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Thread: job losses
09-17-2010, 07:02 AM #1
job losses
There is lots of talk about jobs or, more precisely, job loss today. Where did they go? It isn't rocket science and the answer is right in front of our eyes everyday.....every time we make a purchase. Just examine what you buy. Ever see this - "hecho en mexico" made in china, taiwan, india, bangladesh, etc." Even the fruits and vegetables are mostly harvested by labor from another country and some are actually imported. Remember when Ross Perot spoke of the North American free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and that giant sucking sound? You can still hear it along with the giant sucking sound from china and the far east with the same free trade agreements. The free part is only one way.
China actaully takes the money it gets from selling us the products made by their labor force and then loans our government the money that comprises a large amount of our national debt.
09-17-2010, 07:23 AM #2
Re: job losses
It's not only jobs lost to companies who take their operations overseas, it's also job loss from domestic companies who downscale and cut their staff. No need to pay three people when the company can pay one person to handle all those duties and responsibilities. And many of those jobs will never come back. The only way some will come back is if the economy picks up to the point where companies need to add positions to handle the demand and work loads.
"It takes a big man to cry. It takes an even bigger man to laugh at that man". - Jack Handey
09-17-2010, 09:44 AM #3
Re: job losses
Wonderful topic
Unfortunately all you say is true
If the truth be known, most of what is hurting us right now is local, state and federal government.
They are honestly under the impression that there is no recession of any kind from what I see.
In the past ten years look at some of the figure. Dallas for instance. There have been some 700 cops in the Dallas are hired in the past 4 to 5 years. Why? Because they had budget money to spend or lose. Now the economy is dying and they are thinking of countless ways to get more money from everyone to keep paying for all these *traffic cops*
We bailed out the auto industry but they are still getting paid the exact same thing as they were before along with the benefits and retirement and the retirement and benefits of all those before them.
The Post Office is a couple billion in debt every year that we keep paying for but a friend of mine is retiring from his 60,000.00 plus salary plus benefits along with countless others and then of course all those coming behind them.
Think of the thousands and thousands and thousands of local, state and federal jobs out there with crazy salaries built up over the years and all those benefit. Not only are we paying for it but we are going to pay for there increased retirement for ever.
What ever happened to the terminology of Public Servant. Yes those were the jobs that the folks did not make a ton of money but then when they retired they were taken care of for life. Not only have the Public servants exceeded the private sector in many areas in income, benefit but we will be paying for all of them forever and then of course all those folks behind them.
This cannot be sustained.
I posted on a thread yesterday about the Fort Worth city managers salary and then the 25 or so assistant salaries. The Manger is making 225,000. The first for assistants are all making 169,000 and then it very slowly goes down from there. Most making over 100,000. Not only are they living the high life for do nothing jobs (every one of those assistants have an assistant and so on and so on and so on) but will retire fat and happy while we are out there scraping up inspections and dealing with "can't you do better than that" Then we are being asked to pay more taxes and they need more revenue coming into the economy. They need that because all those public fat cats are getting insane figures and benefit.
Lets work our way all the way down the list. I think it is at 40,000 or close to it. That does not include there medical. sick days, vacation days and retirement. And then there is that nasty retirement..........Until they drop dead with those benefits as well.
It is high time that the Dallas are lose 75% of those traffic cops they hired and get into real figures. Teachers are earning more than private teachers. It use to be the other way around.
Everyone says "I worked hard for that money and benefits and I deserve it.
My question is.....Deserve what?
It is time to stop the bleeding.
Before the nay Sayers come back and say that we need all those cops and all those teachers and town workers and city workers and librarians and water parks and Green areas and assistants to assistants to assistants just under the city managers office.........................take a breath and think about it. How about the same salary for bankrupt companies and all there employees and benefits. How about all the banks with there absolutely ridiculous fee that they charge and literally make billions a year just on those fees. How about when bankers of all sorts use to make a salary for what they really did and not some bloated salary and benefits they make today.
This country has to stop living in dream land. If we cannot afford it then some will have to go with out or get there salaries and benefits as PUBLIC servants cut in half to where it should be and there retirement cut in half like the real world.
You want to be a public servant that produces nothing (those, most, sitting behind a desk, picking their teeth) and have nothing to worry about in life and have an easy no pushed no productive life then you will get paid to reflect that.
