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Thread: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
09-17-2011, 03:42 PM #1
Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
There has to be something in here for everyone of us!
These are all California State Agencies:
California Academic Performance Index (API) * California Access for Infants and Mothers * California Acupuncture Board * California Administrative Office of the Courts * California Adoptions Branch * California African American Museum * California Agricultural Export Program * California Agricultural Labor Relations Board * California Agricultural Statistics Service * California Air Resources Board (CARB) * California Allocation Board * California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority * California Animal Health and Food Safety Services * California Anti-Terrorism Information Center * California Apprenticeship Council * California Arbitration Certification Program * California Architects Board * California Area VI Developmental Disabilities Board * California Arts Council * California Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus * California Assembly Democratic Caucus * California Assembly Republican Caucus * California Athletic Commission * California Attorney General * California Bay Conservation and Development Commission * California Bay-Delta Authority * California Bay-Delta Office * California Biodiversity Council * California Board for Geologists and Geophysicists * California Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors * California Board of Accountancy * California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology * California Board of Behavioral Sciences * California Board of Chiropractic Examiners * California Board of Equalization (BOE) * California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection * California Board of Guide Dogs for the Blind * California Board of Occupational Therapy * California Board of Optometry * California Board of Pharmacy * California Board of Pediatric Medicine * California Board of Prison Terms * California Board of Psychology * California Board of Registered Nursing * California Board of Trustees * California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians * California Braille and Talking Book Library * California Building Standards Commission * California Bureau for Private Post secondary and Vocational Education * California Bureau of Automotive Repair * California Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair * California Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation * California Bureau of Naturopathic Medicine * California Bureau of Security and Investigative Services * California Bureau of State Audits * California Business Agency * California Business Investment Services (CalBIS) * California Business Permit Information (CalGOLD) * California Business Portal * California Business, Transportation and Housing Agency * California Cal Grants * California CalJOBS * California Cal-Learn Program * California CalVet Home Loan Program * California Career Resource Network * California Cemetery and Funeral Bureau * California Center for Analytical Chemistry * California Center for Distributed Learning * California Center for Teaching Careers (Teach California) * California Chancellors Office * California Charter Schools * California Children and Families Commission * California Children and Family Services Division * California Citizens Compensation Commission * California Civil Rights Bureau * California Coastal Commission * California Coastal Conservancy * California Code of Regulations * California Collaborative Projects with UC Davis * California Commission for Jobs and Economic Growth * California Commission on Aging * California Commission on Health and Safety and Workers Compensation * California Commission on Judicial Performance * California Commission on State Mandates * California Commission on Status of Women * California Commission on Teacher Credentialing * California Commission on the Status of Women * California Committee on Dental Auxiliaries * California Community Colleges Chancellors Office, Junior Colleges * California Community Colleges Chancellors Office * California Complaint Mediation Program * California Conservation Corps * California Constitution Revision Commission * California Consumer Hotline * California Consumer Information Center * California Consumer Information * California Consumer Services Division * California Consumers and Families Agency * California Contractors State License Board * California Corrections Standards Authority * California Council for the Humanities * California Council on Criminal Justice * California Council on Developmental Disabilities * California Court Reporters Board * California Courts of Appeal * California Crime and Violence Prevention Center * California Criminal Justice Statistics Center * California Criminalist Institute Forensic Library * California CSGnet Network Management * California Cultural and Historical Endowment * California Cultural Resources Division * California Curriculum and Instructional Leadership Branch * California Data Exchange Center * California Data Management Division * California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission * California Delta Protection Commission * California Democratic Caucus * California Demographic Research Unit * California Dental Auxiliaries * California Department of Aging * California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs * California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board * California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control * California Department of Boating and Waterways (Cal Boating) * California Department of Child Support Services (CDCSS) * California Department of Community Services and Development * California Department of Conservation * California Department of Consumer Affairs * California Department of Corporations * California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation * California Department of Developmental Services * California Department of Education * California Department of Fair Employment and Housing * California Department of Finance * California Department of Financial Institutions * California Department of Fish and Game * California Department of Food and Agriculture * California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) * California Department of General Services * California Department of General Services, Office of State Publishing * California Department of Health Care Services * California Department of Housing and Community Development * California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) * California Department of Insurance * California Department of Justice Firearms Division * California Department