are there for. Petty crap. Blood tests run, x rays for things that would have been gone in another day or so. You will be paying for that as well. Do you realize that everything you buy and everything you do is going to be higher priced whether it be the "VAT" tax or what ever they wish to call the fees imposed on everyone.
How about the lie that the health care cost will go up a little but by doing so than everyone will have health insurance and it will lower the deficit and eventually cost us less. There is not a mathematician in the world that can figure that one out. You are already paying for those that are not insured. Why should it cost you more and then more and then more over time. Pre existing conditions and no caps (although that is the only things right now that should have been worked on) in themselves is going to add an absolute fortune to the deficit. ou folks are going to be paying for my bad back forever and like health insurance for all....there is no fixing it.
This story has no end. The way this country IS HEADING now cannot be fixed. We will soon be paying out 50 percent of our income just on fees, services, taxes, what ever you wish to call it.
Is that what you want. To be like Brittan at, what, 48% plus plus plus before you see a dime of your money. How about the other countries. As high as 56 percent of their money is gone before they see, it.
You tell me how the housing market is going to pick up and stay up. Eventually a 150,000 dollar home might still say 150,000 but in reality it will be the equivalent of 4 to 500 grand. Go to Germany. My daughter worked for a pharmaceutical company over there. They paid for her apartment...nice place....550,000.00. 1500 square feet. No, not a luxury condo down town. In that area it was the average apartment.
Like I said. This can go on for days. We have been lied to. Conned, deceived. Belittled and any other name you wish to put to it. The cockiest President of all time. Trust me. His backside still stinks like everyone else.
Facts folks. Not hyped up lying bull. You all really need to take a serious look at what is taking place before you want to walk up to the President and kiss him.
Heads twisted around, backwards, stuck up where. ne might want to take a look in the mirror before making those kind of statement.
As I said in an other thread. This is a home inspection board. What does this have to do with home inspection.
Really. Stop. Think. Smell the air. If you are wondering what stinks look and see what is happening to the country that was once the controlling factor of the worlds economy. That is about to end. Anything to this importance that will affect life in the United States for the rest of all time should have been voted on by the people of the United States. Not the people that this will never affect in anyway.
Take a look around the world. If you still do not see what it has to do with home inspection....just will for sure. Oh wait. Some of us will be gone soon and we won't have to worry about it.
Corn Walker
What do you think is going to happen to Mass now the Government is not going to bail them out of the mess they put themselves in. It is the highest priced and highest taxed state in the US. If it were not for the rest of the US bailing Mass out fr the past years they would have floundered long ago.
The spend and worry about it later take care of everyone and supply all kinds of services California is about to fold as well.
What should have been addressed was the millions and millions of folks slowly, actually quickly, getting older toward that non working age and then living for decades after. What do you think this country is going to do with the multitude that maybe had money. Lost a good portion and now cannot work anymore. Folks we are talking about a mass amount of old folks. Literally a multitude. Were do the mutiple hundreds of billions a year come from just to take care of those folks that made it the slightest possible for you to be anywhere near some of you are now.
Before anyone attacks anyone else about speaking their mind about the crap that is going on right now. Forget about hatred, red or blue. Step back. See what is taking place rather silently right now all around you and then speak reality.
Think about it.This is not a bunch of crap. Think about it.
I'm done. You can cheer now or later but I am done
Good night.
Last edited by Ted Menelly; 04-13-2010 at 06:37 AM.
04-12-2010, 08:47 PM #5
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
November - thats like tomorrow in terms of political history. History...I think you get my point.
04-12-2010, 08:54 PM #6
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
The pendulum is swinging for sure..... It's pretty annoying to the 80% of the country in the middle of the road. Honestly, it's hard to say which of the previous two administrations is/was worse. I could write pages of complaints about each and fit the good stuff on a cocktail napkin (in the space leftover around my drink).
04-12-2010, 09:24 PM #7
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Originally Posted by James Foy;127518
Originally Posted by James Foy;127518
"Baseball is like church. Many attend but few understand." Leo Durocher
Bruce Breedlove
04-12-2010, 10:29 PM #8
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Glad to see such a lively discussion. Hard to argue which of our past administrations was worst. But, we might as well do our patriotic duty and bury DC in mail, on the anniversary of the 'shot heard round the world'.
04-13-2010, 03:50 AM #9
04-13-2010, 04:49 AM #10
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Perhaps we should print an equal number of pictures of the Titanic’s stern as it was slipping into the abbess. The same direction the country was heading with an arrogant fool at the helm who believed the ship was unsinkable.
Trying to creep into fixing health care is like trying to pull a one wheeled wagon. Destined to fail, which is exactly was some wish to see.
04-13-2010, 05:34 AM #11
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
"There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)
04-13-2010, 06:49 AM #12
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
And as it was written and as for how it will be paid should fail completely. The biggest spending bill and taxing bill in all of US history and literally.......voted on knowing that it was a bad plan and we would fix it later.....Yeah...Right. There is not going to be any fixing. The dem leadership sold all the dems that voted on this bill the fact that "vote it all in now (because something has to be done) and then we will fix it later"
That is an absolute fact. No matter how much in this bill you do not agree with "vote yes on it now and we will fix it later. Lets see. Vote it into absolute law so matter whether anything gets fixed in it or not it will be absolute law. The biggest flim flam job on the US citizens ever. Again, this is not like the economy going into the tank. You can fix that with a recession every several years. There is no fixing this and it will only mushroom over time. This is worse than personal credit card debt. Well, I have all this money on credit cards to bail me out in the slow times!!!!!!!!!!! Then I guess you just have to worry about it in the busier times....If they come and if you make enough money.
The biggest fiasco ever to come from the US Government.
No, I am not just a dem basher. I am neither a dem nor a republican or a straight out conservative.
04-13-2010, 07:37 AM #13
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
What freedoms have we lost. Well let's see...when the federal government fines you for not buying something from a private corporation, that would be a lost freedom. But that is according to our constitution, and what does that piece of conservative rag know.
04-13-2010, 07:55 AM #14
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
So you agree with the feds fining people for not having health insurance.
04-13-2010, 08:09 AM #15
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Just like a liberal, always avoiding the answer to a simply question
04-13-2010, 08:17 AM #16
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
For God sakes man. For such an intelligent man you sound like the village idiot at times. Civils rights??????????????????????
The moron you chose to be president and his smiling face little morons in the congress and senate does not have a clue as to how to do anything but serve his own agenda.
Before you go calling people morons I suggest you look strongly in the mirror. This is a no win situation. It has come about all wrong. Were you not one of the biggest for the fiscal responsibility.
How can you be for anything when you know not what anything is all about besides home inspection and codes.
