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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    No. San Diego Co., CA

    Default Business licensing

    Purely as a revenue source (though to some extent also a public safeguard) most towns/cities - in CA anyway and I suspect most States - impose a Business License fee for all business conducted within their jurisdiction. Inspections know no such boundaries and I wonder if it is common or usual practice to have a Bus. Lic. for all jurisdictions an inspection may be performed in. I operate in an area surrounded by upwards of twenty individual towns or cities, all of which would require a business license to conduct business (inspection) therein. Should a license be taken for a city in the off-chance you might perform an inspection (conduct business) in that city? Should an inspection be refused if you do not hold a license to conduct biz. in that particular city? Or do you rush out and buy one - just to be in compliance - perhaps never to be called upon again? Neighboring cities do not typically have reciprocal arrangements so technically every town or city would require operators to have their (city's) own.

    Operating without a Business Lic. is often overlooked yet is generally an infraction with monetary penalty under most city codes or ordinances. Is it the concensus that holding one license, where the business is registered is sufficient?

    Thoughts Gentlemen, please.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, TN

    Default Re: Business licensing

    When I lived in CA I only had a business license (for home inspections) in the city where my office was.
    However, for my contracting business, I was forced to get a business license when I went to pull permits in Carson.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Are you going to work within the laws of your state?
    Either you are lawful or you are not.
    If you elect to work in a town that requires a Bus Lic and you rationalize not having the required Lic due to the infrequency of working in that area then why bother to have a Lic at all from any area?

    Have you ever questioned if a permit was pulled?
    Have you ever suggested having a search for permits for a inspected property?

    Your business model will determine if you will find working in an area profitable.
    20 areas and 20 Bus Lic is the cost of doing business.

  4. #4
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    Spring Hill (Nashville), TN

    Default Re: Business licensing

    I think it was NC that passed a law a couple of years ago that allowed a person with a State license to also get a state wide privilege permit/business license. This allows the person to buy one licenses that is good for the entire state. I might be wrong so anyone from NC please chime in....

    I for one have a State home inspector license, but I also have a business license for the town that my mailing address is in. It cost me $25 a year.

    I have never been asked, stopped or required to provide proof that I have a local business license. I guess I might work in 20+ areas that have business license.

    What about real estate agents who also cover huge areas? What about tow truck drivers? What about pest control contractors? What about real estate appraisers? The list can go on and on and on.....

    Scott Patterson, ACI
    Spring Hill, TN

  5. #5
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    Lake Barrington, IL

    Default Re: Business licensing

    In my state I am suppose to have an home inspector's license and a home inspection entity license - $800.00 per two years. Many inspectors skip the entity part.

    In the construction trades only plumbers and roofers need licenses - everyone else has a free ride. Most people can't believe this when I tell them - they forgot what state we live in and where many of our politicians now reside.

    Eric Barker, ACI
    Lake Barrington, IL

  6. #6
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    Mount Pleasant, SC

    Default Re: Business licensing

    I've bought several in SC municipalities after being cited by code enforcement officers...

    The cost of having nice permanent signage on your inpection truck!!


    We know why you fly: because the bus is too expensive and the railroad has a dress code...

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Atlanta, Georgia

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Patterson View Post
    I think it was NC that passed a law a couple of years ago that allowed a person with a State license to also get a state wide privilege permit/business license. This allows the person to buy one licenses that is good for the entire state. I might be wrong so anyone from NC please chime in....
    Yep, NC. It was driven by a home inspector who was paying fees in mulitple cities, towns. At a local HI association meeting he asked if anybody else was buying the licenses. Everyone looked at him like he had grown 3 additional heads. Nobody was paying for a business license anywhere and certainly not mulitple licenses. He did some investigation and found out that real estate agents and about a dozen other professions paid a statewide privilege license fee of $50 and were exempt from local town licenses. He started a campaign and was able to convince a law maker that it could be a revenue stream for the state to include home inspectors. Within 6 months home inspectors were required to get a state wide privledge license. At the same time the law was ammended saying that no other licensed professions could be added to the list. So all home inspectors annual costs went up $50 but were free to practice in all towns and cities without fear of reprissal regarding business licenses.

    "The Code is not a peak to reach but a foundation to build from."