of Justice Opinion Unit * California Department of Justice, Consumer Information, Public Inquiry Unit * California Department of Justice * California Department of Managed Health Care * California Department of Mental Health * California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) * California Department of Personnel Administration * California Department of Pesticide Regulation * California Department of Public Health * California Department of Real Estate * California Department of Rehabilitation * California Department of Social Services Adoptions Branch * California Department of Social Services * California Department of Technology Services Training Center (DTSTC) * California Department of Technology Services (DTS) * California Department of Toxic Substances Control * California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) * California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVets) * California Department of Water Resources * California Departmento de Vehiculos Motorizados * California Digital Library * California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Certification Program * California Division of Apprenticeship Standards * California Division of Codes and Standards * California Division of Communicable Disease Control * California Division of Engineering * California Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control * California Division of Gambling Control * California Division of Housing Policy Development * California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement * California Division of Labor Statistics and Research * California Division of Land and Right of Way * California Division of Land Resource Protection * California Division of Law Enforcement General Library * California Division of Measurement Standards * California Division of Mines and Geology * California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) * California Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources * California Division of Planning and Local Assistance * California Division of Recycling * California Division of Safety of Dams * California Division of the State Architect * California Division of Tourism * California Division of Workers Compensation Medical Unit * California Division of Workers Compensation * California Economic Assistance, Business and Community Resources * California Economic Strategy Panel * California Education and Training Agency * California Education Audit Appeals Panel * California Educational Facilities Authority * California Elections Division * California Electricity Oversight Board * California Emergency Management Agency * California Emergency Medical Services Authority * California Employment Development Department (EDD) * California Employment Information State Jobs * California Employment Training Panel * California Energy Commission * California Environment and Natural Resources Agency * California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA) * California Environmental Resources Evaluation System (CERES) * California Executive Office * California Export Laboratory Services * California Exposition and State Fair (Cal Expo) * California Fair Political Practices Commission * California Fairs and Expositions Division * California Film Commission * California Fire and Resource Assessment Program * California Firearms Division * California Fiscal Services * California Fish and Game Commission * California Fisheries Program Branch * California Floodplain Management * California Foster Youth Help * California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) * California Fraud Division * California Gambling Control Commission * California Geographic Information Systems Council (GIS) * California Geological Survey * California Government Claims and Victim Compensation Board * California Governors Committee for Employment of Disabled Persons * California Governors Mentoring Partnership * California Governors Office of Emergency Services * California Governors Office of Homeland Security * California Governors Office of Planning and Research * California Governors Office * California Grant and Enterprise Zone Programs HCD Loan * California Health and Human Services Agency * California Health and Safety Agency * California Healthy Families Program * California Hearing Aid Dispensers Bureau * California High-Speed Rail Authority * California Highway Patrol (CHP) * California History and Culture Agency * California Horse Racing Board * California Housing Finance Agency * California Indoor Air Quality Program * California Industrial Development Financing Advisory Commission * California Industrial Welfare Commission * California InFoPeople * California Information Center for the Environment * California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (I-Bank) * California Inspection Services * California Institute for County Government * California Institute for Education Reform * California Integrated Waste Management Board * California Interagency Ecological Program * California Job Service * California Junta Estatal de Personal * California Labor and Employment Agency * California Labor and Workforce Development Agency * California Labor Market Information Division * California Land Use Planning Information Network (LUPIN) * California Lands Commission * California Landscape Architects Technical Committee * California Latino Legislative Caucus * California Law Enforcement Branch * California Law Enforcement General Library * California Law Revision Commission * California Legislative Analyst's Office * California Legislative Black Caucus * California Legislative Counsel * California Legislative Division * California Legislative Information * California Legislative Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Caucus * California Legislature Internet Caucus * California Library De velopment Services * California License and Revenue Branch * California Major Risk Medical Insurance Program * California Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board * California Maritime Academy * California Marketing Services * California Measurement Standards * California Medical Assistance Commission * California Medical Care Services * California Military Department * California Mining and Geology Board * California Museum for History, Women, and the Arts * California Museum Resource Center * California National Guard * California Native American Heritage Commission * California Natural Community Conservation Planning Program * California New Motor Vehicle Board * California Nursing Home Administrator Program * California Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board * California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board * California Ocean Resources Management Program * California Office of Administrative Hearings * California