I never once said that there was not a need for health care reform. In moderation, done properly. Find out how it is going to be paid for. No AD. You are the moron. You are about the smartest idiot I have ever talked to. What is your problem. There is nothing I said that was not true. None of it. Everything I said was fact not some fantasy fiction that you seem to love so much. Do you want this country to become yet another member of the EU. Where so many can no ;longer afford to pay for all the free give aways.
Pull your head out of your back side and get off of the last couple hundred years of evolution in the US. For God sake get off the Bush crap. Your man before Bush, which I happen to like those years as well, allowed this country to follow the phony dot com boom and neither he nor anyone else allowed the recession that hit at the end of Clinton's terms to go into a full blown recession and just continued everything that took place and enhanced it twice fold. WE had a very slight recession that should have been huge and a natural correction that is needed in a capitalistic society.
For God sakes man. Put down you Republican and Democrat crap for once in your life and breath the real air. You cannot remain locked in your room forever. It is OK to come out now and then and experience reality. Put the damn books away. Let yourself experience real life and not some fictional readings from a book. There is in fact a world out there that you need to experience.
And you no what. What the hell is this thing about electing the first black President. What the hell does that have to do with anything. The only ones that find that a miracle of sorts are the ones still hung yup on race. Drop the race crap as well. It has nothing to do with the absurd policies he has pushed thru riding on the vapor trails of what you are blinded by.
This is not a white, black, republican, democrat thing and should have never been. This is simply something that was about as poorly planned out as all those folks you despised for buying homes that they could not afford. We cannot afford this as it is. It should have been broken up in pieces and each piece planned thoroughly as to how each program would work.
No one but you is spouting hatred and racialism. Think about it before you respond. What is being talked about is fiscal responsibility. Again is it not what you have been blowing your guts out about Bush and all those nasty republicans. Why is it Mr moron that you cannot see past your own nose. Everything that you are spewing is hatred and racialism. Everything you are spewing is the poor fiscal reponcibility of the republicans but when it becomes a matter of your Moron Obama it seems to be alright. How about the fact the the reality is he did about zero for getting this country back on its feet. When the unemployemnet rate was over 10% all he wanted to do was to see how much more in debt he could push this country. When the banks paid back their money all the Dems wanted to do is to see where esle they could spend it to get another debt accumulating program started.
How about you write a letter with all the knowledge behind you and remind the government.................If you do not have the money to buy it then don't. Don.t ring up the credit card bills. Do not borrow more than you are capable of paying back. Don't start programs that you cannot afford. Don't freaking vote on something that you know needs major fixing and then try to fix it later. They voted it into absolute law. The voted it in because.....................................
"Oh well. Something had to be done." The President even said in a speech that we should vote on this ebven though there are many things that need fixing because iot is high time that this took place. What was the freaking rush. Another 6 months or a year to fix it???????????????? Considering all of time and the length of time it took to get to this point,,,,,,,,what the hell was another 6 months to a year of fixing. What a freaking ass. And you fell for it. What does that make you moron. Oh yeah, that's right. It makes you a freaking moron, moron. What a bunch of freaking Morons. Oh yeah AD. You have no kids so they are not going to feel the brunt of this and you will be dead soon so you don't care but I want to thanks you in advance for your over abundance of ignorance that they will be paying for forever and then some.
I think I am going to go out and accept all those five and ten thousand dollar credits cards being pushed on me weekly. After I ring up about 50,000 I think I will look for a bail out like bankruptcy. Maybe everyone else should do the same thing. Then we can all bring down the US economy for decades to come. Oh wait. That's right moron. The government is already doing that.
I'm done. Gotta get out there for that afternoon inspection so I can make believe I am making an attempt at paying all those credit card debts so it won't look so bad filing.
Schmuck.....get a grip
Last edited by Ted Menelly; 04-13-2010 at 08:25 AM.
04-13-2010, 09:36 AM #17
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
I don't understand what "black man" has to do with anything. I voted for Alan Keyes in two California primaries. It has to do with ideology. I suggest reading Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams if you prefer to mix your intelligence and insight with "blackness". These two guys are brilliant.
BTW if you think the Patriot Act is bad (and I think it is), the healthcare is even worse, and run by the IRS, where 'we the people' are guilty until proven innocent. Put another way, it doesn't matter whether or not cattle go to the slaughter house led down the left chute or the right chute, it's still the slaughter house.
04-13-2010, 09:49 AM #18
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
"There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception." -James Thurber, writer and cartoonist (1894-1961)
04-13-2010, 11:38 AM #19
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
George Washington himself could not make me a believer of this "health care", hard to even call it that, bill. Let alone, A.D Miller, nothing personal AD It is a socialistic ideology, and uncontitutional.
04-13-2010, 01:29 PM #20
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
IMO, depends on what your priorities are, and how much risk you believe individuals ought to accept - for their children and spouses as well as themselves.
It's true that people in Europe pay more taxes, and live at a somewhat lower level of material prosperity than we do - smaller houses, smaller cars, fewer and less expensive toys, and the like.
But It's also true that when my wife's cousin - who lives in the Netherlands - developed a serious heart condition in her early 50s and could no longer work, she didn't have to worry about personal bankruptcy, or her losing her modest home or ready access to adequate medical care, whereas in this country she would almost certainly have experienced all of these problems.
Every once in a while we read a post here about inspector who's been seriously injured or is experiencing a serious illness - sometimes so serious that they may never work again, or will likely be bankrupted by the cost of treatment.
We did dig into our pockets if were able to that month, and send a donation, and often we never hear about that inspector again.
But often what's happened is economic devastation not only for themselves, but for their family, and radically reduced life chances for their children - medical treatment that will be deferred, colleges that will not be attended, and a myriad of other similar difficulties which reduce their life chances and often hold them well short of their potential.
Last edited by Michael Thomas; 04-13-2010 at 06:14 PM.
04-13-2010, 04:04 PM #21
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Nice job A.D. 5 ignorant and/or attacking posts (so far) and not a single question answered. You would make a great politician. Keep spiking that kool-aid. This ******* is going to make some tea.
04-13-2010, 04:43 PM #22
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
TM and AD, I must say very, very interesting topic, I was all "eyes" reading it. I wish I could carry on a conversation and be able to say what TM was saying or at least relay what he was saying because thats how I feel, and AD I love the rebuttal and how it came across. Look forward to more posts. Thank you,
Myra in NH
04-13-2010, 04:57 PM #23
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
One cannot simply give it up about what was when "what was" is the cause of "what is" and the current administration is being blamed for "what is".
That is totally nuts, both and James Foy for posting that here, and all others who think that one can blame "those in power now" for the mess created by "those in power before".
You guys "need to give it up" and join the real world, work with what we have in making it better ... oh, wait, that is a foreign idea isn't it? To work with what we have to make it better.
04-13-2010, 05:51 PM #24
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
I'm willing ( But You need Something to Work With. )
* photo taken before Recent Budget Vote.