  8. #8
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Having to obtain a business licence in every single town/ city you do an inspection in is a serious joke that should be spoken against by every individual with a business licence. Does olive garden have to have a business licence from every surrounding town that folks come from to eat their dinner. To compare pulling a permit to do construction work is a wee bit different. This is a one time shot with no long term contract. Why do you folks think the cost of housing and of course everything else is so high in California. To have to pay 20 surrounding towns for the privilege to work ? Serious joke. We pay every 2 years for our business licence to the state only. I am not sure why any of you have been brain washed to think this should be the way of thibgs and most of all why anyone would think that this criminal act should be accepted.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    No. San Diego Co., CA

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    Are you going to work within the laws of your state?
    Either you are lawful or you are not.
    If you elect to work in a town that requires a Bus Lic and you rationalize not having the required Lic due to the infrequency of working in that area then why bother to have a Lic at all from any area?

    Have you ever questioned if a permit was pulled?
    Have you ever suggested having a search for permits for a inspected property?

    Your business model will determine if you will find working in an area profitable.
    20 areas and 20 Bus Lic is the cost of doing business.
    Garry, If I understand your position correctly and your reference to "...cost of doing business..." you would/do hold business licenses for all those areas/jurisdictions in which you may perform an inspection?

    It's really not a matter of 'electing' to work in a town etc. it's more a matter of compliance. Many States are 'licensed' States for the purpose of conducting an Inspection business. Ca. - good or bad - is not one of them. Therefore the State can not issue a license for an occupation which does not require one. Never-the-less, even in 'Licensing' States, where a State Lic. provides an kind of 'umberella coverage' nothing would preclude any local jurisdiction, hamlet, town, city, borough or county, within that State, by virtue of ordinance, from requiring any person performing work or conducting business to also hold its own local business lic. while doing so and many do.

    My original post was prompted by a renewal notice ($75) for a lic. for a city in which I have not conducted an inspection in for a year or so (and who knows when the next may be). So, in that regard I was utilizing rationalization in determining the value or benefit of renewal.

    I'm sorry, I do not understand your reference to pulling permits or searches, which is an entirely different issue.

  10. #10
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    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Sorry about not being clear. and Please do not take the following as judgmental.

    If you perform work in a city that requires a lic., then to be an ethically responsible business, you would then obtain all item that are required by that municipality to work in their jurisdiction. Business Lic, Permits (building, electrical, plumbing, signage, waste disposal).

    Ian you said..."It's really not a matter of 'electing' to work in a town etc. it's more a matter of compliance."""

    I disagree in that it is all about 'electing ' to work. Because compliance (under the law) allows you to work legally.

    Follow the rules. If the cost benefit ratio is not there for you then you do not go to that area. Something like driving 8 hours (4 hrs each way) to do an inspection.

    My reference to permits was directed toward the fact that contractors and home owners fail to obtain required permits in the effort to make money or save money on a job.

    In states that require contractor licensing there is a large number of people working without the required Lic. and Insurance. Why, mainly cost of doing business is less in addition to many other reasons. Boils down to dollars. Just as you question why should you obtain a Bus. Lic from a city where you may not perform a HI .

    As I understand it CA does not have a Home Inspection Lic. requirement. CA instead has Business Licenses that effect the Home Inspection Industry.

    If you look at PA they have HI license requirements that require a Home Inspection License fee, Liability Insur. and E & O Ins., not sure about any bonding (may bee) or business lic requirements.

    What would be the cost to obtain all licenses and any other required documents to perform Home Inspections in a 40 mile radius of your home location in CA.?

    And just thinking; if you were to perform a HI with out having the required Lic. could the client sue you for reimbursement of the fee paid to you since you were not legally doing business in that city and possibly making your report invalid??? Possible fraud??

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Southern Vancouver Island

    Default Re: Business licensing

    I could be wrong, but the general idea here is that you buy a biz license for the municipality or town where you keep your office. There's no rule that says you need to buy a business license for every territory you happen to find work in. The license stays on the wall in the office.