Office of Administrative Law * California Office of AIDS * California Office of Binational Border Health * California Office of Child Abuse Prevention * California Office of Deaf Access * California Office of Emergency Services (OES) * California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment * California Office of Fiscal Services * California Office of Fleet Administration * California Office of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Implementation (CalOHI) * California Office of Historic Preservation * California Office of Homeland Security * California Office of Human Resources * California Office of Legal Services * California Office of Legislation * California Office of Lieutenant Governor * California Office of Military and Aerospace Support * California Office of Mine Reclamation * California Office of Natural Resource Education * California Office of Privacy Protection * California Office of Public School Construction * California Office of Real Estate Appraisers * California Office of Risk and Insurance Management * California Office of Services to the Blind * California Office of Spill Prevention and Response * California Office of State Publishing (OSP) * California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development * California Office of Systems Integration * California Office of the Inspector General * California Office of the Ombudsman * California Office of the Patient Advocate * California Office of the President * California Office of the Secretary for Education * California Office of the State Fire Marshal * California Office of the State Public Defender * California Office of Traffic Safety * California Office of Vital Records * California Online Directory * California Operations Control Office * California Opinion Unit * California Outreach and Technical Assistance Network (OTAN) * California Park and Recreation Commission * California Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) * California Performance Review (CPR) * California Permit Information for Business (CalGOLD) * California Physical Therapy Board * California Physician Assistant Committee * California Plant Health and Pest Prevention Services * California Policy and Evaluation Division * California Political Reform Division * California Pollution Control Financing Authority * California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo * California Postsecondary Education Commission * California Prevention Services * California Primary Care and Family Health * California Prison Industry Authority * California Procurement Division * California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) * California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) * California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) * California Real Estate Services Division * California Refugee Programs Branch * California Regional Water Quality Control Boards * California Registered Veterinary Technician Committee * California Registrar of Charitable Trusts * California Republican Caucus * California Research and Development Division * California Research Bureau * California Resources Agency * California Respiratory Care Board * California Rivers Assessment * California Rural Health Policy Council * California Safe Schools * California San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission * California San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy * California San Joaquin River Conservancy * California School to Career * California Science Center * California Scripps Institution of Oceanography * California Secretary of State Business Portal * California Secretary of State * California Seismic Safety Commission * California Self Insurance Plans (SIP) * California Senate Office of Research * California Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Certification Program * California Small Business Development Center Program * California Smart Growth Caucus * California Smog Check Information Center * California Spatial Information Library * California Special Education Division * California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board * California Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) * California Standards and Assessment Division * California State Administrative Manual (SAM) * California State Allocation Board * California State and Consumer Services Agency * California State Architect * California State Archives * California State Assembly * California State Association of Counties (CSAC) * California State Board of Education * California State Board of Food and Agriculture *California Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) * California State Children's Trust Fund * California State Compensation Insurance Fund * California State Contracts Register Program * California State Contracts Register * California State Controller * California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) * California State Disability Insurance (SDI) * California State Fair (Cal Expo) * California State Jobs Employment Information * California State Lands Commission * California State Legislative Portal * California State Legislature * California State Library Catalog * California State Library Services Bureau * California State Library * California State Lottery * California State Mediation and Conciliation Service * California State Mining and Geology Board * California State Park and Recreation Commission * California State Parks * California State Personnel Board * California State Polytechnic University, Pomona * California State Railroad Museum * California State Science Fair * California State Senate * California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) * California State Summer School for the Arts * California State Superintendent of Public Instruction * California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) * California State Treasurer * California State University Center for Distributed Learning * California State University, Bakersfield * California State University, Channel Islands * California State University, Chico * California State University, Dominguez Hills * California State University, East Bay * California State University, Fresno * California State University, Fullerton * California State University, Long Beach * California State University, Los Angeles * California State University, Monterey Bay * California State University, Northridge * California State University, Sacramento * California State University, San Bernardino * California State University, San Marcos * California State University, Stanislaus * California State University (CSU) * California State Water Project Analysis Office * California State Water Project * California State Water Resources Control Board * California Structural Pest Control Board * California Student