** names and Districts represented upon request.
*** hint they all start with a D.
*** screens show Important Research in order to conduct The Peoples Business such as Solitary , Face book and Current Baseball Scores.
It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.
04-13-2010, 05:55 PM #25
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
I hate to say it, but the conservatives are right. The growth in entitlement spending is unsustainable as long as tax increases remain the third rail of politics.
The previous administration racked up an enormous bill through the expansion of entitlements (aka Medicare Part D for those not paying attention) as well as through prosecuting two wars while cutting taxes and increasing the size of government. This would be bad enough as it is, if at the same time we didn't suffer through the collapse of the housing market due to a combination of lax regulation, misguided government policies (supported by both democrats and republicans, mind you), and unchecked greed.
The reduction in defense spending (as a percentage of GDP and not including extra-budgetary appropriations for prosecuting the wars) has allowed us to absorb the increased cost of our entitlements, particularly Medicare. Both Medicare and Social Security are underfunded (largely due to tax policy) to meet their projected growth.
So what do we do? Here are some options:
1) Let the entitlements wither and die.
We can save money by skipping the Obama death panels and just cut grandma off now. No more feeding at the government trough that is medicare and medicaid - she'll need to use her personal savings to pay for treatments.
2) Reduce entitlement spending.
There are a few ways to do this. Some involve simply reducing payments for services (part of the current health care legislation). Others by raising the age of eligibility. Or, on a more radical note, we could reduce costs by not paying for ineffective interventions (government meddling in health care).
Conservatives are often opposed to this last idea (similar to negotiating payments for drugs that was nixed in the Medicare Part D bill), often on free market grounds. The idea (which makes no sense to me) is that somehow if I have private health insurance they should be able to save money by negotiating reimbursement rates and deciding which interventions to cover, but any plan offered by the government should be prohibited from doing so. It's like a guarantee that the government plan will waste money.
3) Raise taxes.
Obama is attempting to do this by raising the FICA tax wage base. Currently it is indexed to inflation and the wage base sits at $106,000. But raising taxes is for some reason a terrible thing to do, especially as we continue to prosecute two wars. Instead, let's have a tax cut!
(Ted: I didn't realize Massachusetts had the highest tax rates. Funny thing is, neither does any other organization that tracks income, sales, or property taxes. Don't take my word for it though, search the interwebs yourself.)
As far as the constitutional argument is concerned, anyone raising this objection seriously needs to read the document. In particular pay attention to the clause that specifically says the government can tax the population to provide for the general welfare. You may not agree with it, but it is simply dishonest to say that the government doesn't have this authority when it so plainly does. Think of it this way: everyone is getting taxed for health care. Some people, namely those who have purchased a health care policy, will receive a credit for the tax.
And please, can we stop saying the word "socialist." It has no meaning. All governments that collect taxes and provide services for their people are socialist. Providing for the common defense? That's socialism right there for you. The non-socialist version of it would be the federal government saying, "sure hope that al Quaeda doesn't blow up your town - you guys should do something to protect yourselves."
So if you're going to decry "socialism" then you should take a long, hard look around you and decide when you're going to stop funding those "socialist" fire and police departments, and pull your kids from the "socialist" schools, and stop driving on those "socialist" roads. Let's stop paying for those "socialist" air traffic controllers - I say the airlines and general aviation pilots should have the freedom to fly wherever and whenever and as fast as they want. We all hate the FCC - let he who has the strongest TV and Radio signal win! That's the free-market way to do things.
04-13-2010, 05:58 PM #26
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
For God sake Jerry
You call anything than what is going on and is a change good. Why do you wish the US to become another 50% tax country. What would it have hurt to have, after all this time, ride it out another month or a year or even 2 to do things right. Oh yeah. I know why. Because the populous would have come to realize that they were about to become another 50% tax country. Obama spent more money on his campaign than he has checking the facts or taking an effort to get it right. How stupid is that. The real world. I thought everyone escaped to this country , for one of the reason, to get away from taxation with out representation. The deficit was made up of 1/6th of the intake from the American people for health care. That is quadrippling. We will still pay ther smae to the Gov alth care and then multiply that times 4 to do waht they want to do.
Growing the IRS by not only sixteen thousand but then all the cars, sick days, holidays, retirement, gas, insurance, their health care cost, office space, heating and cooling desks chairs, printers, computers, laptops etc etc etc etc.
Unless I am mistaken there are 138 0r is it 180 new departments/programs created just to pull this off. You think this is good for the country. This is a freight train running out of control. Stop with the come backs and think, real hard, do some figuring. It is not just health care that has to be paid for . It is the absolute mass of crap and growth of government that comes with it. Grow the Gov that big and then there is no stopping it.
Look at the post office. The amount of people it employs and the amount of folks retiring that all have to be paid for quite handsomely for the rest of there days. All the senate and congress that collects money very ridiculous amount of money, California teetering on the edge as well as Massachusetts. How can you possibly even consider that what is taking place is sustainable or even affordable for even a short time. You are looking at the entire restructuring of America and a continuing restructure till the end of day.
If you cannot afford it then figure out what to do to afford it and I am not talking bankrupting the country of the United states.
You were also one of the biggest folks about fiscal responsibility. What happened to that Jerry. Now it is for the better even though it cannot be afforded. Why is that. Because you are an old dog and don't have to worry about seeing what happens. Think of your kids and your grand babies and stop thinking about the rainbows and the angels singing. None of that is going to help your children or grand children unless it is done right and only if it can be afforded.
You must have someone in your house hold that is going to or is getting a decent retirement with benefits. Who do you think is paying for that Jerry. Thatys right . Everyone else. Don't give me the hard work thing. Someone else is either paying for it now or is going to for all time until the recipient drops. Yes Jerry. That is what you are talking about. The number of retirees coming on board that will live at or below the poverty level is staggering. Who is going to pay for all them with your wonderful new programs. Yup Jerry. hat will be another new program. A program that will have to be paid for. We might as well be a communist country where there are different levels in society. Each is given a home. A certain amount of food, free health care and a job that they have for life.
Yes Jerry. There is only one place to go from a full socialist country. Yep, that's it. Communism.
Get a grip. I did get a grip. Sat here and thought for a short period of time about everything that is going on and bingo. You got it. I got a grip all right. I woke up. Smelled the coffee and said. Holly ****. You need to do the same thing Jerry. care is the best thing since sliced pay for it................forever.
04-13-2010, 06:18 PM #27
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Taxes????????????? I am talking about taxes and everything named something else. You live in Mass. How do you think Mass has been kept from going under since the enacted their health care program. And yes corn. Helath insurance and cost are more than anywhere in the country.
As far as folks getting a tax credit??????????????????????????// Where do you think the tax credit comes from. Yup. You me and the rest of the US.