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455

  12. #12
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    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by John Kogel View Post
    I could be wrong, but the general idea here is that you buy a biz license for the municipality or town where you keep your office. There's no rule that says you need to buy a business license for every territory you happen to find work in. The license stays on the wall in the office.
    You forget Ian Page is in Calf. which is not like the rest of the known world.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    I've been burned on this one by some smaller cites after performing work for them. It goes something this.... they call up and order an inspection and ask to be invoiced (I know, I know... this should have been my first clue). I send the invoice and then receive a friendly call from someone at the city stating that they couldn't pay a business who didn't have a license to operate in their city.... great, there goes half my fee.

    But, on the bright side, I'm properly licensed to perform inspections in BFE, Oregon for the remainder of the year.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    So, you know in advance that a lic. is requires for a city and you do not have one but go ahead and work there anyhow.
    Then you feel "burned" when someone caught you?
    How often do you perform an inspection in an city that requires a Business Lic. that you do not have and get by with the Lic.?
    Do all Municipalities in Oregon require a Business Lic.?
    Do you fee that you were tricked into a free or reduced fee inspection?

    The need for a business lic. seems to be a small town thing. Yes a revenue generator.
    A year or two ago in a small incorporated town in Virginia there was a big fuss over a kids lemon aid stand. Yes the town closed them down with a threat of a fine. The complaint came from someone that felt that " if I have to pay the fee for my little part time business then everyone should". The point was made and there are no more lemon aide stands anymore. Same town requires a permit for every thing that you could imagine, even if you replace your toilet.

  15. #15
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    Columbus GA

    Default Re: Business licensing

    In AlaDamBama you have to get a bus lic for every city (and even the county) you do work in. IMO just a ripoff.

    My Uncle was doing work when someone came up to him and asked for his bus lic. This little town was completely surrounded by a larger city, but had their own local govt. The lic cost 300-400, plus penalties.
    The smallest towns have the highest lic fees.

    Georgia stopped that about 15-20 years ago. Now one lic will cover the entire state.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  16. #16
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Don't need a business license if you are not charging a fee and doing it for free. Yes it is a rip off. Yes Garry If I did live in such a state I would not just accept it. Like I said. A restaurant services multiple cities. They pay for a business license in the city the restaurant is in. A manufacturing company may serve the entire country and they only pay for the license their business is in. It is a rip off.

    We have gained on employment and then there are those that lost their jobs. Up and down, up and down. what it comes down to is a job loss while the gov (cities, states, fed) have gained over a half million jobs. No, not the Census bureau, permanent jobs.

    The amount of money collected for these business fees is petty as well as the logic behind collecting these fees. In the mean time you have these petty towns and cities charging folks for a business license that ... already have a business license where they live. A freak show at best.

    The lemonade stands needing a license ... the city officials should be lined up and slapped or .........

    Sooner or later the line has to be drawn somewhere. Enough is enough.

    A little edit here.

    I love this term. "privilege license fee". That is what they call it as well. It should be considered a privilege to the state that someone is out there working instead of living off of the state or government, NOT " a privilege license fee to the man wanting to work.

    They also call it a privilege to have a drivers license. They should call it a right to get a license and a removal of that right if one messes up. I just love it. The state gives you the privelage to drive. You earned the right when you showed them you could by taking a written and drivers test.

    Last edited by Ted Menelly; 05-19-2011 at 06:07 AM.

  17. #17
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    So, you know in advance that a lic. is requires for a city and you do not have one but go ahead and work there anyhow.
    Then you feel "burned" when someone caught you?
    How often do you perform an inspection in an city that requires a Business Lic. that you do not have and get by with the Lic.?
    Do all Municipalities in Oregon require a Business Lic.?
    Do you fee that you were tricked into a free or reduced fee inspection?

    The need for a business lic. seems to be a small town thing. Yes a revenue generator.
    A year or two ago in a small incorporated town in Virginia there was a big fuss over a kids lemon aid stand. Yes the town closed them down with a threat of a fine. The complaint came from someone that felt that " if I have to pay the fee for my little part time business then everyone should". The point was made and there are no more lemon aide stands anymore. Same town requires a permit for every thing that you could imagine, even if you replace your toilet.

    Where did I say I "knew a business license was required?"

    fwiw.... I have +/- 50 small towns/cities within my service area. I don't think I can be expected to "know" what is required in any one.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    "We gather information in a variety of hamlets and townships, but the inspection report is what the client is after, and that is produced in my office, in Hicksburg."