Aid Commission * California Superintendent of Public Instruction * California Superior Courts * California Tahoe Conservancy * California Task Force on Culturally and Linguistically Competent Physicians and Dentists * California Tax Information Center * California Technology and Administration Branch Finance * California Telecommunications Division * California Telephone Medical Advice Services (TAMS) * California Transportation Commission * California Travel and Transportation Agency * California Unclaimed Property Program * California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board * California Unemployment Insurance Program * California Uniform Construction Cost Accounting Commission * California Veterans Board * California Veterans Memorial * California Veterinary Medical Board and Registered Veterinary Technician Examining Committee * California Veterinary Medical Board * California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board * California Volunteers * California Voter Registration * California Water Commission * California Water Environment Association (COWPEA) * California Water Resources Control Board * California Welfare to Work Division * California Wetlands Information System * California Wildlife and Habitat Data Analysis Branch * California Wildlife Conservation Board * California Wildlife Programs Branch * California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) * California Workers Compensation Appeals Board * California Workforce and Labor Development Agency * California Workforce Investment Board * California Youth Authority (CYA) * Central Valley Flood Protection Board * Center for California Studies * Colorado River Board of California * Counting California * Dental Board of California * Health Insurance Plan of California (PacAdvantage) * Humboldt State University * Jobs with the State of California * Judicial Council of California * Learn California * Library of California * Lieutenant Governors Commission for One California * Little Hoover Commission (on California State Government Organization and Economy) * Medical Board of California * Medi-Cal * Osteopathic Medical Board of California * Physical Therapy Board of California * Regents of the University of California * San Diego State University * San Francisco State University * San Jose State University * Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy * State Bar of California * Supreme Court of California * Teach California * University of California * University of California, Berkeley * University of California, Davis * University of California, Hastings College of the Law * University of California, Irvine * University of California, Los Angeles * University of California, Merced * University of California, Riverside * University of California, San Diego * University of California, San Francisco * University of California, Santa Barbara * University of California, Santa Cruz * Veterans Home of California
It is said that the only places they can cut is Police and Fire...
It doesn't matter whether you are a Democrat, a Republican or Independent. This list has to shock you. Over the years, our politicians have created this enormous pork barrel of agencies that employ over 350,000 people directly and countless more via contracts with the State. All of these people get salaries, medical coverage and pensions at our expense. Take a good, close look. Unbelievable? No. Believe it!
Similar Threads:
09-17-2011, 04:03 PM #2
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
And that was deleting the book I just wrote on the matter.
09-17-2011, 09:48 PM #3
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
Now I understand why Im seeing more CA plates in my neck of the woods.......and this is after tourist season.
09-17-2011, 10:34 PM #4
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
Wow.... that's a lot. I don't know how anyone can keep track of all of that. There should be a commission of agencies appointed to regulate and manage all of the agencies and commissions. Of course, that will need to be split into numerous sub-agencies and commissions each with their own directors and staff..... all at the tax payers expense, of course. And all with a retirement plan and a health plan for their faimlies and everyone living on their street
Take all that and add 20% for a congressmen's pocket.... another 20% for a senator and you've pretty much nailed our current system. I just can't imagine what could go wrong
09-18-2011, 02:15 AM #5
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
I'm not a Californian any longer ... but this list is a "crock" ... inflated (or not carefully vetted) solely to make a political point. A careful reading would show that it includes various organizational sub-branches/offices within major state agencies (you'd rather they weren't organized or efficient, meeting in one big gaggle in a field someplace?), lists individually each campus of the University system (<sarcasm> great idea, lets cut the crap out of the schools ... obviously lots of waste (& leftist radicals) there </sarcasm>), lists the various legislative caucuses (which are just adhoc groups of legislators ... not budgeted agencies), and lists a long laundry list of agencies/offices that contribute a lot to the public good ... or perhaps you'd rather do without:
California Highway Patrol (ironic given your comments re: cuts to police/fire)
State Supreme Court
Department of Motor Vehicles (hate the lines, would hate more unregulated/unlicensed drivers)
The agencies that ensure water is actually there & potable when you open the tap ...
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CDF) ... (which neighborhood burns next? ... too many neighborhoods in the state anyway)
California Division of Communicable Disease Control (no problem, we'll just task those agricultural checkpoints to check for: "Good day ma'am, any fruits, vegetables, strange/itchy spots, sores, or illnesses?")
California Division of Engineering (obviously superfluous in an earthquake prone state)
California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) ... knock yourself out ...
... the list goes on & on & on ...
30 to 40 years ago California was truly "the Golden State" ... with infrastructure, opportunity, & educational institutions 2nd to none ... the envy of the nation (though most thought those left-coasters were "weird, strange, or crazy" ... obviously subjected to too much sun) ... and I'll bet a similar (if slightly smaller) list could have been compiled then in an attempt to make the same point.
The list proves nothing ... other than to emphasize that the political winds in some quarters blow strongly to knee-jerk "blame government" for all ills (real or imagined) ... and to "cut, cut, cut", without thought, or balance ... until ("oops") we cut our own damn throats.