Do you seriously think that these wonderful tax credits are free???????????????? Do you think they are just a wonderful thing that God Obama is giving you and everyone else out of his own pocket and the goodness in his heart.
Socialist???????????? Yes socialist. There is a difference with socialistic programs paying for some of the help for its citizens. After that little bit of help when it turns into a major source of livability then it becomes a true socialistic country. Not just helping but paying for their every breath. What do you think happens over time when people keep getting more and more and more benefits and living paid for. Yep. They expect more. In a socialist country. True socialist, they just keep getting more until the rest of the working country can simply not afford it anymore.
After health it will be food, after food it is housing. After housing it is a life long job. Soon there is no one paying for all these programs.....................the country collapses.
Oh wait........wasn't that the welfare program that went bust and almost went completely by the way side. Hm. I wonder why......................Maybe because it could not be afforded anymore and folks were made to go back out and work.
04-13-2010, 06:34 PM #28
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
For all those I may have offended in anyway I am truly sorry. I just do not want our great country to become a welfare state. We all know welfare did not work.
If I ticked anyone off I also apologize as well. If I personally attacked anyone I am also sorry.
If someone has a differing opinion I apologize.
If someone thinks that I do not want to help the helpless in many ways. You are truly wrong.
For those that lost everything I am truly sorry. There are many ways to lose everything and yes, health care is one of them. Not the only one for financial ruin but one of them.
For those that just don't see where all this is headed I am truly sorry.
For those that think they are entitled to be supported by someone else I am truly sorry.
04-13-2010, 06:59 PM #29
04-13-2010, 07:23 PM #30
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Obvious ... that is painfully obvious.
Then you let it spew all over again.
Painfully obvious that you on thought for a short period of time ... or is that the limit of your capability?
It never ceases to amaze me that people can mutter something senseless and then others in the same like mind follow the first lemmings over the edge. Rant about conservativeness and all the odd balls will stand up and rant with you ... and then they all complain about 'what a state of affairs this country is in' when it was all that ranting which led everyone astray into the current state of affairs the country is in.
Some will never get it.
Other will get it but refuse to accept it.
Others will get it and accept it, but disclaim getting it and accepting it because their friends will speak poorly of them in their circles.
Uneasy rider ... kicked old green teeth in the knee and then sped away ... YouTube - Charlie Daniels "Uneasy Rider"
04-13-2010, 08:03 PM #31
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Hey, I'm not the one who claimed Mass had the highest taxes. (Or, for that matter, wrote sentences whose grammar defies parsing.)
Okay, so you were wrong. Doesn't mean you lose all credibility when you're wrong on the few facts you provide and the rest is hyperbole. Well, not to everyone at least - I can't speak for AD and Jerry but I'm sure there are a few teabaggers on here that still find you credible.
04-13-2010, 08:04 PM #32
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Sorry Mr Jerry
I have to say it and I am apologizing before hand because I truly feel for you.
Mutter something senseless you poor ignorant soul. I truly never realized how truly your pitiful thought was. I am no longer going to even attempt to talk of this with such a mindless fool. You have been wandering through life thinking you had a clue obviously taking advantage of any poor fools around you thinking that this is the way it should be. I mentioned thinking for a short time in relevance of the time they thought about this foolish act that they have committed.
Welfare you get it Jerry. Why is it that when you have no damn clue at all you sigh and then say that people that actually have there own thought just don't get it. Oh wait. I know, you are truly blinded by the foolishness that everyone has to and is obligated to take care of anyone that not only cannot (I do believe we should help) but those that will not help themselves because they know some absolutely foolish ass as yourself wants to pay their way.
Help when needed. No help when they don't need it. Do you understand
Welfare State Jerry.
Welfare State Jerry.
Socialist Republic. USSR, Remember Jerry. The Soviet Union collapsed.
And why did they. Hm, I guess it does not take to long to think about that one does it.
Stop with the ignorant comeback about Bush and his eight years. He was not the only one in the Government. Every single one of them had a hand in the last recession.
What is it that you just do not want to see....That you are wrong??????? It is OK to be wrong as long as you do not destroy an entire country.
Oh wait.
Did you complain about the money you were making and give it all back when times were better???
Yep. I did not think so.
Did you take a family in from say, Detroit, that was down on their luck or did you just happily spend your money Jerry and not give a sweat **** about the family in Detroit. Yep, I thought so.
I know you are an old duff. I also know that because you are an old duff you know what a toll that the welfare mentality did to individuals (mostly) and then this country.
USSR Jerry.......It failed....remember. as will all complete socialist states and communist countries. Oops.............Cuba. China is making it because they ave slowly worked and are still working their way out of straight socialism and communism. They are doing quite well. Well.....the government is. The poor slob workers live 8 to a room and only eat and sleep and make next to nothing.
There is only one way to go from here Jerry. Deeper in the hole.
Spew all over again? Only for the sake that poor fools like yourself that have been brainwashed will be able to be healed again and made right.
04-13-2010, 08:07 PM #33
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
04-14-2010, 07:08 AM #34
The "16.500 IRS agents" mentioned in various posts below are a good example of it's hard to have a rational discussion of this stuff:
IRS Expansion |
04-14-2010, 07:30 AM #35
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
04-14-2010, 07:34 AM #36
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Ted, I just noticed that some keys on your keyboard don't appear to be working properly. Specifically the punctuation keys have a tendency to stick. Perhaps you should consider a new computer - Apple released their new MacBook Pro line just yesterday. I give them my full endorsement.
04-14-2010, 07:36 AM #37
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Cute article! "We expect to get a simple form, that we won’t look behind". LOL. Simple and the IRS do not go together. Have you looked at your corporate tax form As for the CBO, they are always spot on. Medicare has ended up costing 9x their original score. The following sums up the problem with our fed gov't CBO Director Elmendorf, March 11: CBO has not completed an estimate of all of the discretionary costs that would be associated with H.R. 3590. … [S]uch costs would probably include an estimated $5 billion to $10 billion over 10 years for administrative costs of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
04-14-2010, 08:09 AM #38
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
nice changing of the subject, mathew. you've learned well from your conservative masters.
for the liberals who may not know the ways of the masters, here's what you do:
1) tell a lie
2) repeat the lie
3) inflate the lie
4) if you get caught in the lie, distract others from the lie by pointing out some ephemeral tangential triviality
For example:
1) this new healthcare law will add up to 16500 IRS employees
2) this new healthcare law will add up to 16500 IRS agents
3) this new healthcare law will add 16500 armed bureaucrats to jail you and your family if you don't buy health insurance
4) hey, look here, even the CBO is unsure of the total cost of this thing
I get it, you're angry. You don't know why. Maybe it's because this guy is black (although you'd NEVER admit it to yourself, let alone others). Maybe it's because your own republican party has sold you out to the big money interests like war contractors and wall street. Whatever the issue is or the reasons are, let me set out some things that we should be able to agree on.