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Columbus GA

    Default Re: Business licensing

    This business license discussion brings up an interesting thought.
    To be a home inspector, you need to be licensed as a home inspector (depending on state and local requirements).
    People hire you to inspect a house.
    If that house is in another city you may need to get a license from that city also.
    However it occurs to me that there may be an alternative.

    When you are called to inspect a house, you inspect the house at no charge.
    You charge for the report on a house that you have inspected.
    You are not doing a home inspection for the person that called you,
    they are purchasing a document from you. Much as selling books, your office can be Anywhere, USA.
    Now, since you are selling a document instead of a service you would need to charge sales tax where required.

    Anyhow, just a thought.
    What do you think?

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    No. San Diego Co., CA

    Default Re: Business licensing

    In response to your question as to how much licensing fees would cost in a 40 mile radius of my depends. Minimum approx. $2100 per year but that amount increases with the amount of business conducted based on gross reciepts. It doesn't matter where the gross is earned. 99.9% of business could be in neighboring municipalities but many still adopt a multiplier (x gross) plus their 'administrative fee'.

    I like your thought process, works for me. I'll seek a legal opinion.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    It is all about finding ways to generate revenue. Everyone seems to hail the existence of small business. Many say small business is what has built America and its prosperity. Then some of these same people will call to tax the small business out the wazoo. Only because they feel that they have a right to that business profits or product. How else can the Fed Gov, States, Counties and Cities provide the all of the socialistic giveaways that they campaign on.

    It seems like Calf. is tax the small business state. Where else are they going to find the money to support their giveaways and social engineering programs?

    The real underlying question, as I read it, from the original post is it proper to not to pay the Lic Fee if you only use that city for business on rare occasion. If limited use is a factor, then if I only cross a toll bridge once a year (at best) then maybe I should not have to pay the toll.

    Viewed in one manor. The Bus.Lic. fee will restrict non local business and promote the local businesses. Which is why I questioned the concept of "the cost of doing business". Many people will skirt the rules and law to make an extra dollar. If the value of the work generated in a city/town that has a Bus Lic does not support the returns in that area then you should not do business in that city/town.

    Businesses will leave one location for the better tax/cost of another city. Some business will not provide services to locations based on bottom line.

    You said..."fwiw.... I have +/- 50 small towns/cities within my service area. I don't think I can be expected to "know" what is required in any one."...

    I would expect you to know if a lic is required. It is your business. It is your election to be in a business. It then becomes your responsibility to know what is required to operate that business. Not saying that it may be a costly proposition (time) to stay on top of the +/- 50 City/towns that you cover, but that is part of the job. Very similar to knowing all of the responsibilities of having an employee.

    I would think that a court would draw the connective line from report to inspection. Unless you were performing unsolicited free inspections and then offering the reports for a price. The key would be having no immediate cause ( a buyer ) for the inspection. You would have to have a catalog of inspections that you offer for sale. Biger expence than the paying of the stinking lic. fee in the first place.
    But it is an interesting idea.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Business licensing

    I would say "technically" you are required to be licensed in each city.
    I would also say that I am NOT.
    I'm in Los Angeles but inspect all over SoCal. I do have a city license for LA but the fee is waived since my gross does not exceed the minimum limit.

    I have been popped for a license in Carson and had to buy one after the fact ($75) for doing one damn inspection. I won't inspect there now.

    You do need a license to pull permits in most cities. In another life, I was licensed in 38 different cities here in SoCal.

    True Professionals, Inc. Property Consultant

  23. #23
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    Cool Re: Business licensing

    The City of Bell, CA was pulling that crap and they are currently being investigated for such abuses. Code Enforcement Officers were abusing thier power of authority. As a former CEO I would never do such an abuse, in that case everytime a Sears delivers a Fridge they should apply for a local biz license. No most cities do not require that although they would like that, but I believe it is were your office is located.

  24. #24
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    Is it your practice to know which city/towns require a business before you go there for a HI?

    What makes you decide that it is worth it to obtain a required lic and work in that city/town?

    Do you refuse work in those city/town that require a lic that you do not have?

  25. #25

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    Is it your practice to know which city/towns require a business before you go there for a HI?