You may well have waste in California (along with your dysfunctional legislature and tax systems) ... but the size of this list by itself doesn't make that point.
Off my soapbox ... doesn't matter ... whole state's going to fall into the ocean anyway.
Bill Davis
former Californian (just passing through, for about 21 years)
09-18-2011, 05:51 AM #6
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
That was a true left wing response. Matt hit the nail on the head with the meaning behind the post.
09-18-2011, 08:00 AM #7
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
I see another post like Bills (and I am still wondering where, exactly, he was coming from or what direction the sarcasm was headed) I will post the book I deleted twice already because I can be way too long winded.
The amount of government programs, whether it be town, city, county or fed government is an absolute joke on society.
We can, and have in the past, live quite nicely with teachers making 30,000 instead of 65 apiece like my niece and nephew in California. We can live without the multitude of traffic cops around where I live that have been hired over the past decade. They literally have to write countless tickets just to justify their existence.
Cops and teachers did not make much more to start when I was young than a carpenter. Today my niece and nephew are making a combined 139,000 a year and the carpenters average pay ... still 15 an hour ... and no benefits. Because the teachers and cops work so hard and are the back bone of our country and they should be paid for for the rest of their life. Let me tell you. Every single inspection that I do I am in mortal danger of those shingles sliding out from under my feet or putting my hand on a live wire in an attic or crawl than 99% of all cops today. Teachers do now what they did decades ago teach. They work hard, the cop works, well, maybe hard sometimes, I work hard, you work hard, yep, wee all work hard and we are all the back bone of the country.
Enough said. It is turning into the book I deleted, twice. This is a very difficult thread to avoid posting heavily.
Fantasy land is all I have to say for now. It is time to come out of fantasy land and into the real world.
09-18-2011, 10:59 AM #8
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
... and that is a typical right wing response to anything that isn't "lock step" with their own view or perspective. For decades was a "moderate Republican", still am, though the species went extinct. Hate the extremes on either side, though that seems to be what dominates today's discourse ... and the country is worse off because of it.
Matt hit the nail on the head with the meaning behind the post.
Bill Davis
Last edited by Bill Davis; 09-18-2011 at 12:24 PM.
09-18-2011, 11:57 AM #9
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
... wouldn't entirely disagree.
We can, and have in the past, live quite nicely with teachers making 30,000 instead of 65 apiece like my niece and nephew in California.We can live without the multitude of traffic cops around where I live that have been hired over the past decade. They literally have to write countless tickets just to justify their existence.
Cops and teachers did not make much more to start when I was young than a carpenter. Today my niece and nephew are making a combined 139,000 a year and the carpenters average pay ... still 15 an hour ... and no benefits.
Bill Davis
... personally I like indoor plumbing
Last edited by Bill Davis; 09-18-2011 at 12:20 PM.
09-18-2011, 12:36 PM #10
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
Local smokel. It is still a government employee. and when is the last time you voted on, for or against, a teachers salary. I would say never, They are all unionized and vote themselves a raise and if they don't get it they leak all over the sidewalk.
North Richland Hills , a town next to mine , is a little city and they have a bus that is a command center and a full swat team and all their equipment. They have to keep buying things to use their budget or they lose it so the next years budget is bigger and then bigger and then bigger and they have to keep hiring and spending or they lose it.
What does what a teacher or a cop back then and now make have to do with the balance of income from the carpenter and the teachers and cops. So what what you made back then. Teachers and cops make three times the amount. For one reason is their unions and you want the carpenter to form a union and instead of getting twice as much as he should you want him to strike in a union until he gets three times like a teacher or a cop.
I personally don't believe almost any government employee is worth what they are making today. Each one making enough to support a family of 4 and then they want the tremendous benefit packages along with it. I thing cops or teachers should not cap off any higher than 50 grand at the expense of others and they should pay into some of or a good bit of their bennfit packages. Why?????? Because we can no longer afford it for one and 2 Because they are a cop or a teacher they should be worth .... what ... because they work hard. Pay them less and get less. Are you serious. They still have to go to the same college and get the same passing grades. If they don't apply it fire them .... next!
The cops don't like their salaries at a very reduced rate and benefit packages at a reduced rate and it affects their working as they should .... fire them .... NEXT
This might be a list of California agencies and bureaus and such but it was about government.
More over I believe it was a thread that was started to show how out of whack things are and if they are not stopped and I mean almost immediately no one will like the outcome.