1) Obama is an american citizen eligible to be president.
2) Obama is not a racist. He does not hate white people and he does not hate America, nor does he want the terrorists to win.
3) Obama is not a socialist, or a fascist, or a communist, or a nazi. And honestly, admit it now, you don't know the difference anyway.
4) Obama hasn't tried to outlaw your right to own guns. He hasn't turned water cannons on your peaceable and not-so-peaceable demonstrations. He hasn't curtailed your right to free speech. He hasn't even raised your taxes (not to say that he won't in the future, but then that's just you and I guessing more than anything).
5) Obama's policies haven't been much different than those of his predecessors. Look, I don't like this any more than you do (albeit for different reasons), but it's true. The TARP bailout? That was a Bush II administration idea. Drones in Pakistan? Also Bush. Health care expansion? Bush did it with Medicare Part D. Fetid response to Wall St. exercise of political power? You'd have to go back to Eisenhower, and even then...
So please, if you're going to make an argument at least take a second or ten to breathe deeply and figure out what exactly it is that you're so opposed to. Otherwise you just come off looking like that street preacher ranting about the end of times with eyes full of crazy. And you shouldn't be surprised when my kids point at you and ask, "daddy, why is that man not institutionalized when our new universal health care policy can provide him effective medications and therapy?"
04-14-2010, 08:51 AM #39
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
That's The Pot Calling The Kettle Black ( is it not? )
Both Parties have Spent like Drunken Sailors. ( and spin The Facts )
How can a Bill
( supported by 41% of the Voters )
mandated by a President that garnered
52.87% of the Voters ( didn't even listen to the people that voted for him. )
* He does Represent All The People or is suppose to.
be The Will of The People?
Don't be Surprised when my Grand Children point at you and ask How Do I Pay For This ?
It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.
04-14-2010, 09:16 AM #40
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Billy, you're not making sense.
What I pointed out is that on the right, many people are opposed to the bill. That's fine. But when you ask what they don't like about it, they make up sh*t. They talk about things that are simply not true, such as "death panels" or "16,500 armed bureaucrats" or "jail time for non-compliance." And when you point out to them that these things are not true, they change the subject (usually to something either not true or irrelevant).
All I'm saying is, if you want to have a dialog, just figure out what exactly it is you're opposed to.
And for Christ's sake, stop quoting numbers that are either misleading or meaningless or outright lies. 41% of voters are in favor of the legislation. So? Does that mean 59% are against it? No. There's a third option: no opinion. And a fourth option: neither in favor or against. And a fifth option: did not respond.
And of those people against it, it doesn't say WHY they're against it. There are many liberals against the legislation because they see it as a giveaway to the insurance industry and wanted a single-payer program. They're against it for entirely different reasons than you are.
And what does the plurality of voters for Obama have to do with anything? Should Bush have only done what Gore wanted since he got fewer votes than Gore? Should Obama take a poll before signing any legislation? Should the US move to a direct democracy rather than the representative republic?
If the answer to these questions is "no" then what's your point?
If you don't like Obama's policies, there's a simple fix for that. Find a candidate you like better, convince the majority of voting Americans that the candidate is better, and vote for that candidate in 2012. What's more, you get the chance to manifest your disagreement with policy every four years. But this simple-minded parroting of dishonest, disgraceful, and seditious talking points created by the worst elements of the right wing movement is getting nauseating. I'd rather file my taxes.
04-14-2010, 09:32 AM #41
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
First You Say Someone has Wrong Numbers.
Then ( Correct Numbers ) are useless.
I'm Against The Bill ( if you want to see the very best case of a Government Ran Heath Care Facility visit your Locale VA. Hospital )
Then the Insults of simple-minded parroting talking points ( We Calling The Kettle Black Again ? ) Yep Nauseating.
Filing out your Taxes, can you chip in a Little More to Reduce The Deficit?
It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.
04-14-2010, 10:05 AM #42
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
First I say someone is parroting made-up lies. It's one thing to have a true disagreement about something (i.e. how much the legislation will increase/decrease the deficit) and then provide arguments backing up your point of view. It's another to make up numbers (aka lie) and then use those made up numbers with no basis in reality as scare tactics.
Second, the numbers you're quoting aren't in any way shape or form related to the fantasy 16,500 number. What level of education do you have? Fourth grade? It's a completely different subject... oh, wait, I get it. You got me, you sneaky bastard. You changed the subject on me when I wasn't paying attention.
I'm tired of arguing with grade school intellects and I'm bored with typing. Let me know when you're ready to come to the table with a real argument, not some conspiracy theory new world order crap you heard elsewhere.
By the way, my local VA hospital provides excellent care. If you're ever in the area let me know and I'll give you a tour.
04-14-2010, 10:37 AM #43
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Looks Like Ted isn't the only Ranter among us.
* typical Elite Liberal Rhetoric
** if you disagree with ME you be a Moron.
And or Your Parentage is in Question.
***Are You a Veteran Receiving care there?
or just someone trying to Parrot a Published Propaganda Talking Point?
So You Have You or Have You Not ( Personally ) Been a Patient at this Excellent care VA Hospital ?
*** not arguing ( as you have long ago made up your mind.)
It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.
04-14-2010, 12:55 PM #44
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
[QUOTE=Corn Walker;127795]
I get it, you're angry. You don't know why. Maybe it's because this guy is black (although you'd NEVER admit it to yourself, let alone others).
Give me a friggen break, WHY is it when someone disagrees does this crap come up?
While waiting for a better slam, or the next slam , I'm going back to finish listening to Palens tea party speach, then on to my next job listening to Hannity
Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440
04-14-2010, 01:17 PM #45
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Everything we as Americans pay taxes for is considered socialism. Police and fire protection, street and highway maintenance etc. It's funny how many people I hear complaining that the government does nothing to fix their streets or protect their children, then in the next breath call health care reform "socialism" in a negative tone.
That's 16,000 more jobs for us Americans. That's 16,000 more cars for our American auto makers to build. Not to mention the additional American construction workers to build the buildings they'll need. You make it sound as if 16,000 IRS agents will be tracking you down.
04-14-2010, 01:39 PM #46
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Why? My what a short memory you must have.
YouTube - Obama And The White Vote
YouTube - Obama faces racism in West Virginia
YouTube - Can Obama win white vote in Mountain State?
YouTube - Obama And The White Vote
Look, whenever people have a difficult time saying WHAT they disagree with it's usually because they don't actually know. Sometimes, but not always, it's because they are uncomfortable with some aspect of the person. Maybe it's race, or sex, or religion, or whatever, but they will never say this and some honestly don't realize it. Instead they will stammer and dodge and try and fail to find something, anything, concrete they can disagree with that supports the general "uncomfortable" feeling they have.
