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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Lake Barrington, IL


    I can see this post being yanked but I'll put it up anyway.

    I found BestInspectors requirements to be typical. It seems that many of their requirements center around how you promote them and whether you use their other services. I couldn't find a single requirement that related to one's ability to perform an inspection. Sounds like just another hand in your pocket and in turn provides absolutely nothing of value to the consumer.

    Crawl Space Creeper
    Eric Barker, ACI
    Lake Barrington, IL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Mesa AZ

    Default Re:

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Barker View Post
    I can see this post being yanked but I'll put it up anyway.

    I found BestInspectors requirements to be typical. It seems that many of their requirements center around how you promote them and whether you use their other services. I couldn't find a single requirement that related to one's ability to perform an inspection. Sounds like just another hand in your pocket and in turn provides absolutely nothing of value to the consumer.

    Well they must be good, nicki certified them and made them a gold star supper dupper master inspector..
    I'm sure Lisa will disagree with you.

    Phoenix AZ Resale Home, Mobile Home, New Home Warranty Inspections. ASHI Certified Inspector #206929 Arizona Certified Inspector # 38440


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