    What makes you decide that it is worth it to obtain a required lic and work in that city/town?

    Do you refuse work in those city/town that require a lic that you do not have?
    I don't put much attention on it. I have a Los Angeles City business license and that's all. I've only been busted one time in Carson. They got the Realtor too!
    He was pissed and gave the dude a load of crap about hurting small business blah, blah. The city guy could have cared less, he was getting his paycheck.
    It was obviously a revenue enhancement measure on Carson's part.

    As I mentioned, as a contractor, I was licensed in 38 cities here in SoCal only because I needed to pull permits. Then, I was doing enough business in all of them to warrant the expense.

    True Professionals, Inc. Property Consultant

  26. #26
    Ron Bibler's Avatar
    Ron Bibler Guest

    Default Re: Business licensing

    You need a City licensed for every town you inspect in.

    Welcome to Calif.



  27. #27
    Russel Ray's Avatar
    Russel Ray Guest

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by Ian Page View Post
    Purely as a revenue source (though to some extent also a public safeguard) most towns/cities - in CA anyway and I suspect most States - impose a Business License fee for all business conducted within their jurisdiction. Inspections know no such boundaries and I wonder if it is common or usual practice to have a Bus. Lic. for all jurisdictions an inspection may be performed in. I operate in an area surrounded by upwards of twenty individual towns or cities, all of which would require a business license to conduct business (inspection) therein. Should a license be taken for a city in the off-chance you might perform an inspection (conduct business) in that city? Should an inspection be refused if you do not hold a license to conduct biz. in that particular city? Or do you rush out and buy one - just to be in compliance - perhaps never to be called upon again? Neighboring cities do not typically have reciprocal arrangements so technically every town or city would require operators to have their (city's) own.

    Operating without a Business Lic. is often overlooked yet is generally an infraction with monetary penalty under most city codes or ordinances. Is it the concensus that holding one license, where the business is registered is sufficient?

    Thoughts Gentlemen, please.
    I get a license for every city that I worked in. Note the past tense. In other words, at the end of the year, usually during Thanksgiving or Christmas, I analyze all my work and then get business licenses for the jurisdictions in which I worked for the past 11-12 months. The cities don't really care WHEN you get the license, only that you DO.

    In my first year of business, 2001, I expected to work in every jurisdiction in San Diego County, and I came real close to doing it. However, I bought business licenses in advance. Contributed a lot of money to a few jurisdictions needlessly. Never did that again.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post

    You said..."fwiw.... I have +/- 50 small towns/cities within my service area. I don't think I can be expected to "know" what is required in any one."...

    I would expect you to know if a lic is required. It is your business. It is your election to be in a business. It then becomes your responsibility to know what is required to operate that business. Not saying that it may be a costly proposition (time) to stay on top of the +/- 50 City/towns that you cover, but that is part of the job. Very similar to knowing all of the responsibilities of having an employee.

    I'm not gonna.... how bout that?

    I think my clients would be better served if I spent my time learning about their houses rather than the licensing requirements of BFE, Oregon.... but thanks for the input.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    Are you saying that (potentially, anyway) you could have been performing work without a business license in one or more cities but some time later in the year you obtained one - for the following year. Bearing in mind you may not do any further work (during the ensuing year) in that jurisdiction? As far as I'm aware, bus. licenses are not back dated and typically run forward with an annual expiration on their anniversary date.

    Last edited by Ian Page; 05-28-2011 at 11:18 PM. Reason: schpellin

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Fellman View Post

    I'm not gonna.... how bout that?

    I think my clients would be better served if I spent my time learning about their houses rather than the licensing requirements of BFE, Oregon.... but thanks for the input.

    Not to beat the dead horse or is it house?
    Always trying to understand why people do what they do and how they do it.

    Do you as part of your business, when you accept a job in that location, check in each new town if they require a bus. lic. ?

    Then do you file for that bus lic prior to or in conjunction with that inspection?

  31. #31
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    Not to beat the dead horse or is it house?
    Always trying to understand why people do what they do and how they do it.

    Do you as part of your business, when you accept a job in that location, check in each new town if they require a bus. lic. ?