Now many of the teabaggers will say he's "taking away our freedoms." Well, which freedoms specifically and how? Our freedoms are all there, listed in the constitution. Which freedoms are now gone?
Some will say he's saddling our children with debt. Yes, he is, following in the great tradition of Reagan and Bush the Elder and Bush the Younger (I was going to include Clinton but gosh darn it if he didn't actually balance the budget and reduce the deficit). But it's not like he created this budget deficit out of a surplus. He inherited an economy in free fall, and some of you would like to pretend things were great until he moved into town. Perhaps you don't remember but the economy was in the tank in 2008, before Obama was elected. It continued to tank in 2009, before Obama passed any policies. It has actually started to improve a bit since then.
If Obama instead said he was going to balance the budget by increasing taxes and allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire (which some republicans claim is also increasing taxes), would you honestly be cheering him on? No, the only thing that would make you happy is abolishing the IRS, and f*ck grandma and her social security and her medicare. She should have saved more for her retirement (actually, she did, but half of it was lost in a Ponzi scheme and the other half is only worth 45% now post-crash).
Barack Obama campaigned on the issue of universal health care and people voted for him anyway. Why act all surprised when he fulfills a campaign promise? You didn't vote for him? Well, sorry, your guy lost and the winner in November 2008 is trying to do the stuff he said he would. If in 2008 the majority of Americans truly wanted their next president to adopt the Republican agenda they should have elected John McCain.
04-14-2010, 01:52 PM #47
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Ask me a question and I will answer it. Change of subject, I was simply responding to the article. And I do believe there will be an additional hiring of IRS agents likely more then 16.5 thousand. Do you really have faith in our government to prognosticate any type of financial related issue. I don't, simply based on their track record. So ask me a question, unlike a liberal, I will be able to answer it. But let me ask a simple one to you first, how are we going to pay for this health care mess.
04-14-2010, 01:59 PM #48
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Federal gov't fining people for not having health care. That is a loss of a freedom, Corn.
04-14-2010, 02:30 PM #49
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
As You were saying?
YouTube - Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!
It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.
04-14-2010, 02:31 PM #50
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Sorry if I'm being a bit obtuse here, but are you equating higher taxes with a loss of freedoms? Or something else? (I use the word "taxes" incidentally because if you read the bill it's implemented as a tax penalty, much like the "subsidies" low income residents will receive are implemented as a tax credit.)
Is it because the health insurance you will be required to purchase is from a private company? Would it still be a "loss of freedom" if, in providing for the general welfare as explicitly authorized in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States, the Congress were to levy a tax (also authorized under the same section) and implement a single-payer system?
Do you consider taxes for the Interstate Highway System or to support our Armed Forces in non-combat deployments a "loss of freedom?" How about taxes supporting the funding of the Centers for Disease Control?
I'm not being facetious - I honestly don't see the difference between these government expenditures that provide for the general welfare and universal health coverage that also provides for the general welfare. I much prefer universal benefits like those listed above to the typical congressional pork that benefits a few connected individuals and companies.
04-14-2010, 02:32 PM #51
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Free fall economy
Should have left it to collapse. The natural correction would have taken place.
Sorry folks the words came directly out of the mans mouth. The lord himself Obama. I will try to find the broadcast. Also no matter what you read elsewhere it is taking place. It is the only way they have to POLICE this program folks.
Loud mouth hysterical fool and goes overboard on everything. I don't talk crap. Its real life.
Get over Obama winning the election and shut up and do as he wishes.
That may not have been the direct words but pretty damn close.. Lets see. One does not agree with whats going on but "shut up and go along for the ride. What the hell is wrong with you folks. In case I slipped into a coma overnight I do believe this is still the US.
Black president
Who gives a sweet ****. KI could care less if he is black, white, pink, purple or blue. Last time I checked he was a mut just like me. Black man? Why? Because he looks like and African American. Like I said. Who gives a sweet ****.
Telling lies
Wake up and smell the coffee. Decade after decade after decade after decade the Gov keeps growing. This will be the largest growth in Government of , hm, I just don't know....since I, the old bastard was least. Since when does one get so blind because someone with a slight majority gets elected and we are suppose to just agree no matter how wrong.
No hype. No bull, Just a fact. The people (kind of) rose up and demanded a fair share and lots and lots of pay for me crap so all things will be equal and anyone with anything must give it to someone else.......................Freaking failed
Spew lies.............................get off it folks. You may think the heavens opened up and the lord stepped on earth and he can do no wrong but I hate to tell you this but your program that you think everyone in the United states deserves to have because they are so God like and wonderful.................................They should have implemented programs slowly over a long period of time before just dropping the hammer down to make sure it was AFFORDABLE,
The reason for the big rush is because they did not want the momentum to slow to much or they and their program would have been up shits creek once the real figures and stories that are coming out now about just how it is going to be AFFORDED.
Do all of you think that everyone should be completely equal and if one person can afford something then everyone else should get it for free.
We live in a free capitalistic country. Instead of being so damn hot in changing it why not just move into another country that is already like it instead of forcing half of 300,000,000 to sit down, shut up, sit back and take it no matter what it is.
Do you really think that Obama getting his health care bill has anything to do with bringing this country back on its feet, lowering unemployment or anything else but growing government, raising taxes, fees....what ever you want to call it. He is going to be the one that is responsible that stagnates so much, including your beloved housing industry all to say that he was the one that got the health care bill thru.
Stop going to this article or that Democrat or that republican or this news show or that news show. Put 2 and 2 together and tell me ...................... is it really still adding up to 4
I think you will find once you stop defending the poor black man, as some are so pressed at discussing, (who gives a sweet crap) where he was voted in and we should shut up, he used that line on John McCain, "John, the election is over....I one" Who freaking cares. That is suppose to make it all right. No it does not. This, now anyway, is a free market capitalistic economy, for now anyway, and we all have free speech, for now anyway, and have the right to voice our opinions, for now anyway, and we should to keep foolish mistakes from happening.
Health care
Cap and trade
Whats next.
I said I was not discussing this anymore and I will not.
Now you can cheer.
My opinions folks. Based on facts. Not some glorious pie in the sky...everyone will soon have it all, bullshit.
This only leads us further down the road of no return the way it is. Fix it and then discuss it. Until then r Obama has won the election and I will shut up..................Right.
Last edited by Ted Menelly; 04-14-2010 at 02:50 PM.
04-14-2010, 02:48 PM #52
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Free goodies, tax increase or some other word the gov will use...VAT tax to pay for it.