Produce nothing and nothing can be paid or close to it. When I saw those city managers assistant to the assistant to the assistant all making over 100,000 and the city manager making 225 when everyone is out there struggling and all they do is look at where to get more keep those fat jobs for doing nothing.
What a sick joke we have been played.
The country hurts it is high time they weeded out those useless produce nothing, not needed jobs and the state would be serious millions ahead of the game. Then those folks will have to go out in the real world and see what every one else does for a living.
Countless city servants making well over 100,000.00 a year. Get rid of half of those jobs and cut the salaries of the rest in half along with their benefits. If they don't want that I am absolutely sure I will step into a job that the salary has been cut in half with some benefits and some retirement. Lets see, half of 170,000.00....85,000.00 a year plus benefits and retirement. I will be there tomorrow. I am absolutely positive and I guaranty that I will not screw up half as much as them.
About enough to make me throw up.
09-20-2010, 08:44 AM #4
Re: job losses
Right on, Ted!
I had a long rant in progress, then lost it when I tried a spell check.
Here's the short version:
1. "Politics is a dishonorable profession" - I believe that quote came from Rush Limbaugh and the more I dig, the more disgusting the career politicians look (albeit, there are some exceptions). IMHO, the US Congress should receive $0 wages; except the President and that's only because approximately 1 in 10 or so gets assasinated.
2. I can't wait 'till election day. With rare exception, I intend to do my part to vote out the incumbents.
3. "We the people" should take an axe (figuratively speaking, of course) to all levels of government. No caps or freezes; CUT IT IN HALF and work from there. I'll gladly suffer the consequences that, on balance, will be fruitful and productive.
"the relentless pursuit of perfection"
09-20-2010, 01:28 PM #5
Re: job losses
It was a job loss that forced me into this FT. Actually I was ready to make the move and the timing was perfect for me but not everyone in our department. Some functions, like mine, were sent to India. I had been with the company for ten years which compared to some is nothing. There were people forced out with over twenty years and no real skills, outside of their limited function, to make them marketable.
Company loyalty is a thing of the past. Having several skill sets and the willingness to move around as often as benefits you is what makes sense now.
09-20-2010, 02:07 PM #6
Re: job losses
Mr. Risley, great solution IF we can limit the size of the bureaucracy that administers the contracts and take steps to see that nothing sticks to the bureaucrats' fingers. My first job out of Villanova was working for the Navy in Phila for about 2 1/2years - huge bureaucracy that administered engineering contracts etc for shore facilities east of the Mississippi River - "everything but the ships and airplanes".
I sometimes wonder how life would have been different if I'd kept that job (I'd be retiring about now with a huge pension - I was under the old system, after enjoying years of paid holidays, vacation, sick time etc - all at taxpayers' expense). In my youth, my idealistic and entrepreneurial tendencies lead me away from a piece-of-cake job and toward the private sector. As I recall, I got tired of waking up some of my co-workers in the middle of the afternoon.
"the relentless pursuit of perfection"
09-20-2010, 09:58 PM #7
Re: job losses
Most politicians are lawyers by profession. Enough Said
Our founders had an ideal plan where people served their country in congress and then went back to their previous lives. Once the lawyers took over, they have manipulated everything to favor themselves staying in power so they can get their kick backs from the wealthy for doing whatever the wealthy needed them to do so that the wealthy can stay that way at our expense. NAFTA was probably the biggest drain of jobs in history. But the congressmen got fat off all the American companies that wanted the law so that they could move their companies and get slave labor. It makes me sick to think of what these people have been doing all these years while we were to busy busting our asses to notice.
I am all for voting the buzzards out, but it won't be long before the new ones are corrupted due to the laws they have passed making it so easy to make underhanded deals with no recourse. I love one of the latest bills this administration passed allowing major corps to donate without limit to their campaigns. That is really fair and won't encourage any favors being owed. There should be a general fund and everyone running for office should get the same air time and budget with which to run for office. Getting big bucks from major corps is like a realtor paying you to do inspections knowing that you understand what they want you to do. Only difference is these guys are getting rich from it. Well I need to shut up before my blood pressure gets too high. At least we are paying attention now.
If it weren't for lawyers, we would never need them.
09-21-2010, 08:22 AM #8
Re: job losses
We should ask Mexico to be our 51st state. We'd have people to do the jobs we don't want to do and would get the jobs back they sent there. Plus, some great real estate!
09-24-2010, 07:17 AM #9
Re: job losses
09-24-2010, 04:53 PM #10