    Then do you file for that bus lic prior to or in conjunction with that inspection?
    Gary, if you break the speed limit on the way to the job, do you run to the cop shop and hand them a fistful of cash? If not, why not?

    John Kogel, RHI, BC HI Lic #47455

  32. #32
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by John Kogel View Post
    Gary, if you break the speed limit on the way to the job, do you run to the cop shop and hand them a fistful of cash? If not, why not?
    With your same reasoning, why would you have a driver's lic or insurance on the car?

  33. #33
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    Chicago, IL

    Default Re: Business licensing

    I don't know if it's universal in IL, but a in many Chicago suburbs state licensed businesses are specifically excluded from local business licensing requirements.

    For example here in Evanston:

    "All businesses that are not currently licensed under a State of Federal Law, are not home-based, and are operating for-profit within the City limits must have a license."

    Last edited by Michael Thomas; 05-30-2011 at 10:33 AM.
    Michael Thomas
    Paragon Property Services Inc., Chicago IL

  34. #34
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Absolute foolishness.

    License in 50 surrounding towns? Hogwash. This has only been stated 20 times but I will do it again.

    If Sears sells someone a washer 20 miles away across several towns do they have to go and get a license to do business in that town for the item that is being delivered that they are making a profit on.

    Does a restaurant have to get a business license in every town that all their following comes from that they are making money on. Is a moving company that is making a sizable profit on the furniture they are moving to a specific town have to get a business license inthat town.

    This is a joke of a conversation. If I lived in a state that required such foolishness wouyld I get a license in every city or town? No I would not. It is an easy mark for folks such as home inspectors to target. They do not sell their clients furniture that there is a 400% mark up on but they are doing business in the town just like the restaurants, moving companies etc etc that are all making profits from people in those towns.

    This is not like a contractor business where you have to pull permits so the city can come out and inspect.

    If I had to pay a license fee for all the cities I serve in the DFW Metroplex it would be a 200 cities and towns, no matter how small. Fort Worth alone has countless towns dotted thru it

    To say one must be responsible to know what is required in every city they serve is a joke as well. Fire a few usless positions in the towns collecting these fees and the fees won't be needed. The only reason they are needed because everyone in that city that works for the city is dependant upon it so the city can give them their golden jobs and golden benefits and their golden retirements.

    Is there anyone on this board that feels that we have to keep paying more every single year so city workers gov workers, county workers etc etc can have a reason to have a job.

    Do you folks understand thaT even in city constitutions all city workers will be paid their benefits and retirement until that individual dies ..... maybe even 40 years after retirement. Its that way in Fort Worth. Even if the city goes bankrupt and or half the population moves out or or or or. What a joke. What would the city do in a real recession or almost depression where half the populous is not working. Where would they get the money then to pay all those benefits and retirement.

    Lets get a grip folks. It is not our responsibility to know what every cities requirements are that you do business in.

    Do you all know if a sign is required to be put out in front of the inspection. Is it OK to park on the street in a subdivision instead of in the back alley way or the clients driveway ....... of course not. It is time to get a grip on life and stop accepting all the foolishness that is going on in this new world we live in.

    It would be the cities responsibility to enforce and collect fees for this foolishness. Not the other way around. Oh wait. I am giving them another reason to jigh more city employees and pay out more benefits and more retirement. The problem is not in not paying a business license fee. The problem is the city has too many giveaway programs and way too many employees that they cannot afford to pay.

    For those of you that are not paying or checking in every single city you do work in to see if there is a business license fee requirement ..... I am proud of you. It is not your responsibility.

  35. #35
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    Dec 2008

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Ted, it is good that you do not live in CA., you would be a threat to the civil system.

    Ignorance of a law, like it or not, is not an excuse.

    You stated......"To say one must be responsible to know what is required in every city they serve is a joke as well."........and........"This is not like a contractor business where you have to pull permits so the city can come out and inspect.".....

    Not all permits require an inspection. Not all things requires a permit. But it is required that if a permit is required you are responsible to be aware of the requirement. Being stupid or lazy is not a valid argument for not knowing. Knowing that a license or permit is required and not getting one is a choice of risk and reward.

    It is crazy to be required to have a bus lic in each and every city/town that you work in.