Tax subsidies..........where the hell do you think the money will come from. You tree in the back yard
Where do you really think all this money is going to come from. When the multitude show what their monthly bills are and they truly have nothing left to buy health insurance....where the hell do you think the money will come from. This country could not afford welfare. Where do you think the money will come from. As far as the just talked about this that thjose 16000 IRS folks was a bunch of crap. Where do you think all the auditors that Obama talked about are coming from if those 16000 are made up freaking lies.
As far as you being OK with the IRS have a heavier harder hitting position in the US........You are shitting me right? You want and or like that idea ??????? ???????????????????????????????
The purple or what ever color that is.
Providing for the general WELFARE ??????????????????????????????? Thats right you me your neighbor and everyone else will pay MORE for health insurance, pay more for most of the goods they buy, overwhealm the medical industry with millions of people flooding the doctors offices and hospitalsd demanding care becasue they deserve it and it is their right.
Damn it. Someone put an end to this thread or just shoot me so I do not have to read anymore blind bullshit.
No direct attack meant on you or any others. You are convinced (and that is sad) that the multitude is deserving of anything that anyone else has (no matter what the outcome). It is your opinion and I have mine.
I saw a lady not being able to stand crying out loud (yeah yeah on television) scraming and crying to her daughter that now that Obama has one that she would never have to worry about he rent or any bills or food ever again.
I literally cried like a baby watching that. Cried because I felt for her so bad and cried because at that moment in life she had been completely convinced of it and thought that her day had finally come and would be taken care of forever.
I am not kidding folks. The tears were flowing down this old bastards face. The saddest thing I ever saw or heard.
Again (yes Billy, I know) I am sorry. I won't trouble you folks anymore with this.
04-14-2010, 03:25 PM #53
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Ted, Ted, Ted, poor, dear old Ted. I'm sorry that my lack of understanding is causing you such distress.
I am not arguing that the tax money is coming out of nowhere. I know all too well when I write that check tonight from whence the tax money cometh.
My question is simply how "more taxes" specifically relates to "loss of freedom" and whether other government programs that provide for the common welfare and are paid for by taxes also constitute a "loss of freedom." That is, is it specifically the health care policy of this president that is a "loss of freedom" or does that "loss of freedom" also apply to the Medicare Part D program passed by the previous administration? Is there a specific class of government policies (e.g. healthcare) that are a "loss of freedom" as opposed to other government spending (e.g. interstate highways) that are not a "loss of freedom?"
Most of us honest Americans here pay taxes. My tax money goes for some programs I like and for some I don't like. I don't consider the programs I like "all good" and the programs I don't like "loss of freedoms" so I'm wondering if there is a general consistency to the point of view that taxes, regardless of their reason, constitutes a "loss of freedom," if there is a class of spending that is a "loss of freedom," or if there are specific spending programs that are individually a "loss of freedom."
I've already agreed with the point that this healthcare proposal will cost money that we will need to pay in the form of higher taxes. Do you think that's still in dispute or is your outrage meter simply stuck on "high" like your punctuation keys are stuck on your keyboard?
04-14-2010, 03:47 PM #54
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Ted the difference is simple. The government is forcing you to purchase something from a private company. This is the first time in the history of our country this is happening. Comparing "consider taxes for the Interstate Highway System or to support our Armed Forces in non-combat deployments a "loss of freedom?" How about taxes supporting the funding of the Centers for Disease Control," is apples to oranges. The aforementioned are specifically addressed in the constitution. Forcing someone to purchase health care simply because they exist is not, and it is beyond a stretch to attempt to lump is into commerce. The loss of freedom is this, you just lost your choice not to carry health care. An applicable annology is forcing you to exercise at a private gym because it will reduce health care costs and if you dont provide a log of your routine you get fined. It is the exact same thing. ps sorry i can't spell.
04-14-2010, 04:31 PM #55
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Hey Dan, my next job is to listen to Rush
Myra in NH
04-14-2010, 04:44 PM #56
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
My entire point is that it is to simple to understand
Understand. What is there not to understand. Every single event in this health care plan was a fraud and a lie. I could give a crap about freedom or what pres was or was not elected.
This is going to be a financial scourge on all in the nation. **** rolls down hill. It hits the top folks to take care of the lower folks on that totem pole. By the time everyone is included everyone will see exactly what is happening.
Corn keeps talking of freedom because someone already mentioned it. He also keeps talking about he knows he is going to pay more taxes.....that is just a minute part of the expense. one of my biggest beefs is the growth and strength of the IRS
The mention of "most of us here are honest tax payers" ???????? Besides medicare, Medicaid and social security the vast amount of us pays about zero federal taxes and everyone is already complaining about what they must pay to uncle SAM. Wait till the tax increases come. Wait till the unheard of cost of health insurance comes. Wait till the cost of all the goods we buy comes.
Shoot. ATT is raising the billed services on my cell phone by seven percent to recover what the gov is now charging them for a franchise fee in Texas. My bill is going up 7 percent. That is just for the cell phone. Just wait till all the fees come in. The vast majority of folks will not be able to pay for all there health insurance once the cost goes up. Then the gov will be taxing them more to pay for all those that are getting tax credits to pay for their health care.
ANGRY ?????????????????????? Wait a little while even folks like corn and Jerry and AD are going to be furious ab out paying more for everything to cover this absolutely enormous bill in front of us........Oh yeah, and the gov still has to be able to afford to run on the existing funking of all the programs. Oh yeah.......No one has even addressed the fact that the enormous debt that we are in still has to be paid back along with all of this tremendous expense. I guess the taxes will be going up even more
And talk about angry. Who gives a damn about punctuation on here. This forum is more talking to one another than writing. I could care less what my punctuation is or is not on here or my spelling for that matter.
Oh yeah
"Ted, Ted, Ted, poor, dear old Ted"
Your kidding right?
That is as bad if not worse than Jerry's pitiful sighing. He does that when he is frustrated about being confronted with the truth and really has nothing to say on the matter and cannot stand being in the wrong. The sighing and the belittling starts.
Screwed up plan. Completely screwed up plan and should have been another year in the making before anything got voted on or implemented. I am shocked that 50 % of the population is sitting around saying to their buddies.
"Oh well, something had to be done. I guess it was time no matter what action they took"
That is so damn sad. Kinda like that woman I mentioned earlier and it was not the woman posted earlier. Tears to my eyes/.
04-14-2010, 04:54 PM #57
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440
04-14-2010, 05:06 PM #58
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
I didn't reference the commerce clause. That's the mistake a lot of people who don't know the constitution make - thinking that the federal government only has power with respect to regulating interstate commerce. Read Article I Section 8 (below is just the beginning of it):
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
What this clause, and the SCOTUS interpretation of it, is saying is that the Congress has the right to tax the citizens of the states provided those taxes are uniform (i.e. can't favor California over Texas) and the taxes are specifically to pay the debts of the US, to provide for the common defense (later in the same section the Army and Navy are mentioned specifically), or to provide for the general Welfare (i.e. can't tax just to pay for Boehner's tanning sessions).