When you are just about guaranteed a job and you get decent benefits (forget the local economics), California is just a sick excuse on how things should be and the ridiculous prices of homes. Enough folks move on maybe they will get the hint and straighten things out like they should have a long long long time ago.
I repeat, even in a state like California the price of an 1100 square foot home in the 100s of thousands of dollars is a joke on society because everyone kept getting more and more and more and more and the gov job incomes and benefits kept going up and up and up so the private sector jobs kept going up and up and it is to the point now that those elevated incomes are having a hard enough time living in the massively over bloated state that had make believe inflation for such a long time that folks are having a difficult time remembering whae things were ever sain. And being able to afford that long list that was posted is not going to happen much longer and will have to be cut in half at best.
The point is that these thught are not are not radical or insanity talking. If things do not get fixed very soon we will be a Greece or Soviet Union or ..... pick on. We will collapse.
Extremists on the right or left.
The only ones I see at the moment that are still a problem and all the rest are starting to come around to sanity (you notice I said starting) are the extreme dems like calling for a trillion more instead of a half a trillion more in spending. They throw trillions around like it is 50 bucks .......... and it is not their money. Obamas idea that he can pay for it is a joke. He should not be thinking of where he is going to get more money to spend more money. He should be thinking of what he can cut so the extra money they save they can pay off what we need to that we have now.
Brain dead at best
What was his speech to the joint session.
"This is not a campaign speech" But then he went out the next day campaigning "Pass this spending bill" Pass this spending bill" Pass this spending bill and he has not shut up since and the mederate Dems are even bailing on him
Enough said
09-18-2011, 01:16 PM #11
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
Wow Ted, hope someone harvested the energy of that explosion (better than solar ). Understand your passion ... agree with some of your comments, disagree with others ...
Enough said
find a shady spot (if there are any in Texas this year?) and have a beer.
Bill Davis
09-18-2011, 02:35 PM #12
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
09-18-2011, 03:13 PM #13
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
My blood pressure is absolutely perfect. I think you are confusing items needed to be commented on and dealt with with anger, rage and upset. Its called passion.
Being passionate is an Italians prerogative especially when he has some Cherokee Indian and Irish in him and he lived just South of Boston for 36 years. Yes. I used to Pahrk my car. My grandparents came from the old country on my fathers side. One from Sicily and one from Naples. On my mothers side her father came from Ireland and her mother was 100% Cherokee Indian. All extreme on the passion.
I do not pussy foot around with anything. I speak when there is something to say and listen when it is time to listen. I do get pissed at absolute ignorance from folks thinking everyone else is ignorant or they fake ignorance to play there hand. There is nothing short of upset there.
When our President talks to people like they are a bunch of ignorant fools like we just don't know what is going on and need to be told, that pisses me off. When he talks to us of a foolish spending plan and then says it is not a campaign speech when all it was calling the joint session in was a dog and pony show for his campaign. That pisses me off.
My blood pressure is in perfect condition. I speak with passion and conviction. It appears that no one is familiar with such things today. Maybe that is what is wrong with society. No passion. No conviction. I have noticed that on this board. Someone speaks with such passion and everyone else puts their guard up thinking someone is about to blow.
Not mad, not upset. Just a bit pissed and passionate about it.
Last edited by Ted Menelly; 09-18-2011 at 03:48 PM.
09-19-2011, 06:38 AM #14
Re: Where to cut spending......Hmmmm
Not written by a Tea Party "Wing Nut" nor a "Left wing Loonie"
written 1835 to 1840... unfortunately he nailed it.
Pogo says "We have met the enemy and he is us!"
“When the taste for physical gratifications among them has grown more rapidly than their education . . . the time will come when men are carried away and lose all self-restraint . . . . It is not necessary to do violence to such a people in order to strip them of the rights they enjoy; they themselves willingly loosen their hold. . . . they neglect their chief business which is to remain their own masters.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Volume 2
“Democracy extends the sphere of individual freedom socialism restricts it. Democracy attaches all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man a mere agent a mere number. Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville
“There are two things which a democratic people will always find very difficult
to begin a war and to end it.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville
Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville (July 29, 1805 – April 16, 1859) was a French political thinker and historian best known for his Democracy in America (appearing in two volumes: 1835 and 1840) and The Old Regime and the Revolution (1856). In both of these works, he explored the effects of the rising equality of social conditions on the individual and the state in western societies.
Charles @ PreVue Property Inspections, Santa Fe, NM
"How can someone with glasses so thick be so stupid?"