    It is a liberal view that all businesses make indecent amounts of money so they should be taxed at every turn. Also, if the business passes the cost along, then if you can afford to use that business then you can afford the extra costs. Not to mention that in a liberal govermrnt philosophy which promises more and more to obtain a vote they have to squeeze every sector that they can to pay for those promises.

    Most states that have Licenses for trades do not have requirements for Bus. Lic. Some have a state Bus. Lic. or reciprocity from one jurisdiction to another. But I would think if you made a list of those states that have Bus. Lic. required for each city/town I would think you would find that it is a liberal mentality/philosophy.

    All of the business in CA should rise up and refuse to obtain a bus lic in each city or any city for that mater. Take a page from the influx of illegal aliens working there.

  36. #36
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    I was a former CODE Enforcement Officer and as Ted just posted and I also posted. No, one does not need a license for every city they inspect a home in. And I am in CALIFORNIA.

  37. #37
    Ted Menelly's Avatar
    Ted Menelly Guest

    Default Re: Business licensing

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry Sorrells View Post
    Ted, it is good that you do not live in CA., you would be a threat to the civil system.

    Ignorance of a law, like it or not, is not an excuse.

    You stated......"To say one must be responsible to know what is required in every city they serve is a joke as well."........and........"This is not like a contractor business where you have to pull permits so the city can come out and inspect.".....

    Not all permits require an inspection. Not all things requires a permit. But it is required that if a permit is required you are responsible to be aware of the requirement. Being stupid or lazy is not a valid argument for not knowing. Knowing that a license or permit is required and not getting one is a choice of risk and reward.

    It is crazy to be required to have a bus lic in each and every city/town that you work in.

    It is a liberal view that all businesses make indecent amounts of money so they should be taxed at every turn. Also, if the business passes the cost along, then if you can afford to use that business then you can afford the extra costs. Not to mention that in a liberal government philosophy which promises more and more to obtain a vote they have to squeeze every sector that they can to pay for those promises.

    Most states that have Licenses for trades do not have requirements for Bus. Lic. Some have a state Bus. Lic. or reciprocity from one jurisdiction to another. But I would think if you made a list of those states that have Bus. Lic. required for each city/town I would think you would find that it is a liberal mentality/philosophy.

    All of the business in CA should rise up and refuse to obtain a bus lic in each city or any city for that mater. Take a page from the influx of illegal aliens working there.

    I know you wish to defend what one must do but you are not getting the point. Whether one must do something or not does not make it right.

    As far as the illegals working in this country it is a bigger joke.

    They come to this country illegally. They work either under a false Social or the boss pays them crap and he claims all the money is his and pays taxes on it still making a small fortune.

    Stupid and lazy has nothing to do with right or wrong. If a city is going to charge a fee (tax) to any business that serves their city then they need to send a bill to everyone that owns a business within 50 miles of the city as all businesses serve the cities population whether it be a restaurant, Home Stores, Window sales company, taxi service and I am sure you do not need me to go on.

    If a city charges a fee for a particular business to operate in their city even if it is once a year but not charge a fee to every single business that makes a profit from its populous then it is discrimination, strong arming, theft, racketeering, and I am sure you need not for me to go on.

    If I did live in somewhere that every city had different rules and fees for everything then it would be that cities responsibility to let all businesses know that they cannot come into their city and perform ANY type of work (even drop off a couch that there is a 400% mark up on) or make a profit off of any of their citizens with out paying for the protection of the city that will keep them safe and sound while performing that task. Gee, sounds like a mob action to me or racketeering.

    As far as not all permitted work needs a permit ... another racketeering stance on the cabinets going in that cost 15,000 but the city need not inspect them. They just need to know so they can up your taxes on improvements to the home at 15% a year or what ever the cities tax rate is.

    Now if they really want to make a difference then they need to crack down on all business for hiring illegals. Oh wait. That will drive the cost of everything up. Just like taxing everyone and charging fees for everything. Bull. They would not have to charge all these ridiculous fees and taxes if there were not millions of folks sucking us dry. Oh, they aren't. Bull again. All those illegals they caught? Are going to be let go on a promise to appear in court some day. That's right, out on our streets because of the foolish state and gov laws. But we have to pay a fee for every city we work in.Yeah, right

    It is endless Gary and you know it. Its not stupid. Its not lazy. If the surrounding cities have a fee it is just driving up your cost of doing business which everyone else pays for. And when that cost goes up again you must charge more and so on and so on and so on. California is a criminal state and is one of the worst offenders in the fact of why everything keeps going up.