Now for the appropriateness of the analogy. You are not "forced" to buy healthcare any more than you are "forced" to use the interstate highway system. However, you are taxed whether you do either of them or not. In the case of the highways, well, you're stuck with paying that tax. In the case of healthcare, you can get out of paying the tax penalty by showing you have credible coverage.
So back to my original question: if this had been a single-payer plan rather than using private insurance companies (recall during the election campaign that Obama pledged you could keep your insurance) would you have the same objection? That is, are you opposed to universal health coverage on principle or specifically because this particular legislation requires you to buy private insurance?
Having a small business I've seen health premiums rise by double digits for nine years running. Each year we reduced coverage just to keep the increases manageable. For two years I was personally in the private market and my rates rose 51% (no typo there) between year 1 and year 2 without any change in family size or health or hitting "trigger" ages.
I am in favor of universal coverage because I don't believe being able to afford medical care should be a function of whether you were lucky enough to have been born into a position of wealth or have a job that provides coverage. I don't believe people who are unfortunate enough to fall ill should lose their house or their savings to pay for treatment. And yet many people find themselves in that very position when they're dropped from the plan after an illness.
According to an article in the American Journal of Medicine over 60% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills. And who do you think pays for those bankruptcies? It doesn't matter if you pay for it on the front side (health insurance or tax penalties) or on the back side (increased charges and fees to cover uninsured and bankruptcy) you will pay. I would hope we'd all be less worried about how we pay and more concerned with not paying too much.
04-14-2010, 05:15 PM #59
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
I don't know why you don't like him and frankly, I don't care. The point is that there are people out there who don't like him because of his race. Of those, some are honest about it, some are dishonest about it, and some don't realize that's why they don't like him. But to pretend that racism isn't a part of the anti-Obama movement is simply dishonest. That may not be your reason for disliking him, but it most certainly is for some others.
And don't forget, this wave of being anti-Obama started well before the healthcare debates. What I can't figure out is if the extremists are manipulating the conservatives, or if it's the other way 'round.
04-14-2010, 05:21 PM #60
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440
04-14-2010, 06:34 PM #61
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440
04-14-2010, 06:41 PM #62
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Corn...hopefully friend and not foe....what seems to be the hang up on race. Whether you are white, black, brown pink or blue or just redneck what gives. The only reason people are still hung up on race is due to the fact that there is always someone using it as a ploy.
Prejudiced. For Gods sakes man ever person on the face of the planet is prejudice against something. Obama may be what ever race or color he wants to be. He is a mut. I am a mut. You are a mut. We are all muts. We gotta drop it sooner or later. If someone IS predudiced against on a legal mattter then they can and most likely will pay for it. A very very very large segment of the united states (I did not stutter) is beyond that. Even if they are just accepting it or they truly do not care of the color or race they are still either over or getting over it and will continue that way for ever and ever.
I don't like folks for the food they eat and the spices in those foods. They stink. Cannot deny it I am predudice against them because they stink not their race or color. I cannot stand being around them. Does that make me a bad person. I know a lot of different nationalities where I like some folks and dislike others. As far as blacks, African American or what ever the particular individual wished to be recognized as, And just simply do not like, do like, despise or love some and then others I care nothing for.
Call it prejudiced if you like but that goes for redneck, white necks, crackers (Sorry bad white folk, common term in Florida that I never liked), Hispaniola, Italians, Jews, Arabs and any other race color or religion.
I personally do not like Obama but that has absolutely nothing to do with me liking, disliking, loving or hating his policies. I think he is one of the cockiest men I have ever watched talk walk or just pose with his head sideways and slightly turned up with his eyes slightly fluttering (now try and tell me you have not seen that pose a thousand times). That is a practiced trait that I do not like in anyone that does it. Its fake, just like I think he is.
He is the type of man that always looked for the folks that were around him to be slightly off guard all the time that he could have his way with. If they did not play they did not hang with him. That still has nothing to do with his color, race, religion, nationality, upbringing or anything else you may wish to throw in there. I know people from all backgrounds and upbringings and races and nationalities and religions. Every one of them is predudice against some look, some color or some action or religion in some way or another.......................So what. It is time to stop dwelling on it. It is what it is and will always be. If you live to be 1,000n years old you will still see some signs of it.
04-14-2010, 07:04 PM #63
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Teabaggers, that's funny. I thought that's what they still called themselves; didn't realize they have been moving away from this term because of its other meaning.
I may be mischaracterizing this, but I believe a geneticist said that the genotype differences between humans of different "races" is about as diverse as the genotype differences between black and yellow and chocolate labs. I'm not sure where the concept of race comes from, but it's awfully important to some people, enough so that they'll fill in swimming pools before letting their yellow lab puppies play with the black lab puppies.
Here's an interesting and somewhat apropos article I read today. Some of the quotes are quite fascinating, such as this gem:
“I just feel he’s getting away from what America is,” said Kathy Mayhugh, 67, a retired medical transcriber in Jacksonville. “He’s a socialist. And to tell you the truth, I think he’s a Muslim and trying to head us in that direction, I don’t care what he says. He’s been in office over a year and can’t find a church to go to. That doesn’t say much for him.”
Yeah, must be his socialist muslim policies she's opposed to...
04-14-2010, 07:14 PM #64
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Ohhh poor Barrock ... I still don't get it. Ever since I can remember crap talk like this has been said against many other Presidents, Dem's or Rep. since 08 things that cannot be posted here have been said against Sarah, where is the outcry there?
No I don't believe 2 wrongs make it right.
Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440
04-14-2010, 07:38 PM #65
Re: April 19th "Don't Tread on Me" Campaign
Yeah What else is New.
* like a backhanded Insult.
I don't think the man has ever had a JOB.
* unless hanging around ACORN ( or Rolling Up Your Sleeves at a Speaking Engagement.) is considered a JOB.
I don't think the man has a clue about what will put people back to work.
* think tanks and Professors will create New Technology.
** just don't eat till all this comes on line.
The man does not have a clue about Foreign Relations.
*" Iran will come to realize The Cost Benifits of pursuing Nuclear Weapons "
The man thinks a Terrorist Nation that wants to kill you will sit down and negotiate.
How do you negotiate with a man that wants to Kill You?
* That's Nuts.
The man does not have any idea how The Military Works.
*New No Fire Rules for our Troops.
So I'm a Closet Racist?
* if I don't embrace this man (Just Because Of His Skin Color) and not displayed Abilities or lack of.
You Sir are a Social Bigot.
* that Pot calling the Kettle Black Again?
It Might have Choked Artie But it ain't gone'a choke Stymie! Our Gang " The Pooch " (1932)
Billy J. Stephens HI Service Memphis TN.