    Here is one for you. How about every business that pulls or sponsors and IT guy or engineer from say, India, should pay a huge fee for doing so. Engineers and IT guys are graduating in droves every year. You cannot tell me we need IT or engineers from India because we do not have enough. I inspect for them every week. Something wrong with that picture. Or, how about the person being sponsored pays say 20% of his salary/wages for the privilege of working here in the US which he/she would not make near that in their country. India or any country. Not just picking on the Indians.

    This conversation could go on forever and I am getting board and have to be off to an inspection.

    To wrap it up Gary. Enough is enough. The mentality that it is what is required and it is what we must accept is what is going wrong in this country.

    Whats that figure plus plus plus. Get rid of a third of every city, county, state and or gov employee and get the city, state or gov workers constitutional rights change. Here where I live it is a city works city constitutional right to be paid for forever after retirement, including all benefits ...... no matter whether the city has the money now or in the future or even if the city goes bankrupt or the country falls into a depression. Wow. I should have become a city worker 7 years ago when I got here. Cradle to grave my man. Cradle to grave. Time for very serious change.

    The fed gained a half million employees in the past couple years (permanent) not the temp census jobs and we cannot afford to pay the ones already there. The fed gained a doubling in Cadillac limos in the past couple years. Home prices fell nationally for 51 or 52 months straight. Unemployment is still huge. The pres takes more vacations the deeper we go in debt. The congress or Senates pay has not decreased or their benefits decreased and we are 14.............................. in debt and growing.

    You had to get me started Gary .... Thanks.

    Last edited by Ted Menelly; 06-03-2011 at 06:55 AM.

  38. #38
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    "You had to get me started Gary .... Thanks."

    Yeah, You just had to get him started, didn't you?

    Just kidding with you...both.

    ' correct a wise man and you gain a friend... correct a fool and he'll bloody your nose'.

  39. #39
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    No. San Diego Co., CA

    Default Re: Business licensing


    Sorry to say but you are mistaken. In CA, if the local town, city, municipality, authority or whatever has a local ordinance which states something to the effect of , "Every operator conducting busines within this jurisdiction, of whatever nature, is required to have a business permit/license issued by that local authority." then a license is required. A business license issued by the City of L.A. would have little or no authority over work being performed in, say Beverly Hills, and vice versa. I did, as a matter of course seek a legal opinion on the overly broad requirements required local licensing. The (best) advice I received was - if you operate without the necessary permit/license and are caught...have your day in court...but you will likely lose.

  40. #40
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    Took a quick look at a few cities and most state that a lic is "Required if business located within incorporated city limits".

    Do they extend that to mean to provide a service in that city even if you have a physical office location that is not in that city?

  41. #41
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    In a word..Yes. In most jurisdictions - in an around my area anyway - it makes no difference as to where your office or registered location of the business is. If you perform work/conduct business in another municipality then a seperate license(s) is/are usually required. Most local ordinances even go as far as to stipulate that it does not matter if the worker has a registered business elsewhere, 'their' license is required also. Each local government still want its pound of flesh. Some require a 'flat fee' while others, which really p's me off, use a fee schedule based on annualized gross, even if none of the gross was earned within their jurisdiction. Somehow that just ain't quite right...

  42. #42
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    Does that go for delivery services? Like UPS.

  43. #43
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    Well, the way the ordinance reads in at least one of my local service areas (the largest) it would certainly seem to. I will try and copy/paste it. Basically it states that if you conduct any business for which you expect to get paid for etc... So perhaps not for making a delivery having been paid by the sender elsewhere (except for C.O.D.) - but for pick-up with payment being made, I would appear so. Even if you solicit for business in that jurisdiction but don't actually complete any transaction -and have the business somewhere else, they still require a license. Of course each local government's ordinance has it's own wording and so you have to parse through all the fine print to see what is applicable each and every application/renewal.

  44. #44
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    Default Re: Business licensing

    Glad I do no have to deal with it.
    Just another reason for not moving to Calf.


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